Dear R community,

I'm working on a meta-analysis of prevalence data. The aim is to get
estimates of prevalence at the country level. The main issue is that the
disease is highly correlated with age, and the sample ages of included
studies are highly heterogeneous. Only median age is available for most
studies, so I can't use SMR-like tricks. I figured I could use
meta-regression to solve this, including age as a fixed-effect and
introducing study-level and country-level random-effects.

The idea (that I took from Fowkes et
was to use this model to make country-specific predictions of prevalence
for each 5-year age group from 15 to 60 (using the median age of the
group), and to apply these predictions to the actual population size of
each of those groups in the selected country, in order to obtain total
infected population and to calculate age-adjusted prevalence in the 15-60
population from that.

I tried several ways to do this using R with packages meta and mgcv. I got
some satisfying results, but I'm not that confident with my results and
would appreciate some feedback.

First is some simulated data, then the description of my different



*Standard random-effect meta-analysis* with package meta.

I used metaprop() to get a first estimate of the prevalence in each country
without taking age into account, and to obtain weights. As expected,
heterogeneity was very high, so I used weights from the random-effects

 meta <- 

I used meta to get a first estimate of the prevalence without taking age
into account, and to obtain weights. As expected, heterogeneity was very
high, so I used weights from the random-effects model.

*Generalized additive model* to include age with package mgcv.

The gam() model parameters (k and sp) were chosen using BIC and GCV number
(not shown here).

 model <- gam( cbind(n_events,n_total-n_events) ~
s(study_median_age,bs="cr",k=4,sp=2) + s(country,bs="re"),
weights=weight, data=data, family="binomial"(link=logit),
 plot(model,pages=1,residuals=T, all.terms=T, shade=T)

Predictions for each age group were obtained from this model as explained
earlier. CI were obtained directly using predict.gam(), that uses the
Bayesian posterior covariance matrix of the parameters. For exemple
considering UK:

 plot(newdat$prev~newdat$study_median_age, type="l",ylim=c(0,.12))
 lines(newdat$CIinf~newdat$study_median_age, lty=2)
 lines(newdat$CIsup~newdat$study_median_age, lty=2)

The results were satisfying, representing the augmentation of the
prevalence with advanced age, with coherent confidence intervals. I
obtained a total prevalence for the country using the country population
structure (not shown, I hope it is clear enough).

However, I figured I needed to include study-level random-effects since
there was a high heterogeneity (even though I did not calculate
heterogeneity after the meta-regression).

*Introducing study-level random-effect* with package gamm4.

Since mgcv models can't handle that much random-effect parameters, I had to
switch to gamm4.

 model2 <- gamm4(cbind(n_events,n_total-n_events) ~
s(study_median_age,bs="cr",k=4) + s(country,bs="re"),
random=~(1|id_study), data=data, weights=weight,
 plot(model2$gam,pages=1,residuals=T, all.terms=T, shade=T)

 plot(newdat$prev2~newdat$study_median_age, type="l",col="red",ylim=c(0,0.11))
 lines(newdat$CIinf2~newdat$study_median_age, lty=2,col="red")
 lines(newdat$CIsup2~newdat$study_median_age, lty=2,col="red")
 lines(newdat$prev~newdat$study_median_age, type="l",ylim=c(0,.12))
 lines(newdat$CIinf~newdat$study_median_age, lty=2)
 lines(newdat$CIsup~newdat$study_median_age, lty=2)

Since the study-level random effect was in the mer part of the fit, I
didn't have to handle it.

As you can see, I obtain rather different results, with a much smoother
relation between age and prevalence, and quite different confidence
intervals. It is even more different in the full-data analysis, where the
CI are much wider in the model including study-level RE, to the point it is
sometimes almost uninformative (prevalence between 0 and 15%, but if it is
the way it is...). Moreover, the study-level RE model seems to be more
stable when outliers are excluded.

*So, my questions are:*

   - Did I properly extract the weights from the metaprop() function and
   used them further?
   - Did I properly built my gam() and gamm4() models? I read a lot about
   this, but I'm not used to this king of models.
   - Which of these models should I use?

I would really appreciate some help, since neither my teachers nor my
colleagues could. It was a really harsh to conduct the systematic review,
and very frustrating to struggle with the analysis... Thank you in advance!


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