Hi Arun

It seems to be an error on the server side and not on the client.

The error on the server results in the client receiving a string giving the 
type of error on the server. And this doesn't work with read.table of course.

So if one wants to query for thousands of point one really needs to do error 
catching using try () or tryCatching ().

I shall check when I get close to my R.

Actually, if the thousands of points is on regular grid ( 0.25 degree 
resolution) within a confined region then one could just query for that region 
instead of doing the loop. Eliza should know.

Br. Frede

Sendt fra Samsung mobil

-------- Oprindelig meddelelse --------
Fra: arun
Dato:12/04/2014 12.31 (GMT+01:00)
Til: Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
Cc: Eliza Botto ,"R. Help"
Emne: Re: [R] calling in inverted commas

Thanks for the link.
I should have used ?sprintf().  BTW, I am not able to reproduce your results.

urlPattern <- 

## some coordinates
df2 <- data.frame(Longitude = c(68.25, 68.75, 69.25), Latitude = c(24.75, 
25.25, 25.75))
fileDestination <- getwd()
fileNames <- paste("precip", df2[,1], df2[,2], sep = "_")

fileNames <- paste(fileNames, "txt", sep = ".")

files <- file.path(fileDestination, fileNames)

for (i in 1:nrow(df2)){
     queryUrl <- sprintf(urlPattern, df2[i, 1], df2[i, 2], df2[i, 1], df2[i, 
2])          download.file(queryUrl, files[i])

precip <- read.table(files[1], skip = 4, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999.9",
+                     sep = "", check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Error in read.table(files[1], skip = 4, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999.9",  
  more columns than column names

So, I checked the file "precip_68.25_24.75.txt"
Giovanni Error Message
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R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
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On Saturday, April 12, 2014 3:24 AM, Frede Aakmann Tøgersen <fr...@vestas.com> 


Sigh I'm getting a headache seeing ugly formatted R code. Arun, your code is 
almost unreadable. Have a look at e.g. 

Now to the substantial. Why not use the sprintf() function for formatting the 
url instead of the more involved approach using several gsub and regular 
expressions that not many people (including myself) easily understand.

## here is a small example using sprintf(), see ?sprintf
## %s is format specifier for string
exampleStr <- "west=%s&north=%s&east=%s&south=%s"

sprintf(exampleStr, 1, 2, 3, 4)
## > [1] "west=1&north=2&east=3&south=4"

## since % is used in format specification then if a literal % is needed in the 
string as here
## where you have e.g. %2F01% then escape those % with a %, i.e. % becomes %% 
in the string
## I have done that in urlPattern:
urlPattern <- 

## some coordinates
df2 <- data.frame(Longitude = c(68.25, 68.75, 69.25), Latitude = c(24.75, 
25.25, 25.75))

fileDestination <- c("C:/Temp")
fileNames <- paste("precip", df2[,1], df2[,2], sep = "_")
fileNames <- paste(fileNames, "txt", sep = ".")
files <- file.path(fileDestination, fileNames)

for (i in 1:nrow(df2)){
    queryUrl <- sprintf(urlPattern, df2[i, 1], df2[i, 2], df2[i, 1], df2[i, 2])
    download.file(queryUrl, files[i])

## import data in first file
precip <- read.table(files[1], skip = 4, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999.9",
                     sep = "", check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


Here is another way using the url() function instead of download.file()

## Escaping the trouble with saving and reading files one can also do it this 
## having the dataframes in a named list
precipList <- vector("list", nrow(df2))
names(precipList) <- fileNames

for (i in 1:nrow(df2)){
    queryUrl <- sprintf(urlPattern, df2[i, 1], df2[i, 2], df2[i, 1], df2[i, 2])
    u <- url(queryUrl, open = "r")
    precipList[[i]] <- read.table(u, skip = 4, header = TRUE, na.strings = 
                     sep = "", check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


Have a nice day.

Yours sincerely / Med venlig hilsen

Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
Specialist, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Plant Performance & Modeling

Technology & Service Solutions
T +45 9730 5135
M +45 2547 6050

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org]
> On Behalf Of arun
> Sent: 12. april 2014 07:16
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] calling in inverted commas
> Hi,
> I noticed some special characters after sending.
> It should be:
> toreplace <- gsub(".*\\.pl\\?(west\\=.*south=.*)\\&params.*","\\1",Url1)
> end <- gsub(".*south=.*(\\&params.*)","\\1",Url1)
> A.K.
> On Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:06 AM, arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> HI,
> Not sure if this helps:
> df2 <- data.frame(Col1=c(68.25, 68.75, 69.25), Col2=c(24.75, 25.25, 25.75))
> Url1 <- "http://disc2.nascom.nasa.gov/daac-
> bin/Giovanni/tovas/Giovanni_cgi.pl?west=68.25&north=24.75&east=68.25&s
> outh=24.75¶ms=0%7C3B42_V7&plot_type=Time+Plot&byr=1998&bmo=01&
> bdy=1&eyr=2007&emo=12&edy=31&begin_date=1998%2F01%2F01&end_da
> te=2014%2F01%2F31&cbar=cdyn&cmin=&cmax=&yaxis=ydyn&ymin=&ymax
> =&yint=&ascres=0.25x0.25&global_cfg=tovas.global.cfg.pl&instance_id=TRM
> M_V7∏_id=3B42_daily&action=ASCII+Output"
> toreplace <- gsub(".*\\.pl\\?(west\\=.*south=.*)\\¶ms.*","\\1",Url1)
> begin <- gsub("(.*\\.pl\\?).*","\\1",Url1)
> end <- gsub(".*south=.*(\\¶ms.*)","\\1",Url1)
> vec2 <- strsplit(toreplace,"&")[[1]]
> ##replace ".csv" with ".txt" and use write.table() if you need as text files.
> lapply(seq_len(nrow(df2)),function(i) { val1 <-
> as.vector(rep(unlist(df2[i,]),2));replaced <-
> do.call(paste,list(lapply(seq_along(vec2),function(i) gsub("[-
> +]?(\\d*[.])?\\d+",val1[i],vec2[i])),collapse="&")); UrlNew <-
> paste0(begin,replaced,end); res <-
> read.csv(UrlNew,header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,skip=4,sep="",check.
> names=FALSE);
> write.csv(res,file=paste0("file_",paste(val1[1:2],collapse="_"),".csv"),row.na
> mes=FALSE,quote=FALSE)})
> sapply(list.files(pattern="file_"),function(x) {x1 <-
> read.csv(x,header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,check.names=FALSE);
> dim(x1)[1]})
> #file_68.25_24.75.csv file_68.75_25.25.csv file_69.25_25.75.csv
> #                3652                 3652                 3652
> ### reading the downloaded file
> lapply(list.files(pattern="file_"),function(x) {x1 <-
> read.csv(x,header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,check.names=FALSE);
> x1[5:7,]})
> #[[1]]
> #  Time(year:month:day) AccRain
> #5           1998:01:05   0.000
> #6           1998:01:06   0.000
> #7           1998:01:07   0.984
> #
> #[[2]]
> #  Time(year:month:day) AccRain
> #5           1998:01:05  0.0000
> #6           1998:01:06  0.0925
> #7           1998:01:07  0.2643
> #
> #[[3]]
> #  Time(year:month:day) AccRain
> #5           1998:01:05  0.0000
> #6           1998:01:06  0.7043
> #7           1998:01:07  0.5340
> A.K.
> On Friday, April 11, 2014 2:38 PM, eliza botto <eliza_bo...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> Dear useRs,
> Here are three steps for downloading a file from a certain website in R. Here
> you see that in "URL" command
> (west=68.25&north=24.75&east=68.25&south=24.75) are actually the first
> and second column values of 1st row of a matrix called df2 (300 rows and 2
> columns). more precisely, df2[1,][1]=68.25, df2[1,][2]=24.75.
> Is there a way that I can make a loop so that remaining rows and columns get
> inculcated in the link as such and then get saved at the desired mentioned
> location in 300 different text files?
> URL<-("http://disc2.nascom.nasa.gov/daac-
> bin/Giovanni/tovas/Giovanni_cgi.pl?west=68.25&north=24.75&east=68.25&s
> outh=24.75¶ms=0%7C3B42_V7&plot_type=Time+Plot&byr=1998&bmo=01&
> bdy=1&eyr=2007&emo=12&edy=31&begin_date=1998%2F01%2F01&end_da
> te=2014%2F01%2F31&cbar=cdyn&cmin=&cmax=&yaxis=ydyn&ymin=&ymax
> =&yint=&ascres=0.25x0.25&global_cfg=tovas.global.cfg.pl&instance_id=TRM
> M_V7∏_id=3B42_daily&action=ASCII+Output")
> destfile <- "C:\\Users\\Eliza\\Desktop\\AA\\love.txt"
> download.file(URL, destfile)
> Any suggestion?
> Thankyou very much in advance,
> Eliza
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