Forgot to cc to list
Hi Luigi

Our emails are apparently crossing

What you are doing is referencing down ONLY to the stimulation level and not
 the stimulation level + productivity level required  for each of the N and P 

  copy ~ factor(positivity)|factor(stimulation, levels = c("Unst.",
"ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c", "Rv2654","Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA")),,
       group = positivity,
       layout = c(8,1),
       scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2), labels = c("N","P"))),, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
       key = key.plot,
       panel = function(x, y, ...)
            pnl = panel.number()
       for (i in 1:2){
          datme<-subset(datmeA, positivity==i-1)
             panel.segments(x0 = X[w], y0 =  datme[datme[,2]== 
                            x1 = X[w+1],  y1 = datme[datme[,2]== 
levels(datme[,2])[pnl],"copy"],lwd = 2, col = "black")

      panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)

      panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)
       for (i in 1:2){
          datme<-subset(datmeA, positivity==i-1)
             panel.segments(x0 = X[w], y0 =  datme[datme[,2]== 
                            x1 = X[w+1],  y1 = datme[datme[,2]== 
levels(datme[,2])[pnl],"copy"],lwd = 2, col = "black")

      panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)

the more lattice way is

  copy ~ factor(positivity)|factor(stimulation, levels = c("Unst.",
"ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c", "Rv2654","Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA")),,
       group = positivity,
       layout = c(8,1),
       scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2), labels = c("N","P"))),, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
       key = key.plot,
       panel = panel.superpose,
       panel.groups = function(x, y, group.number, ...) {

                        panel.segments(x0= x-notch, x1=x+notch, y0=mean(y), 
y1=mean(y), lty = c(1:2)[group.number],
                        lwd=c(2:1)[group.number], col = c(1:2)[group.number])

                        panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)


-----Original Message-----
From: Luigi Marongiu [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 30 April 2014 02:44
To: Duncan Mackay
Subject: Re: [R] lattice plot formatting: pch, abbreviation and labels

Dear Duncan,
I think the solution is close by. I can now plot the segments directly
with stripplot using a vector containing the required positions; the
only problem is to generate 4 consecutive indeces using two nested
loops -- using the subtraction of the index and a number I obtained
the duplication of the values, as you can see in the second example.
Many thanks,

X<-c(0.7, 1.3, 1.7, 2.3)
  copy ~ factor(positivity)|factor(stimulation, levels = c("Unst.",
"ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c", "Rv2654","Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA")),,
       group = positivity,
       layout = c(8,1),
       scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2), labels = c("N","P"))),, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
       key = key.plot,
       panel = function(x, y, ...)
            pnl = panel.number()
  for (i in 1:2){
   datme<-subset(datmeA, positivity==i-1)
             for (j in 1:2)
                   panel.segments(x0 = X[k+j], y0 =  datme[datme[,2]==
                                  x1 = X[k+j+1],  y1 =
datme[datme[,2]== levels(datme[,2])[pnl],"copy"],lwd = 2, col =

      panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)

#### this approach gives duplications:
  copy ~ factor(positivity)|factor(stimulation, levels = c("Unst.",
"ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c", "Rv2654","Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA")),,
       group = positivity,
       layout = c(8,1),
       scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2), labels = c("N","P"))),, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
       key = key.plot,
       panel = function(x, y, ...)
            pnl = panel.number()
  for (i in 1:2){
   datme<-subset(datmeA, positivity==i-1)
             for (j in 1:2)
                   panel.segments(x0 = j-notch, y0 =
datme[datme[,2]== levels(datme[,2])[pnl],"copy"],
                                  x1 = j+notch,  y1 =
datme[datme[,2]== levels(datme[,2])[pnl],"copy"],lwd = 2, col =

      panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Duncan Mackay <> wrote:
> Hi Luigi
> Only minor changes needed.
> When you go back to a normal xyplot the rules of ratio variables apply the 
> x-axis default in your case something like pretty(range(x)
> So the x-axis limits range from 0-1
> and the panel limits therefore are 0-1 +/- 4%
> With strip stripplot being categorical the limits are for values 1 and 2 so 
> the top value for 2 is not being shown
> (easily seen with str(xyplot object))
> You missed out the assigning of groups to the segments.
> You could do this by a for loop of 1:2 or by using groups/panel.groups.
> I have not got the time to dig out the code to do it at the moment.
> xyplot(copy ~ positivity|stimulation, data =,
>        group = factor(positivity),
>        as.table = TRUE,
>        layout = c(8,1),
>        xlim  = c(-1,2),
>        scales = list(x = list(at = c(0,1),
>                              labels = c("N","P"),
>                              rot = 0)),
>       pch=c(16,1),
>       col="black",
>       ylab=expression(bold("Copy")),
>       xlab=expression(bold("Stimulation")),
>       main="Plot",
>       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
>                                      par.strip.text=list(font=2),
>       key = list(space="top",
>                  columns=2,
>                  text=list(c("Positive", "Negative"), col="black"),
>                  points=list(pch=c(16,1), col="black")),
>       panel = function(x, y,...){
>                 pnl = panel.number()
>                 #panel.abline(h = datmeA[datmeA[,2]== 
> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"ratio"], col = c("red","black"), lty=3)
>                 #for (j in 1:2){
>                 #  with(subset(datmeA, (positivity == j-1 & stimulation == 
> levels(datmeA$stimulation)[pnl])),
>                 #     panel.abline(h = copy, lwd = 1, col = 
> c("red","black")[j], lty = 1) )
>                for (j in 1:2){
>                 panel.segments(x0 = (j-1)-0.25, y0 =  datmeA[datmeA[,2]== 
> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"copy"], # amend to copy
>                              x1 = (j-1)+0.25,  y1 = datmeA[datmeA[,2]== 
> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"copy"],
>                              lwd = 2, col = c("magenta","grey")[j])
>                 }
>                panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)
>             }
>       )
> If you wanted full N P then
>        scales = list(x = list(at = c(0,1),
>                              alternating = F,
>                              labels = c("Negative","Positive"),
>                              rot = 90)),  # rot = 0 if labels as before
> Duncan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luigi Marongiu []
> Sent: Tuesday, 29 April 2014 04:34
> To: Duncan Mackay
> Subject: Re: [R] lattice plot formatting: pch, abbreviation and labels
> Dear Duncan,
> sorry to pester you again with this, but probably the solution is
> getting closer. following one of your previous tips i could write the
> xyplot synthax as you suggested:
> library(lattice)
>    column_1 = 1:120,
>    column_2 = structure(c(
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), .Label = c("Unst.", "ESAT6", "CFP10", "Rv3615c",
> "Rv2654", "Rv3879", "Rv3873", "PHA"), class = "factor"),
>  column_3 = structure(c(
> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
>      column_4 = c(
> 192.0519108,183.6403531,53.46798757,83.60638077,69.60749873,159.4706861,256.8765622,499.2899303,
> 2170.799076,1411.349719,2759.472348,2098.973397,2164.739515,1288.676574,1611.486543,6205.229575,
> 870.7424981,465.9967135,191.8962375,864.0937485,2962.693675,1289.259137,2418.651212,7345.712517,
>  0,168.1198893,674.4342961,101.1575401,47.81596237,0,0,1420.793922,
> 142.6871331,5.466468742,291.9564635,80.73914133,73.02239621,64.47806871,144.3543635,3167.959757,
> 3164.748333,1092.634557,28733.20269,1207.87783,729.6090973,151.8706088,241.2466141,9600.963594,
> 1411.718287,12569.96285,1143.254476,6317.378481,16542.27718,79.68025792,1958.495138,7224.503437,
> 208.4382941,69.48609769,656.691151,0.499017582,7114.910926,187.6296174,41.73980805,8930.784541,
> 4.276752185,0.432300363,60.89228665,1.103924786,0.490686366,1.812993239,7.264531581,1518.610307,
> 2172.051528,595.8513744,17141.84336,589.6565971,1340.287628,117.350942,593.7034054,24043.61463,
> 0,81.83292179,1539.864321,36.41722958,8.385131047,161.7647376,65.21615696,7265.573875,
> 97.84753179,154.051827,0.613835842,10.06138851,45.04879285,176.8284258,18795.75462,30676.769,
> 5780.34957,944.2200834,2398.235596,1083.393165,2541.714557,1251.670895,1547.178549,1792.679176,
> 3067.988416,8117.210173,23676.02226,8251.937547,17360.80494,18563.61561,16941.865,31453.96708,
> 2767.493803,4796.33016,12292.93705,3864.657567,9380.673835,14886.44683,8457.88646,26050.47191)),
> .Names = c("row", "stimulation", "positivity", "copy"), row.names =
> c(NA, -120L),
>  class = "data.frame")
> key.plot<-list(
>   space="top", columns=2,
>   text=list(c("Positive", "Negative"), col="black"),
>   points=list(pch=c(16,1), col="black"))
> datmeA <- aggregate(copy ~ positivity+stimulation,, median, na.rm = T)
> xyplot(copy ~ positivity|stimulation,
>   group = positivity,
>   hor=F,
>   as.table = TRUE,
>   layout = c(8,1),
>   scales = list(x = list(alternating = FALSE, at = c(0.2,0.8), labels
> = c("P","N"))),
>   pch=c(16,1), col="black",
>   ylab=expression(bold("Copy")),
>   xlab=expression(bold("Stimulation")),
>   main="Plot",
>   par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
>   par.strip.text=list(font=2),
>   key = list(space="top", columns=2, text=list(c("Positive",
> "Negative"), col="black"), points=list(pch=c(16,1), col="black")),
>   panel = function(x, y, ...){
>   pnl = panel.number()
>   panel.segments(x0 = x-0.25, y0 =  datmeA[datmeA[,2]==
> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"ratio"],
>                               x1 = x+0.25,  y1 = datmeA[datmeA[,2]==
> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"ratio"],
>      lwd = 2, col = c("magenta","grey"))
>   panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)
>                }
>        )
> ############################
> beside beign less elegant than stripplot() -- there is no jittering
> and requires the positions for the labels -- there are mainly two
> problems:
> 1. the dots are too close to the margins -- I tried to use the 'at'
> argument but it did not work
> 2. the segments are replicated -- there should be a ''
> somewhere but I obtained a lot of errors when I tried to place it.
> Wouldn't be easier to use the stripplot directly, using maybe a factor
> to place the segments? I tried to place the panel.function in
> stripplot but it did not work at all...
> stripplot(copy ~ factor(positivity)|factor(stimulation, levels =
> c("Unst.", "ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c", "Rv2654","Rv3879",
> "Rv3873","PHA")),
>        group = positivity,
>        hor=F,
>        layout = c(8,1),
>        scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2), labels = c("N","P"))),
>, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
>        ylab=expression(bold("Copy")),
>        xlab=expression(bold("Stimulation")),
>        main="Plot",
>        par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
>        par.strip.text=list(font=2),
>        key = list(space="top",  columns=2, text=list(c("Positive",
> "Negative"), col="black"), points=list(pch=c(16,1), col="black")),
>         panel = function(x, y, ...){
>                 pnl = panel.number()
>                 panel.segments(x0 = x-0.25, y0 =  datmeA[datmeA[,2]==
> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"ratio"],
>                                           x1= x+0.25,  y1 =
> datmeA[datmeA[,2]== levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"ratio"],
>                  lwd = 2, col = c("magenta","grey"))
>                 panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)
>                }
>        )
> Best wishes,
> Luigi
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 2:25 AM, Duncan Mackay <> wrote:
>> Hi Luigi
>> Here are 2 ways of doing it.
>> The first is a "cheats" way ie easy.
>> The second is a substitute for the proper way who's code eludes me at the 
>> moment. I changed the lty on the ablines  as it appears confusing and as you 
>> are bolding it seems more appropriate. A better way may be to change 1 line 
>> type.
>> stripplot(copy ~ factor(positivity)|factor(stimulation, levels = c("Unst.", 
>> "ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c", "Rv2654","Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA")),
>>       group = positivity,
>>       hor=F,
>>       layout = c(8,1),
>>       scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2), labels = c("N","P"))),
>>, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
>>       ylab=expression(bold("Copy")),
>>       xlab=expression(bold("Stimulation")),
>>       main="Plot",
>>       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
>>             par.strip.text=list(font=2),
>>       key = list(space="top",
>>                  columns=2,
>>                  text=list(c("Positive", "Negative"), col="black"),
>>                  points=list(pch=c(16,1), col="black")),
>>       panel = function(x, y,...){
>>               pnl = panel.number()
>>               #panel.abline(h = datmeA[datmeA[,2]== 
>> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"ratio"], col = c("red","black"), lty=3)
>>               panel.average(x, y, fun = mean, horizontal = F, lty = 3, 
>> col.line = c("red","black"), type = "l")
>>               panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)
>>             }
>>       )
>> stripplot(copy ~ factor(positivity)|factor(stimulation, levels = c("Unst.", 
>> "ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c", "Rv2654","Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA")),
>>       group = positivity,
>>       hor=F,
>>       layout = c(8,1),
>>       scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2), labels = c("N","P"))),
>>, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
>>       ylab=expression(bold("Copy")),
>>       xlab=expression(bold("Stimulation")),
>>       main="Plot",
>>       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
>>             par.strip.text=list(font=2),
>>       key = list(space="top",
>>                  columns=2,
>>                  text=list(c("Positive", "Negative"), col="black"),
>>                  points=list(pch=c(16,1), col="black")),
>>       panel = function(x, y,...){
>>                 pnl = panel.number()
>>                 #panel.abline(h = datmeA[datmeA[,2]== 
>> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"ratio"], col = c("red","black"), lty=3)
>>                 for (j in 1:2){
>>                   with(subset(datmeA, (positivity == j-1 & stimulation == 
>> levels(datmeA$stimulation)[pnl])),
>>                      panel.abline(h = copy, lwd = 1, col = 
>> c("red","black")[j], lty = 1) )
>>               }
>>                panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)
>>             }
>>       )
>> Remember abline and panel.abline etc only take 1 line at a time so if you 
>> have more than 1 group you have 2 call it more than once
>> Regards
>> Duncan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Luigi Marongiu []
>> Sent: Monday, 28 April 2014 04:03
>> To: Duncan Mackay
>> Subject: Re: [R] lattice plot formatting: pch, abbreviation and labels
>> Dear Duncan,
>> may I bother you a bit more with the same data set? I would like now
>> to add a segment corresponding to the median values, as we discussed
>> antecedently.
>> I have tried to use the code you wrote in the previous mails, but it
>> hasn't worked. First I have found the aggregate medians values and
>> assigned to datmeA, then pasted the code you wrote, but without
>> success. Would be possible to substitute the panel.abline with
>> panel.segments? but in this case how to tell lattice what are the
>> values for "N" or "P"?
>> Best wishes,
>> Luigi
>> CODE::::
>> library(lattice)
>>    column_1 = 1:120,
>>    column_2 = structure(c(
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), .Label = c("Unst.", "ESAT6", "CFP10", "Rv3615c",
>> "Rv2654", "Rv3879", "Rv3873", "PHA"), class = "factor"),
>>     column_3 = structure(c(
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
>>      column_4 = c(
>> 192.0519108,183.6403531,53.46798757,83.60638077,69.60749873,159.4706861,256.8765622,499.2899303,
>> 2170.799076,1411.349719,2759.472348,2098.973397,2164.739515,1288.676574,1611.486543,6205.229575,
>> 870.7424981,465.9967135,191.8962375,864.0937485,2962.693675,1289.259137,2418.651212,7345.712517,
>>  0,168.1198893,674.4342961,101.1575401,47.81596237,0,0,1420.793922,
>> 142.6871331,5.466468742,291.9564635,80.73914133,73.02239621,64.47806871,144.3543635,3167.959757,
>> 3164.748333,1092.634557,28733.20269,1207.87783,729.6090973,151.8706088,241.2466141,9600.963594,
>> 1411.718287,12569.96285,1143.254476,6317.378481,16542.27718,79.68025792,1958.495138,7224.503437,
>> 208.4382941,69.48609769,656.691151,0.499017582,7114.910926,187.6296174,41.73980805,8930.784541,
>> 4.276752185,0.432300363,60.89228665,1.103924786,0.490686366,1.812993239,7.264531581,1518.610307,
>> 2172.051528,595.8513744,17141.84336,589.6565971,1340.287628,117.350942,593.7034054,24043.61463,
>> 0,81.83292179,1539.864321,36.41722958,8.385131047,161.7647376,65.21615696,7265.573875,
>> 97.84753179,154.051827,0.613835842,10.06138851,45.04879285,176.8284258,18795.75462,30676.769,
>> 5780.34957,944.2200834,2398.235596,1083.393165,2541.714557,1251.670895,1547.178549,1792.679176,
>> 3067.988416,8117.210173,23676.02226,8251.937547,17360.80494,18563.61561,16941.865,31453.96708,
>> 2767.493803,4796.33016,12292.93705,3864.657567,9380.673835,14886.44683,8457.88646,26050.47191)),
>> .Names = c("row", "stimulation", "positivity", "copy"), row.names =
>> c(NA, -120L),
>>  class = "data.frame")
>> key.plot<-list(
>>   space="top", columns=2,
>>   text=list(c("Positive", "Negative"), col="black"),
>>   points=list(pch=c(16,1), col="black"))
>> datmeA <- aggregate(copy ~ positivity+stimulation,, median, na.rm = 
>> T)
>> stripplot(
>>       copy ~ factor(positivity)|factor(stimulation,
>>             levels = c("Unst.", "ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c", "Rv2654",
>> "Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA")),
>>             group = positivity,
>>       hor=F,
>>       layout = c(8,1),
>>             scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2), labels = c("N","P"))),
>>, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
>>       ylab=expression(bold("Copy")),
>> xlab=expression(bold("Stimulation")), main="Plot",
>>       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
>>             par.strip.text=list(font=2),
>>       key = key.plot,
>>             panel = function(x, y){
>>               pnl = panel.number()
>>               panel.abline(h = datmeA[datmeA[,2]==
>> levels(datmeA[,2])[pnl],"ratio"], col = c("red","black"), lty=3)
>>               panel.stripplot(x,y, ...)
>>             }
>>       )
>> On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 2:06 AM, Duncan Mackay <> wrote:
>>> Hi Luigi
>>> You are typing things unnecessarily: do not use the attach command unless
>>> absolutely necessary - it has unfortunate consequences.
>>> It is better to use with or within.
>>> alpha is not available with some devices with bad consequences if used; its
>>> default is 1 anyway.
>>> Once you have stated a data.frame as the data object it is usually not
>>> necessary to use the data.frame$ sign in to signify column names: use the
>>> column names.
>>> data = "a data.frame" is the equivalent to with
>>> You are reordering the levels of stimulation and changing the name of 1 so I
>>> thought it was easiest to make a column stim and do things there otherwise
>>> it the relevelling could be done in the data argument using the subset
>>> argument. Then the change to "Unst" could be done by using  strip    =
>>> strip.custom(factor.levels = ...),
>>> To change for the -/+ I made a group - the easiest way.
>>> Have a look a changing the negative symbol to 20 or something else as it is
>>> hard to visualise. You may vary things with changing cex (remember to have 2
>>> values 1 for each group).
>>> If you do str(xyplot object) you will get a big print of the object and
>>> within that the x limits are shown as "0", "1" which means that the x values
>>> are 1 and 2
>>> There is a command to get these things but I have forgotten it
>>>$stimulation <- factor(levels = c("Unstimulated",
>>> "ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c","Rv2654", "Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA"))
>>>$stim <- factor($stimulation, labels = c("Unst.",
>>> "ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c","Rv2654", "Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA"))
>>>$pos <- ifelse(sign($copy) > 0, 2,1)
>>>   stripplot(copy ~ factor(positivity)|stim,,
>>>             groups = pos,
>>>             hor = F,
>>>             layout = c(8,1),
>>>             scales = list(x = list(at = c(1,2),
>>>                                    labels = c("N","P"))),
>>>             jitter.x = TRUE,
>>>             amount = 2,
>>>             pch = c(16,1),
>>>             col = "black",
>>>             ylab = expression(bold("Copy")),
>>>             xlab = expression(bold("Stimulation")),
>>>             main="Plot",
>>>             par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
>>> par.strip.text=list(font=2)
>>>             )
>>> Regards
>>> Duncan
>>> Duncan Mackay
>>> Department of Agronomy and Soil Science
>>> University of New England
>>> Armidale NSW 2351
>>> Email: home:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [] On
>>> Behalf Of Luigi Marongiu
>>> Sent: Sunday, 27 April 2014 02:07
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [R] lattice plot formatting: pch, abbreviation and labels
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am trying to use the lattice plot, but the syntax is quite
>>> difficult. Specifically I have eight variables (1 to 8) each of them
>>> further subdivided in two classes (negative=0 and positive=1). I am
>>> using the stripplot() to represent these values. I would like to
>>> represent the negative and positive values with black and white dots
>>> so I have tried to use the argument pch=c(16, 1) both in the main
>>> stripplot function and embedded in the scale argument. However the
>>> resulting plot shows that some points are drawn with the pch=16 and
>>> other with pch=1 irrespective of their class.
>>> Is there a way to draw the values for the variable positivity = 0 with
>>> pch=16 and those with positivity = 1 with pch=0?
>>> In addition I would like to change the labels under the axis from 0,1
>>> to N,P. However when I placed labels=c("N", "P") or labels=list("N",
>>> "P") in the main stripplot() I did not obtained any difference and
>>> when placed within the scale argument also the -labels were modified.
>>> Is there a way to change the label 0 with N and the label 1 with P?
>>> final problem: I would like to abbreviate the "Unstimulated" box label
>>> with "Unst.". I have tried the abbreviate=TRUE argument but again the
>>> syntax is too complex for me and it did not work.
>>> Is there a way to abbreviate the variables names?
>>> Thank you very much for your help.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Luigi
>>> CODE:::::::::
>>> ### open plot library
>>> library(lattice)
>>>    column_1 = 1:120,
>>>    column_2 = structure(c(
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
>>>  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), .Label = c("Unstimulated", "ESAT6", "CFP10",
>>> "Rv3615c", "Rv2654", "Rv3879", "Rv3873", "PHA"), class = "factor"),
>>>     column_3 = structure(c(
>>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
>>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>>> 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
>>> 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
>>>      column_4 = c(
>>> 192.0519108,183.6403531,53.46798757,83.60638077,69.60749873,159.4706861,256.
>>> 8765622,499.2899303,
>>> 2170.799076,1411.349719,2759.472348,2098.973397,2164.739515,1288.676574,1611
>>> .486543,6205.229575,
>>> 870.7424981,465.9967135,191.8962375,864.0937485,2962.693675,1289.259137,2418
>>> .651212,7345.712517,
>>>  0,168.1198893,674.4342961,101.1575401,47.81596237,0,0,1420.793922,
>>> 142.6871331,5.466468742,291.9564635,80.73914133,73.02239621,64.47806871,144.
>>> 3543635,3167.959757,
>>> 3164.748333,1092.634557,28733.20269,1207.87783,729.6090973,151.8706088,241.2
>>> 466141,9600.963594,
>>> 1411.718287,12569.96285,1143.254476,6317.378481,16542.27718,79.68025792,1958
>>> .495138,7224.503437,
>>> 208.4382941,69.48609769,656.691151,0.499017582,7114.910926,187.6296174,41.73
>>> 980805,8930.784541,
>>> 4.276752185,0.432300363,60.89228665,1.103924786,0.490686366,1.812993239,7.26
>>> 4531581,1518.610307,
>>> 2172.051528,595.8513744,17141.84336,589.6565971,1340.287628,117.350942,593.7
>>> 034054,24043.61463,
>>> 0,81.83292179,1539.864321,36.41722958,8.385131047,161.7647376,65.21615696,72
>>> 65.573875,
>>> 97.84753179,154.051827,0.613835842,10.06138851,45.04879285,176.8284258,18795
>>> .75462,30676.769,
>>> 5780.34957,944.2200834,2398.235596,1083.393165,2541.714557,1251.670895,1547.
>>> 178549,1792.679176,
>>> 3067.988416,8117.210173,23676.02226,8251.937547,17360.80494,18563.61561,1694
>>> 1.865,31453.96708,
>>> 2767.493803,4796.33016,12292.93705,3864.657567,9380.673835,14886.44683,8457.
>>> 88646,26050.47191)),
>>> .Names = c("row", "stimulation", "positivity", "copy"), row.names =
>>> c(NA, -120L),
>>>  class = "data.frame")
>>> attach(
>>> stripplot($copy ~
>>> factor($positivity)|factor($stimulation,
>>>             levels = c("Unstimulated", "ESAT6","CFP10","Rv3615c",
>>> "Rv2654", "Rv3879", "Rv3873","PHA")),
>>>   , hor=F, layout = c(8,1), scales = list(relation =
>>> "same"),
>>>, alpha=1, pch=c(16,1), col="black",
>>>       ylab=expression(bold("Copy")),
>>> xlab=expression(bold("Stimulation")), main="Plot",
>>>       par.settings = list(strip.background=list(col="white")),
>>>             par.strip.text=list(font=2))
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