Does anyone have experience using Rwinsteps?

I think my issue could be resolved simply by someone with experience
using it guiding me on it.

Falling back to understand it through simple examples, I used the
example code on page 12 of the manual
( to
submit the folllowing:

# Simulate scores for 15 items and 100 people
b <- seq(-3, 3, length = 15)
theta <- rnorm(100, 1)
rmat <- data.frame(ifelse(rirf(b, theta)$p > runif(1500), 1, 0))
# Item and person labels
colnames(rmat) <- paste("i", 1:15, sep = "")
rmat$name <- paste("p", 1:100, sep = "")
# Create a command file object
cmd <- wcmd(title = "R2Winsteps Example", data = "example.dat",
item1 = 1, ni = 15, name1 = 16, namelen = 5,
labels = paste("i", 1:15, sep = ""), hlines = "Y")
# Write the data to file
write.wdat(rmat, cmd)
# Run Winsteps, with default filenames, not saving the
# command file or other output to file
out <- winsteps(cmd, windir = "~/winsteps/Winsteps.exe")

Which returns this error:

Error in varcheck(x, c("entry", "measure")) :
  Missing or misnamed variables:entry, measure

There's some jag in the function, but I'm not sure what or how to
troubleshoot/overcome it.

Thank you in advance!


W. Ellery Samuels, Ph.D.
College of Staten Island
The City University of New York
Bldg. 3S - Rm. 207A
2800 Victory Boulevard
Staten Island, New York 10314-6609
(o) 718-982-4130
(f) 718-982-3743

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