On Oct 30, 2013, at 7:27 PM, Robert Lynch wrote:

> I am trying to compare two different GAM fits.
> I have something like
> Course.bam20 <-bam(zGrade ~ Rep + ISE   + White + Female + Years + AP_TOTAL
> + MATH + HSGPA+ EOP + factor(P7APrior, ordered = FALSE)+s(Yfrm7A,k=20),
> data= Course, na.action = na.exclude,samfrac =0.1)
> Course.bam4 <-bam(zGrade ~ Rep + ISE   + White + Female + Years + AP_TOTAL
> + MATH + HSGPA+ EOP + factor(P7APrior, ordered = FALSE)+s(Yfrm7A,k=4),
> data= Course, na.action = na.exclude,samfrac =0.1)
> anova(Course.bam20, Course.bam4)
> Model 1: zGrade ~ Rep + ISE + White + Female + Years + AP_TOTAL + MATH +
>    HSGPA + EOP + factor(P7APrior, ordered = FALSE) + s(Yfrm7A,
>    k = 20)
> Model 2: zGrade ~ Rep + ISE + White + Female + Years + AP_TOTAL + MATH +
>    HSGPA + EOP + factor(P7APrior, ordered = FALSE) + s(Yfrm7A,
>    k = 4)
>  Resid. Df Resid. Dev      Df Deviance
> 1    4721.7     1907.0
> 2    4724.5     1913.5 -2.7919  -6.4986
> How can I get a p-value out of the anova?
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

I suspect that the reason no one has answered this is that it appears to be a) 
a request to explain a fairly simple step in statistical analysis and such 
requests are generally considered off-topic on r-help, and supporting that 
notion ...  b) your naming conventions suggests that this is homework, also 
off-topic here.

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