Dear Terry/All,

I was trying to use your explanation of the standard error estimate from 
survfit.coxph() to verify the standard error estimates for the method of 
log(log(S)), but couldn't get the estimates correct. Here is an example using 
the lung dataset:

> fit<-coxph(Surv(time,status)~wt.loss,lung)
> surv<-survfit(fit,newdata=lung[2:5,])$surv

> logstd<-survfit(fit,newdata=lung[2:5,])$std.err  
> logstd.time<-survfit(fit,newdata=lung[2:5,])$time

    ## std error of cumulative hazard at time=60

> logstd<-logstd[logstd.time==60,]
> logstd
[1] 0.01965858 0.01965858 0.01941871 0.01969248

    ## survival S at months 60

> surv<-surv[logstd.time==60,]  
> surv
        2         3         4         5 
0.9249238 0.9249238 0.9253038 0.9263392

Since survfit()$std.err was for cumulative hazard H=log(S), thus based on your 
explanation below, the standard error for log-log method is: (1/S^2)var(H)

> loglogstd<-sqrt(1/surv^2*(logstd^2))
> loglogstd

         2          3          4          5 
0.02125427 0.02125427 0.02098631 0.02125839

    ## the upper confidence interval should be
> exp(-exp(log(-log(surv))-qnorm(0.975)*loglogstd))
 3         4         5 
0.9278737 0.9278737 0.9282031 0.9292363

But this is different from the output using summary.survfit:

> summary(survfit(fit,newdata=lung[2:5,],conf.type='log-log'),times=60)$upper[1,]
        2         3         4         5 
0.9534814 0.9534814 0.9535646 0.9548478

Can you please suggest what I did wrong in the calculation?

Thanks very much!


 From: "Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D." <>

Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 6:04 AM
Subject: Re:  standard error of survfit.coxph()

1. The computations "behind the scenes" produce the variance of the cumulative 
This is true for both an ordinary Kaplan-Meier and a Cox model.  
Transformations to other 
scales are done using simple Taylor series.

   H = cumulative hazard = log(S);  S=survival
   var(H) = var(log(S))  = the starting point
   S = exp(log(S)), so  var(S) is approx [deriv of exp(x)]^2 * var(log(S)) = 
S^2 var(H)
   var(log(log(S)) is approx (1/S^2) var(H)

2. At the time it was written, summary.survfit was used only for printing out 
the survival 
curve at selected times, and the audience for the printout wanted std(S).   
True, that was 
20 years ago, but I don't recall anyone ever asking for summary to do anything 
else.  Your 
request is not a bad idea.
   Note however that the primary impact of using log(S) or S or log(log(S)) 
scale is is on 
the confidence intervals, and they do appear per request in the summary output.

Terry T.

On 06/28/2014 05:00 AM, wrote:
> Message: 9
> Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 12:39:29 -0700

> To:""  <>
> Subject: [R] standard error of survfit.coxph()
> Message-ID:
>     <>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Hi, can anyone help me to understand the standard errors printed in the 
> output of survfit.coxph()?
> time<-sample(1:15,100,replace=T)
> status<-as.numeric(runif(100,0,1)<0.2)
> x<-rnorm(100,10,2)
> fit<-coxph(Surv(time,status)~x)
> ??? ### method 1
> survfit(fit, newdata=data.frame(time=time,status=status,x=x)[1:5,], 
> conf.type='log')$std.err
> ???????????? [,1]??????? [,2]??????? [,3]??????? [,4]?????? [,5]
> ?[1,] 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.00000000
> ?[2,] 0.008627644 0.008567253 0.008773699 0.009354788 0.01481819
> ?[3,] 0.008627644 0.008567253 0.008773699 0.009354788 0.01481819
> ?[4,] 0.013800603 0.013767977 0.013889971 0.014379928 0.02353371
> ?[5,] 0.013800603 0.013767977 0.013889971 0.014379928 0.02353371
> ?[6,] 0.013800603 0.013767977 0.013889971 0.014379928 0.02353371
> ?[7,] 0.030226811 0.030423883 0.029806263 0.028918817 0.05191161
> ?[8,] 0.030226811 0.030423883 0.029806263 0.028918817 0.05191161
> ?[9,] 0.036852571 0.037159980 0.036186931 0.034645002 0.06485394
> [10,] 0.044181716 0.044621159 0.043221145 0.040872939 0.07931028
> [11,] 0.044181716 0.044621159 0.043221145 0.040872939 0.07931028
> [12,] 0.055452631 0.056018832 0.054236881 0.051586391 0.10800413
> [13,] 0.070665160 0.071363749 0.069208056 0.066655730 0.14976433
> [14,] 0.124140400 0.125564637 0.121281571 0.118002021 0.30971860
> [15,] 0.173132357 0.175309455 0.168821266 0.164860523 0.46393111
> survfit(fit, newdata=data.frame(time=time,status=status,x=x)[1:5,], 
> conf.type='log')$time
> ?[1]? 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? 8? 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
> ??? ### method 2
> summary(survfit(fit, newdata=data.frame(time=time,status=status,x=x)[1:5,], 
> conf.type='log'),time=10)$std.err
> ????????????? 1????????? 2????????? 3????????? 4????????? 5
> [1,] 0.04061384 0.04106186 0.03963184 0.03715246 0.06867532
> By reading the help of ?survfit.object and ?summary.survfit, the standard 
> error provided in the output of method 1 (survfit()) was for cumulative 
> hazard-log(survival), while the standard error provided in the output of 
> method 2 (summary.survfit()) was for survival itself, regardless of how you 
> choose the value for "conf.type" ('log', 'log-log' or 'plain'). This explains 
> why the standard error output is different between method 1 (10th row) and 
> method 2.
> My question is how do I get standard error estimates for log(-log(survival))?
> Thanks!
> John
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