list(structure(list(coefficients = structure(c(1, 0.0747202722085956, 
0.359646782818708, 0.298384925903065, -0.443967849195675), .Names = c("x0", 
"x", "xx", "y", "yy")), residuals = structure(c(-0.302776084510551, 
0.183247980798144, -0.337231904223223, 0.199348794823859, 0.290269994519382, 
-0.328261122410049, -0.191844336069409, 0.309937888934371, 0.249963958976373, 
-0.51656422321523, 0.0255108830245443, 0.418398169351789), .Names = c("1", "2", 
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12")), effects = 
structure(c(-3.46410161513775, -0.183026540352922, -0.880951105539393, 
0.730890815400676, -1.08749469273032, -0.055778138673626, 0.105917713121713, 
0.425275592080333, 0.0893727217831096, -0.833878847761609, -0.213870821267818, 
0.405405268871492), .Names = c("x0", "x", "xx", "y", "yy", "", "", "", "", "", 
"", "")), rank = 5L,     fitted.values = structure(c(1.00923807240423, 
0.815143487596117,     1.06126185691564, 1.50939808712151, 1.64879363631755, 
1.22366465369447,    !
  0.520171981764853, 0.117496714766831, 0.341968291278227,     
0.961191858709413, 1.4185661613195, 1.37310519811166), .Names = c("1",     "2", 
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12")),     assign = 1:5, qr = 
structure(list(qr = structure(c(-3.46410161513775,     0.288675134594813, 
0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813,     0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 
0.288675134594813,     0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 
    0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 1.0359551758099e-16,     
-2.44948974278318, -0.0791992255271195, -0.283323370759051,     
-0.432752616120393, -0.487447515990983, -0.432752616120393,     
-0.283323370759051, -0.0791992255271196, 0.124924919704812,     
0.274354165066154, 0.329049064936743, 1.60326396256294e-16,     
-4.06575814682064e-17, -2.44948974278318, 0.385357119965326,     
0.276818123873927, 0.0876608486418726, -0.131430166589936,     
-0.321749661221222, -0.432301680361632, -0.433463899760863,     
  -0.13576762843741, 4.07117915768307e-17,     2.16515173845355e-16, 3.
30898503042576e-16, 2.44948974278318,     -0.1565883283638, -0.28412286470868, 
-0.0175072160832821,     0.422389924412376, 0.61883998250704, 
0.369775078419853, -0.108638802574745,     -0.389352556693728, 
-7.42678488152571e-18, 6.07912158112622e-16,     4.95615918097436e-17, 
-1.02240264865383e-16, 2.44948974278318,     0.0399663322170986, 
-0.36906922926158, -0.453581151684979,     -0.103155496641535, 0.3733769380139, 
0.545626107621939, 0.279668949241763    ), .Dim = c(12L, 5L), .Dimnames = 
list(c("1", "2", "3", "4",     "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"), 
c("x0", "x",     "xx", "y", "yy")), assign = 1:5), qraux = c(1.28867513459481,  
   1.12492491970481, 1.38419490056609, 1.18149437156933, 1.36122122075101    ), 
pivot = 1:5, tol = 1e-07, rank = 5L), .Names = c("qr",     "qraux", "pivot", 
"tol", "rank"), class = "qr"), df.residual = 7L,     xlevels = 
structure(list(), .Names = character(0)), call = lm(formula = mm[,         i] ~ 
0 + (x0 + x + xx + y + yy)), terms = mm[!
 , i] ~ 0 +         (x0 + x + xx + y + yy), model = structure(list(`mm[, i]` = 
c(0.706461987893674,     0.998391468394261, 0.72402995269242, 1.70874688194537, 
1.93906363083693,     0.89540353128442, 0.328327645695443, 0.427434603701202, 
0.591932250254601,     0.444627635494183, 1.44407704434405, 1.79150336746345), 
x0 = structure(c(1,     1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), x 
= structure(c(0.866025403784439,     0.5, 6.12303176911189e-17, -0.5, 
-0.866025403784439, -1,     -0.866025403784439, -0.5, -1.83690953073357e-16, 
0.5, 0.866025403784438,     1), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), xx = structure(c(0.5, 
0.866025403784439,     1, 0.866025403784439, 0.5, 1.22460635382238e-16, -0.5, 
-0.866025403784438,     -1, -0.866025403784439, -0.5, -2.44921270764475e-16), 
.Dim = c(12L,     1L)), y = structure(c(0.5, -0.5, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 
-0.499999999999999,     -1, -0.5, 0.499999999999999, 1), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), yy 
= structure(c(0.866025403784439,     0.866025403784439, 1.2246!
 0635382238e-16, -0.866025403784438,     -0.866025403784439, -2.4492127
0764475e-16, 0.866025403784439,     0.866025403784439, 3.67381906146713e-16, 
-0.866025403784439,     -0.866025403784439, -4.89842541528951e-16), .Dim = 
c(12L,     1L))), .Names = c("mm[, i]", "x0", "x", "xx", "y", "yy"), terms = 
mm[,         i] ~ 0 + (x0 + x + xx + y + yy), row.names = c(NA, 12L    ), class 
= "data.frame")), .Names = c("coefficients", "residuals", "effects", "rank", 
"fitted.values", "assign", "qr", "df.residual", "xlevels", "call", "terms", 
"model"), class = "lm"), structure(list(    coefficients = structure(c(1, 
0.308786314174914, 0.120489287397766,     0.116129002459147, 
-0.283906024106553), .Names = c("x0",     "x", "xx", "y", "yy")), residuals = 
structure(c(-0.194600470874542,     0.147793243511181, -0.0596338831684155, 
-0.19669043918067,     0.411977909847386, -0.217327208227307, 
-0.172627741951063,     0.159445944832986, 0.251643280528442, 
-0.434578519402112,     0.159302024253958, 0.145295859830158), .Names = c("1", 
"2",     "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "!
 8", "9", "10", "11", "12")), effects = structure(c(-3.46410161513775,     
-0.756368909283277, -0.295137273596081, 0.284456800363322,     
-0.695424893963357, -0.130842377327931, 0.0826788149787507,     
0.459795732697155, 0.4015715947845, -0.521947444480734, -0.0607557637087129,    
 -0.00767162881851222), .Names = c("x0", "x", "xx", "y", "yy",     "", "", "", 
"", "", "", "")), rank = 5L, fitted.values = structure(c(1.13985610818118,     
0.954805610464521, 1.00436028493862, 1.13775895461703, 1.09676218167573,     
0.807342688284232, 0.484533235950539, 0.437325728748907,     0.763381710143087, 
1.23785170125125, 1.51110647911084, 1.42491531663406    ), .Names = c("1", "2", 
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",     "10", "11", "12")), assign = 1:5, qr = 
structure(list(qr = structure(c(-3.46410161513775,     0.288675134594813, 
0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813,     0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 
0.288675134594813,     0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 
     0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 1.0359551758099e-16,     -2.
44948974278318, -0.0791992255271195, -0.283323370759051,     
-0.432752616120393, -0.487447515990983, -0.432752616120393,     
-0.283323370759051, -0.0791992255271196, 0.124924919704812,     
0.274354165066154, 0.329049064936743, 1.60326396256294e-16,     
-4.06575814682064e-17, -2.44948974278318, 0.385357119965326,     
0.276818123873927, 0.0876608486418726, -0.131430166589936,     
-0.321749661221222, -0.432301680361632, -0.433463899760863,     
-0.324924903669464, -0.13576762843741, 4.07117915768307e-17,     
2.16515173845355e-16, 3.30898503042576e-16, 2.44948974278318,     
-0.1565883283638, -0.28412286470868, -0.0175072160832821,     
0.422389924412376, 0.61883998250704, 0.369775078419853, -0.108638802574745,     
-0.389352556693728, -7.42678488152571e-18, 6.07912158112622e-16,     
4.95615918097436e-17, -1.02240264865383e-16, 2.44948974278318,     
0.0399663322170986, -0.36906922926158, -0.453581151684979,     
-0.103155496641535, 0.3733769380139, 0.545626107621939, 0.27966894924176!
 3    ), .Dim = c(12L, 5L), .Dimnames = list(c("1", "2", "3", "4",     "5", 
"6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"), c("x0", "x",     "xx", "y", "yy")), 
assign = 1:5), qraux = c(1.28867513459481,     1.12492491970481, 
1.38419490056609, 1.18149437156933, 1.36122122075101    ), pivot = 1:5, tol = 
1e-07, rank = 5L), .Names = c("qr",     "qraux", "pivot", "tol", "rank"), class 
= "qr"), df.residual = 7L,     xlevels = structure(list(), .Names = 
character(0)), call = lm(formula = mm[,         i] ~ 0 + (x0 + x + xx + y + 
yy)), terms = mm[, i] ~ 0 +         (x0 + x + xx + y + yy), model = 
structure(list(`mm[, i]` = c(0.94525563730664,     1.1025988539757, 
0.944726401770203, 0.941068515436361, 1.50874009152312,     0.590015480056925, 
0.311905493999476, 0.596771673581893,     1.01502499067153, 0.803273181849135, 
1.6704085033648, 1.57021117646422    ), x0 = structure(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 
1, 1, 1, 1, 1), .Dim = c(12L,     1L)), x = structure(c(0.866025403784439, 0.5, 
 7,     -0.5, -0.866025403784439, -1, -0.866025403784439, -0.5, -1.8369
0953073357e-16,     0.5, 0.866025403784438, 1), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), xx = 
structure(c(0.5,     0.866025403784439, 1, 0.866025403784439, 0.5, 
1.22460635382238e-16,     -0.5, -0.866025403784438, -1, -0.866025403784439, 
-0.5, -2.44921270764475e-16    ), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), y = structure(c(0.5, 
-0.5, -1, -0.5,     0.5, 1, 0.5, -0.499999999999999, -1, -0.5, 
0.499999999999999,     1), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), yy = 
structure(c(0.866025403784439,     0.866025403784439, 1.22460635382238e-16, 
-0.866025403784438,     -0.866025403784439, -2.44921270764475e-16, 
0.866025403784439,     0.866025403784439, 3.67381906146713e-16, 
-0.866025403784439,     -0.866025403784439, -4.89842541528951e-16), .Dim = 
c(12L,     1L))), .Names = c("mm[, i]", "x0", "x", "xx", "y", "yy"), terms = 
mm[,         i] ~ 0 + (x0 + x + xx + y + yy), row.names = c(NA, 12L    ), class 
= "data.frame")), .Names = c("coefficients", "residuals", "effects", "rank", 
"fitted.values", "assign", "qr", "df.residual", "xlevels", "call", !
 "terms", "model"), class = "lm"), structure(list(    coefficients = 
structure(c(1, -0.996313162974889, -0.685856462834009,     0.325823696582116, 
0.327699171167941), .Names = c("x0", "x",     "xx", "y", "yy")), residuals = 
structure(c(-0.0777045386979109,     0.089533319906306, 0.128276753641805, 
-0.184243237765273,     -0.0952797955011903, 0.319208904474422, 
-0.190396651582146,     -0.0358873535213481, 0.0787996209644746, 
-0.0691002539371463,     0.13416806330851, -0.0973748312905045), .Names = 
c("1", "2",     "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12")), effects 
= structure(c(-3.46410161513775,     2.44045887330686, 1.67999837073346, 
0.798101802733592, 0.80269575849442,     0.332038944965529, -0.144835679781188, 
0.0788191020004607,     0.240265175450381, 0.066661487462206, 
0.181376391686432,     -0.137568239718286), .Names = c("x0", "x", "xx", "y", 
"yy",     "", "", "", "", "", "", "")), rank = 5L, fitted.values = 
structure(c(0.240946914643516,     0.028758257088!
 0492, -0.0116801594161259, 0.457479806001854,     1.39902031910459, 2.
32213685955701, 2.65246839599968, 2.21300966039092,     1.36003276625189, 
0.649104883354945, 0.359211763416442, 0.329510533607227    ), .Names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",     "10", "11", "12")), assign = 1:5, 
qr = structure(list(qr = structure(c(-3.46410161513775,     0.288675134594813, 
0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813,     0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 
0.288675134594813,     0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 
    0.288675134594813, 0.288675134594813, 1.0359551758099e-16,     
-2.44948974278318, -0.0791992255271195, -0.283323370759051,     
-0.432752616120393, -0.487447515990983, -0.432752616120393,     
-0.283323370759051, -0.0791992255271196, 0.124924919704812,     
0.274354165066154, 0.329049064936743, 1.60326396256294e-16,     
-4.06575814682064e-17, -2.44948974278318, 0.385357119965326,     
0.276818123873927, 0.0876608486418726, -0.131430166589936,     
-0.321749661221222, -0.432301680361632, -0.433463899760863,     -0.32!
 4924903669464, -0.13576762843741, 4.07117915768307e-17,     
2.16515173845355e-16, 3.30898503042576e-16, 2.44948974278318,     
-0.1565883283638, -0.28412286470868, -0.0175072160832821,     
0.422389924412376, 0.61883998250704, 0.369775078419853, -0.108638802574745,     
-0.389352556693728, -7.42678488152571e-18, 6.07912158112622e-16,     
4.95615918097436e-17, -1.02240264865383e-16, 2.44948974278318,     
0.0399663322170986, -0.36906922926158, -0.453581151684979,     
-0.103155496641535, 0.3733769380139, 0.545626107621939, 0.279668949241763    ), 
.Dim = c(12L, 5L), .Dimnames = list(c("1", "2", "3", "4",     "5", "6", "7", 
"8", "9", "10", "11", "12"), c("x0", "x",     "xx", "y", "yy")), assign = 1:5), 
qraux = c(1.28867513459481,     1.12492491970481, 1.38419490056609, 
1.18149437156933, 1.36122122075101    ), pivot = 1:5, tol = 1e-07, rank = 5L), 
.Names = c("qr",     "qraux", "pivot", "tol", "rank"), class = "qr"), 
df.residual = 7L,     xlevels = structure(list(), .Names = characte!
 r(0)), call = lm(formula = mm[,         i] ~ 0 + (x0 + x + xx + y + yy
)), terms = mm[, i] ~ 0 +         (x0 + x + xx + y + yy), model = 
structure(list(`mm[, i]` = c(0.163242375945605,     0.118291576994355, 
0.116596594225679, 0.273236568236582,     1.3037405236034, 2.64134576403143, 
2.46207174441754, 2.17712230686957,     1.43883238721637, 0.580004629417799, 
0.493379826724952, 0.232135702316723    ), x0 = structure(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), .Dim = c(12L,     1L)), x = structure(c(0.866025403784439, 
0.5, 6.12303176911189e-17,     -0.5, -0.866025403784439, -1, 
-0.866025403784439, -0.5, -1.83690953073357e-16,     0.5, 0.866025403784438, 
1), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), xx = structure(c(0.5,     0.866025403784439, 1, 
0.866025403784439, 0.5, 1.22460635382238e-16,     -0.5, -0.866025403784438, -1, 
-0.866025403784439, -0.5, -2.44921270764475e-16    ), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), y = 
structure(c(0.5, -0.5, -1, -0.5,     0.5, 1, 0.5, -0.499999999999999, -1, -0.5, 
0.499999999999999,     1), .Dim = c(12L, 1L)), yy = 
structure(c(0.866025403784439,     0.86602!
 5403784439, 1.22460635382238e-16, -0.866025403784438,     -0.866025403784439, 
-2.44921270764475e-16, 0.866025403784439,     0.866025403784439, 
3.67381906146713e-16, -0.866025403784439,     -0.866025403784439, 
-4.89842541528951e-16), .Dim = c(12L,     1L))), .Names = c("mm[, i]", "x0", 
"x", "xx", "y", "yy"), terms = mm[,         i] ~ 0 + (x0 + x + xx + y + yy), 
row.names = c(NA, 12L    ), class = "data.frame")), .Names = c("coefficients", 
"residuals", "effects", "rank", "fitted.values", "assign", "qr", "df.residual", 
"xlevels", "call", "terms", "model"), class = "lm"))
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