Thank you everyone for your help so far. 

I am still working on the problem to get a merged new dataframe which fills in 
new rows with NA values for each year that is missing for plotting with gaps ( 
in the example the item BARTLEY: years 1984 to 1987 should be filled with a row 
containing NA values). Could someone maybe help me with this? Thank you. 

    NAME                                 ID             YEAR    VALUE
    ADAMS                               885             1988          -2
    ADAMS                               885             1989            0
    BAHIA DEL DIABLO    2665    1999            4
    BAHIA DEL DIABLO    2665    2000            8
    BAHIA DEL DIABLO    2665    2001          19
    BAHIA DEL DIABLO    2665    2002          13
    BAHIA DEL DIABLO    2665    2003          13
    BARTLEY                             893             1983            0
    BARTLEY                             893             1988            2
    BARTLEY                             893             1989           -1
    CANADA                              877             1972           -1
    CLARK CPI                   894             1973           -3

Am 01.08.2014 um 11:27 schrieb PIKAL Petr <>:

> Hi
> Maybe others will disagree but I find for cycle for this type of task better 
> than sapply.
> for(i in 1:length(ind)) {
> if (there are more than 3 date items*) {
> postscript(ind[i])
> do all plotting
> }}
> If you want to plot with gaps you need to add all relevant YEARs for x axis 
> with missing value in y before plotting. Then R plots it automatically with 
> gap.
> x<-1:10
> y<-rnorm(10)
> y[5:6]<-NA
> plot(x,y, type="b")
> I would suggest to use merge for this task.
> table(dat$ID)
> gives you number of unique values for each ID and you can use it for 
> discarding this ID from the list.
> Regards
> Petr
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>>] On Behalf Of fd
>> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 4:37 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [R] Multiple plots and postscripts using split function
>> Hi,
>> I'm relatively new to R and I would like to do the following:
>> I have a .csv file with four columns (NAME, ID, YEAR, VALUE) and would
>> like to do several xy plots with the year on the x-axis and the data
>> values
>> (measurements) on the y-axis and after that export the different plots
>> to postcript.
>> My .csv file looks something like this (only an example):
>> NAME                          ID              YEAR    VALUE
>> ADAMS                         885             1988            -2
>> ADAMS                         885             1989            0
>> BAHIA DEL DIABLO              2665            1999            4
>> BAHIA DEL DIABLO              2665            2000            8
>> BAHIA DEL DIABLO              2665            2001            19
>> BAHIA DEL DIABLO              2665            2002            13
>> BAHIA DEL DIABLO              2665            2003            13
>> BARTLEY                               893             1983            0
>> BARTLEY                               893             1984            -1
>> BARTLEY                               893             1985            0
>> BARTLEY                               893             1988            2
>> BARTLEY                               893             1989            -1
>> CANADA                                877             1972            -1
>> I have split the different items into groups and I'd like the plots to
>> have the title of NAME but the filename of the postscript to be
>> exported should have the ID as filename.
>> My code so far:
>> #Set Working Directory:
>> setwd("/Users/Desktop/FV")
>> # Read CSV
>> dat <- read.csv("FV.csv", sep=";", header=TRUE) # Split Data ind <-
>> split(x = dat,f = dat[,'ID']) nam <- names(ind)
>> sapply(nam, function(x) {
>>      postscript(x)
>>      par(mar=c(6,8,6,5), cex=0.8)
>>      plot(ind[[x]][,c('YEAR','VALUE')],
>>      type='b',
>>      main = x,
>>      xlab="Time [Years]",
>>      ylab="Front variation")
>>      axis(1, at = seq(1800,2100,5), cex.axis=1, labels=FALSE, tcl=-
>> 0.3)
>>      axis(2, at = seq(-100000,100000,500), cex.axis=1, labels=FALSE,
>> tcl=-0.3)
>> })
>> This results in plots with the title and filename of the resulting
>> postscript being the same. Is there a way to get the plot title out of
>> the NAME column and the filename out of the ID?
>> Additionally I'd only like to plot graphs for items with more than 3
>> data values. Is this possible to incorporate in the split command?
>> Another point is that some items have gaps in the time series where no
>> measurements were taken (in my example: BARTLEY from 1983 to 1985 and
>> 1988 to 1989). I would like to plot using type= 'b' so that the points
>> are connected with lines, but when doing that, the values between 1985
>> and 1988 are automatically connected which I don't want. I'd like the
>> plot to start again at the value where the gap ends (in my example from
>> 1988 onwards). Is there a solution for this?
>> Any help is kindly appreciated! Thanks for your help.
>> Kind regards,
>> fd
>> --
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>> plots-and-postscripts-using-split-function-tp4694850.html
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