thank you.  but uggh...sorry for my html post.  and sorry again for
having been obscure in my attempt to be brief.  here is a working

fama.macbeth <- function( formula, din ) {
  fnames <- terms( formula )
  dnames <- names( din )
  stopifnot( all(dimnames(attr(fnames, "factors"))[[1]] %in%  dnames) )

  monthly.regressions <- by( din, as.factor(din$month), function(dd)
coef(lm(model.frame( formula, data=dd ))))
  as.m <-"rbind", monthly.regressions)

## a test data set
d <- data.frame( month=rep(1:5,10), y= rnorm(50), x= rnorm(50), z=rnorm(50) )

## this works beautifully, exactly how I want it.  the names are
there, the formula works.
print(fama.macbeth( y ~ x , din=d ))

## now I want something like the following statement to work, too
for (nm in c("x")) print(fama.macbeth( y ~ nm, din=d ))
for (nm in c("x")) print(fama.macbeth( y ~ d[[nm]], din=d ))
  or whatever.

the output in both cases should be the same, preferably even knowing
that the name of the variable is really "x" and not nm.  is there a
standard common way to do this?



Ivo Welch (
J. Fred Weston Professor of Finance
Anderson School at UCLA, C519
Director, UCLA Anderson Fink Center for Finance and Investments
Free Finance Textbook,
Editor, Critical Finance Review,

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 12:48 PM, David Winsemius
<> wrote:
> On Aug 19, 2013, at 9:45 AM, ivo welch wrote:
>> dear R experts---I was programming a fama-macbeth panel regression (a
>> fama-macbeth regression is essentially T cross-sectional regressions, with
>> statistics then obtained from the time-series of coefficients), partly
>> because I wanted faster speed than plm, partly because I wanted some
>> additional features.
>> my function starts as
>> fama.macbeth <- function( formula, din ) {
>>   names <- terms( formula )
>>  ## omitted : I want an immediate check that the formula refers to
>> existing variables in the data frame with English error messages
> Look the structure of a terms result from a formula argument with str():
>  fama.macbeth <- function( formula, din ) {
>    fnames <- terms( formula ) ; str(fnames)
>  }
>> fama.macbeth( x ~ y, data.frame(x=rnorm(10), y=rnorm(10) ) )
> Classes 'terms', 'formula' length 3 x ~ y
>   ..- attr(*, "variables")= language list(x, y)
>   ..- attr(*, "factors")= int [1:2, 1] 0 1
>   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
>   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "x" "y"
>   .. .. ..$ : chr "y"
>   ..- attr(*, "term.labels")= chr "y"
>   ..- attr(*, "order")= int 1
>   ..- attr(*, "intercept")= int 1
>   ..- attr(*, "response")= int 1
>   ..- attr(*, ".Environment")=<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
> Then extract the dimnames from the "factors" attribute to compare to the 
> names in hte data-object:
>> fama.macbeth <- function( formula, din ) {
>   fnames <- terms( formula ) ;  dnames <- names( din)
>   dimnames(attr(fnames, "factors"))[[1]] %in%  dnames
> }
> #[1] TRUE TRUE
> I couldn't tell if this was the main thrust of you question. It seems to 
> meander a bit.
> --
> David.
>> monthly.regressions <- by( din, as.factor(din$month), function(dd)
>> coef(lm(model.frame( formula, data=dd )))
>>   as.m <-"rbind", monthly.regressions)
>>   colMeans(as.m)  ## or something like this.
>> }
>> say my data frame mydata has columns named month, r, laggedx and ... .  I
>> can call this function
>>   fama.macbeth( r ~ laggedx, din=mydata )
>> but it fails
> What fails?
>> if I want to compute my x variables.  for example,
>>   myx <- d[,"laggedx"]
>>   fama.macbeth( r ~ myx)
>> I also wish that the computed myx still remembered that it was really
>> laggedx.  it's almost as if I should not create a vector myx but a data
>> frame myx to avoid losing the column name.
> I wouldn't say "almost"... rather that is exactly what you should do. R 
> regression methods almost always work better when formulas are interpreted in 
> the environment of the data argument.
>>  I wonder why such vectors don't
>> keep a name attribute of some sort.
>> there is probably an "R way" of doing this.  is there?
>> /iaw
>> ----
>> Ivo Welch (
>>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> Still posting HTML?
>> PLEASE do read the posting guide
>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> And do explain what the goal is.
> --
> David Winsemius
> Alameda, CA, USA

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