Hi Dark,

Sorry for the late response. Since you asked for a `data.table` solution as
well, here's one:

dt <- as.data.table(rawData)
dt[, GRP := (0:(.N-1L))%/%25L, by=PersonID]
dt[, `:=`(var="codes", N = 1:.N), by=list(PersonID, GRP)]
dcast.data.table(dt, PersonID+GRP ~ var+N, value.var="codes")

Co-developer of data.table package.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:44 PM, David Carlson <dcarl...@tamu.edu> wrote:

> 78023, 43785, 69884, 12840, 54021 are listed as PersonID 3 in
> rawData, but PersonID 4 in resultData.
> Here is another way to get there:
> # Split codes by PersonID creating a single vector for each
> step1 <- split(rawData$codes, rawData$PersonID)
> # Figure out how many lines we need - here 3 lines
> maxlines <- ceiling(max(sapply(step1, length))/25)
> # Figure out how many entries we need - here 75 entries
> max <- maxlines*25
> # Fill in blank entries to pad each line to 75
> step2 <- lapply(step1, function(x) c(x, rep("", max-length(x))))
> # Wrap each single line into three lines
> step3 <- lapply(step2, function(x) matrix(x, maxlines, 25,
> byrow=TRUE))
> # Create PersonID vector
> PersonID <- rep(names(step1), each=maxlines)
> # Create data frame
> step4 <- data.frame(PersonID, do.call(rbind, step3),
> stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> # Label columns
> colnames(step4) <- gsub("X", "Code", colnames(step4))
> # Delete empty rows
> step4 <- step4[apply(step4[, -1], 1, function(x) sum(x!="")>0),]
> -------------------------------------
> David L Carlson
> Department of Anthropology
> Texas A&M University
> College Station, TX 77840-4352
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org
> [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of arun
> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 9:57 AM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Cc: Dark
> Subject: Re: [R] Reshape large Data Frame to new format
> Hi,
> In your 'resultData", some observations seems to be omitted.
> with(rawData,tapply(codes, PersonID,FUN=function(x) x))$Person3
>  #[1] 56177 61704 70879 69033 87224 68670 65602 25476 81209
> 62086 35492 39771
> #[13] 14380 43858 53679 78023 43785 69884 12840 54021
> resultData[4,]
> #  PersonId Code1 Code2 Code3 Code4 Code5 Code6 Code7 Code8
> Code9 Code10 Code11
> #4  Person3 56177 61704 70879 69033 87224 68670 65602 25476
> 81209  62086  35492
> #  Code12 Code13 Code14 Code15 Code16 Code17 Code18 Code19
> Code20 Code21 Code22
> #4  39771  14380  43858
> 53679
> #  Code23 Code24 Code25
> One way would be:
> rawData$Seq<-with(rawData,ave(codes,PersonID,FUN=function(x)
> rep(1:25,length.out=length(x))))
> rawData$Seq1<- with(rawData,ave(codes,PersonID,FUN=function(x)
> rep(seq(length(x) %/%25 +1),each=25,length.out=length(x))))
> res <-
> reshape(rawData,v.names="codes",idvar=c("PersonID","Seq1"),timev
> ar="Seq",direction="wide",sep="")[,-2]
>  res[is.na(res)] <- ""
> colnames(res) <- colnames(resultData)
>  rownames(res) <- rownames(resultData)
> A.K.
> On Monday, March 24, 2014 10:15 AM, Dark
> <i...@software-solutions.nl> wrote:
> Hi R-experts,
> I have a data.frame that I want to reshape to a certain format
> so I can use
> it in a tool for further analysis.
> Basicly I have a very long list with IDs of persons and their
> codes.
> I create a row for every person with 25 of their codes. I a
> person has more
> then 25 codes, I want to add another row for that person. If a
> row contains
> less then 25 codes I want to fill with empty string values.
> I have manually created a sample rawData and resultData and used
> dput so you
> can see my starting DF and the wanted result DF.
> The sample is of very limited size, the real data would contain
> a few
> million(!) records.
> rawData <- structure(list(PersonID = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
> 1L, 1L,
> 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
> 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
> 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L,
> 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
> 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L,
> 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L,
> 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L,
> 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L,
> 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L), .Label = c("Person1", "Person2",
> "Person3",
> "Person4", "Person5"), class = "factor"), codes = c(34396L,
> 81878L,
> 67829L, 13428L, 12992L, 63724L, 85930L, 78497L, 59578L, 50733L,
> 26154L, 47205L, 74578L, 12204L, 42435L, 96643L, 35242L, 29836L,
> 73031L, 11326L, 96686L, 55849L, 56415L, 11064L, 78509L, 55715L,
> 75851L, 60682L, 16277L, 52763L, 23429L, 39723L, 95809L, 60081L,
> 19618L, 46012L, 79188L, 54664L, 64420L, 72875L, 97428L, 74897L,
> 75615L, 12023L, 21572L, 56177L, 61704L, 70879L, 69033L, 87224L,
> 68670L, 65602L, 25476L, 81209L, 62086L, 35492L, 39771L, 14380L,
> 43858L, 53679L, 78023L, 43785L, 69884L, 12840L, 54021L, 68002L,
> 79249L, 61784L, 22227L, 28935L, 91406L, 42045L, 97716L, 65690L,
> 57310L, 57627L, 32227L, 43121L, 22251L, 31255L, 90660L, 89118L,
> 14558L, 99824L, 25005L, 62186L, 10527L, 99438L, 85656L, 79465L,
> 35357L, 41697L, 83084L, 83590L, 16234L, 32480L, 50991L, 79524L,
> 93888L, 32637L, 13253L, 76576L, 48632L, 68014L, 24281L, 74320L,
> 44601L, 36251L, 27825L, 85569L, 21634L, 50364L, 74436L, 73216L,
> 89342L, 63562L, 88485L, 40552L, 49359L, 29636L, 26285L, 13263L,
> 18106L, 78589L, 43479L, 12491L, 50840L, 77453L, 80578L, 43693L,
> 89857L, 12837L, 55950L, 63049L, 84508L, 29736L, 88194L, 86849L,
> 54274L, 38713L)), .Names = c("PersonID", "codes"), row.names =
> c(NA,
> -140L), class = "data.frame")
> resultData = structure(list(PersonId = c("Person1", "Person1",
> "Person2",
> "Person3", "Person4", "Person5", "Person5", "Person5"), Code1 =
> c(34396,
> 55715, 97428, 56177, 68002, 90660, 74320, 89857), Code2 =
> c(81878,
> 75851, 74897, 61704, 79249, 89118, 44601, 12837), Code3 =
> c(67829,
> 60682, 75615, 70879, 61784, 14558, 36251, 55950), Code4 =
> c(13428,
> 16277, 12023, 69033, 22227, 99824, 27825, 63049), Code5 =
> c(12992,
> 52763, 21572, 87224, 28935, 25005, 85569, 84508), Code6 =
> c("63724",
> "23429", "", "68670", "91406", "62186", "21634", "29736"), Code7
> =
> c("85930",
> "39723", "", "65602", "42045", "10527", "50364", "88194"), Code8
> =
> c("78497",
> "95809", "", "25476", "97716", "99438", "74436", "86849"), Code9
> =
> c("59578",
> "60081", "", "81209", "65690", "85656", "73216", "54274"),
> Code10 =
> c("50733",
> "19618", "", "62086", "57310", "79465", "89342", "38713"),
> Code11 =
> c("26154",
> "46012", "", "35492", "57627", "35357", "63562", ""), Code12 =
> c("47205",
> "79188", "", "39771", "32227", "41697", "88485", ""), Code13 =
> c("74578",
> "54664", "", "14380", "43121", "83084", "40552", ""), Code14 =
> c("12204",
> "64420", "", "43858", "22251", "83590", "49359", ""), Code15 =
> c("42435",
> "72875", "", "53679", "31255", "16234", "29636", ""), Code16 =
> c("96643",
> "", "", "", "78023", "32480", "26285", ""), Code17 = c("35242",
> "", "", "", "43785", "50991", "13263", ""), Code18 = c("29836",
> "", "", "", "69884", "79524", "18106", ""), Code19 = c("73031",
> "", "", "", "12840", "93888", "78589", ""), Code20 = c("11326",
> "", "", "", "54021", "32637", "43479", ""), Code21 = c("96686",
> "", "", "", "", "13253", "12491", ""), Code22 = c("55849", "",
> "", "", "", "76576", "50840", ""), Code23 = c("56415", "", "",
> "", "", "48632", "77453", ""), Code24 = c("11064", "", "", "",
> "", "68014", "80578", ""), Code25 = c("78509", "", "", "", "",
> "24281", "43693", "")), .Names = c("PersonId", "Code1", "Code2",
> "Code3", "Code4", "Code5", "Code6", "Code7", "Code8", "Code9",
> "Code10", "Code11", "Code12", "Code13", "Code14", "Code15",
> "Code16",
> "Code17", "Code18", "Code19", "Code20", "Code21", "Code22",
> "Code23",
> "Code24", "Code25"), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class =
> "data.frame")
> This sample data explains very well what I'm trying to achieve.
> As you can
> see there are 2 rows for Person1 and 3 rows for Person 5 because
> they have
> respectively 40 and 60 codes.
> I'm a big fan of the data.table package so maybe someone has an
> solution
> using that package?
> But of course any solution is welcome:-)
> Thanks for any help in advance,
> Regards Dark
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Reshape-large-Data-Frame-to-new-fo
> rmat-tp4687431.html
> Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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