
Just a short question:

If you publish something, say a paper or book or report (in dead tree format = on paper), do you ask libraries and owners of this publication also to throw it away, because it is old or you have changed positions?

If in the academic world every scientist would remove his/her publications because they are out of date or after changing position, the scientific literature would probably be more less non-existant.

So, unless your postings are somehow offensive or abusive, I must say, I do not see your point, sorry!

I hope my mail is not offensive for you, if yes, I apologize, but it expresses my own opinion...

Albin (no pseudonym)

Am 12.09.2013 15:40, schrieb John Gonzalez:
Dear subscribers of r-help,
I would like to know your opinion about a privacy problem that I recently had 
after publishing to this list. Not a long time ago, I requested to the 
administrators of this list that they removed 2 or 3 old posts from mine. These 
posts were associating my name with an old company for which I worked a few 
years ago when you would look up my real name at google. I'm 100% aware that 
there are many mirrors of this list archive and that this is a hard work, 
however my point was to move their google references to later pages so that new 
people that look up my name would focus first on more recent work that I see as 
more relevant for what I would like to do in the future.
This is the answer that I received from Mr. Winsemius:
Such a service is not available. Almost immediately rhelp postings are 
replicated in multiple websites around the world. The information that you 
could have (and should have) read at the time of signing up is here:


... and the relevant sentence is:

"Posters should be aware that the R lists are  /public/ discussion lists and 
anything you post will be  *archived and accessible* via several websites for many 

I followed up explaining that at that time I was too young to understand the 
consequences of what I was doing and that, honestly, I didn't pay attention to 
such a note. Mr. Winsemius didn't understand the reason of my request and 
therefore decided to ignore it, even after asking a representative from the 
company mentioned in my old posts to contact him to request the removal of such 
At this point I feel completely powerless and disturbed that the administrators 
of the r-help list refuse to remove a text that I decided a long time ago to 
publish here. I don't think that they own the rights of what I wrote and I 
wonder what I have done wrong to be disrespected in such a way.
Best regards,
John Gonzalez (pseudonym)

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| Albin Blaschka, Mag.rer.nat.
| Etrichstrasse 26, A-5020 Salzburg
| * www.albinblaschka.info *
| * www.researchgate.net/profile/Albin_Blaschka *
| - It's hard to live in the mountains, hard but not hopeless!

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