Dear Vito, Robert and David,

thank you for your replies, although I made some step forward on my own, your 
answers helped a lot and gave me more insight.
The only question I have left is why this code gives me an error (and that is 
what David asked for):

m1 <- lms(BMI,age,data=adatok_fiu, cent=c(3,10,25,50,75,90,97), families="BCCG")
centiles.pred(m1, xname="age", xvalues=seq(10,20,.5), 
Error in X[onlydata, , drop = FALSE] : 
  (subscript) logical subscript too long


m3 <- gamlss(BMI~pb(age), sigma.formula=~pb(age), nu.formula = ~pb(age), 
tau.formula = ~pb(age), family=BCT, data=adatok_fiu)
centiles.pred(m3, xname="age", xvalues=seq(10,20,.5), 

works as expected (although I get a warning message
Warning message:
In predict.gamlss(obj, what = "tau", newdata = newx, type = "response",  :
  There is a discrepancy  between the original and the re-fit 
 used to achieve 'safe' predictions 

I had the feeling centiles.pred should work for the result of an lms() function 
just like in case of gamlss().

Thank you all again!


Feladó: David Winsemius []
Küldve: 2013. december 9. 21:40
To: Dániel Kehl
Tárgy: Re: [R] growth curve estimation

On Dec 8, 2013, at 7:45 AM, Dániel Kehl wrote:

> Dear Community,
> I am struggling with a growth curve estimation problem. It is a classic BMI 
> change with age calculation. I am not an expert of this field but have some 
> statistical experience in other fields.
> Of course I started reading classical papers related to the topic and 
> understood the concept of the LMS method. After that I thought it will be a 
> "piece of cake", R must have a package related to the topic, so I just need 
> the data and I am just a few lines of code from the results.

You might want to look at a more recent discussion:

(The WHO centre has published their R code.)

> I encountered some problems:
> - found at least three packages related to LMS: gamlss, VGAM and an old one 
> lmsqreg (I did not try this because it does not support my R version (3.0.1.))
> - it was relatively easy to get plots of percentiles in both packages, 
> although they were far not the same (I also tried an other software, 
> LMSchartmaker it gave different results from the previous ones)
> - I tried to get tables of predicted values (with the predict function in 
> VGAM and with centiles.pre in gamlss) but without any success.

Don't see any code or error messages.

> - I tried to use the function gamlss() instead of lms() in gamlss but I could 
> not force them to give the same (or very similar results), but the 
> centiles.pred() function did work as expected for the model resulted from 
> galmss()
> - lms gives really different results if k is specified different ways, which 
> is "best"?

Won't that depend on the amount and distribution of the data?

> Also I have a general question: some publications state they estimated the 
> centiles so that aroun 18 years of age the curves pass through certain 
> points. How is that possible?
> Thank you for any suggestions or insights about the methods or preferred 
> package!
> Here is my code (without data):
> #####gamlss
> library(gamlss)
> library(VGAM)
> library(foreign)
> adatok <- read.spss("MDSZ adatok.sav",
> adatok_fiu <- subset(adatok, adatok$gender == "Fiúk")[,2:3]
> row.names(adatok_fiu) <- NULL
> adatok_lany <- subset(adatok, adatok$gender == "L÷nyok")[,2:3]
> row.names(adatok_lany) <- NULL
> m1 <- lms(BMI,age,data=adatok_fiu, cent=c(3,10,25,50,75,90,97), 
> families="BCCG")
> fittedPlot(m1, x=adatok_fiu$age)
> m1 <- lms(BMI,age,data=adatok_fiu, cent=c(3,10,25,50,75,90,97), 
> families="BCCG", method.pb="GAIC", k=log(1455))
> fittedPlot(m1, x=adatok_fiu$age)
> m1 <- lms(BMI,age,data=adatok_fiu, cent=c(3,10,25,50,75,90,97), 
> families="BCCG", method.pb="GAIC")
> fittedPlot(m1, x=adatok_fiu$age)
> m2 <- lms(BMI,age,data=adatok_lany, cent=c(3,10,25,50,75,90,97), 
> families="BCCG")
> m2 <- lms(BMI,age,data=adatok_lany, cent=c(3,10,25,50,75,90,97), 
> families="BCCG", method.pb="GAIC", k=log(1144))
> m2 <- lms(BMI,age,data=adatok_lany, cent=c(3,10,25,50,75,90,97), 
> families="BCCG", method.pb="GAIC")
> m3 <- gamlss(BMI~age, family=BCT, data=adatok_fiu)
> centiles(m3,xvar=adatok_fiu$age, cent=c(3,10,25,50,75,90,97))
> newx <- seq(12,20,.5)
> centiles.pred(m1, xname="age", xvalues=newx)
> centiles.pred(m3, xname="age", xvalues=newx)
> centiles(m1,adatok_fiu$age)
> #####VGAM
> library(foreign)
> library(VGAM)
> library(VGAMdata)
> adatok <- read.spss("MDSZ adatok.sav",
> adatok_fiu <- subset(adatok, adatok$gender == "Fiúk")
> adatok_lany <- subset(adatok, adatok$gender == "L÷nyok")
> fit1 <- vgam(BMI ~ s(age), = c(3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 
> 97)), adatok_fiu)
> fit2 <- vgam(BMI ~ s(age), = c(3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 
> 97)), adatok_lany)
> qtplot(fit1, percentiles = c(3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 97), xlim = c(10.5, 
> 20.5), ylim=c(13,34),
>       las = 1, ylab = "BMI", lcol = 4, pch=NA)
> qtplot(fit2, percentiles = c(3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 97), xlim = c(10.5, 
> 20.5), ylim=c(13,34),
>       las = 1, ylab = "BMI", lcol = 3, add=TRUE, pch=NA, label=FALSE)
> Thank you:
> Daniel
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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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