On 11/11/2013 09:07 PM, mohan.radhakrish...@polarisft.com wrote:
I am trying to show time( HH:MM:SS) in my x-axis. I have these
two questions.
1. The error in the code is
Error in axis(1, at = data$Time, labels = data$Time, las = 2, cex.axis =
1.2) :
(list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
Should I use 'POSIXCt' or 'strptime' ?
2. I have times that are repeated because it is the next or previous day.
But I want to show the times and data points in sequence - as they are in
the data frame - along the axis.
X1 X2 X3 X4
OldGenAfterFullGC X6 X7 PermGenAfterFullGC Time
1 0 3285 873856 3456 3285
1256128 12862 12862 19:36:16
2 3285 30437 873856 31324 30437 1256128
39212 39212 19:36:26
3 312755 313565 873856 313843 313565 1214080
182327 182327 20:36:27
4 313565 281379 873856 313789 281379 1213248
182338 147729 21:36:29
5 0 3285 873856 3456 3285
1256128 12862 12862 19:36:16
ylab="Megabytes", xlab="Time",las=2,lwd=2, cex.lab=1,cex.axis=1,xaxt="n")
axis(1, at = data$Time, labels = data$Time, las = 2,cex.axis=1.2)
text(data$Time,data$Time, data$Time, 2, cex=1.45)
Hi Mohan,
Yes, you probably want to convert the "Time" variable. However, to
answer both questions in one, you also probably want to stick a starting
date on your times, incrementing this whenever a time is less than the
previous one:
# this will produce times for the current date
for(timedate in 1:length(data$Time1)) {
if(as.numeric(data$Time1[timedate]) < lasttime) offset<-offset + 86400
Then you can use "Time1" as the "at" argument, and "Time" as the
"labels" argument to axis.
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