
I am having a great amount of difficulty running a simple linear regression 
model with entity and time fixed effects and HAC standard errors. I have a data 
set with 3 million observations and 30 variables. My data is structured as 

NAME    STATE   YEAR    Y       X1      X2
1               1               2012    1       1       1
2               1               2012    1       2       7
3               1               2012    1       1       2       
4               2               2012    2       4       5       

etc. ... For every state in every year, there are about 10,000 row vectors 
corresponding to individual observations. This is not a longitudinal dataset: 
an individual surveyed in year 2000 in state 1 is never spoken to again. 
Nonetheless, I still wish to control for geographical and time fixed effects. 
To do so, I run the following:
> load("data.frame.rda")
> library(sandwich)
> library(pcse)
> model <- lm(data.frame$Y ~ data.frame$X1 + data.frame$X2 + 
> as.factor(data.frame$state) + as.factor(data.frame$year))
> vcovHAC(model, prewhite = FALSE, adjust = FALSE, sandwich = TRUE, ar.method = 
> "ols")

R will not return any results, yet acts as if it is computing the results. This 
goes on for 4 hours or more. 

I wanted to run the following:

> library(pcse)
> model <- lm(data.frame$Y ~ data.frame$X1 + data.frame$X2 + 
> as.factor(data.frame$state) + as.factor(data.frame$year))
> model.pcse <- pcse(model, groupN = data.frame$state, groupT = data.frame$year)

But I get the error:
> Error in pcse(model, groupN = BRFSS_OBESEBALANCED$X_STATE, groupT = 
  There cannot be more than nCS*nTS rows in the using data!

If there are any workarounds for this problem, I would greatly appreciate 
learning about them. 


Nicholas Pretnar
University of Missouri, Economics

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