Thank you also Bill Dunlap for your detailed instructions on how to
use RTools, I am sure this will come in handy for me
in the future too, and I appreciate you taking the time to write it
all out for me.
Lucy Leigh
Prof Brian Ripley <> 12/07/2013 6:03 am >>>
On 11/07/2013 20:21, David Winsemius wrote:
On Jul 11, 2013, at 1:37 AM, Rolf Turner wrote:
On 11/07/13 17:57, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
On 11/07/2013 01:22, David Winsemius wrote:
On Jul 10, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Lucy Leigh wrote:
I have had a look at the manual but it makes no sense to me. I have
downloaded RTools, and the InnoSetup,
but I don't understand how to use these to install my package? Am I
meant to be writing commands
in R itself, or in these other things I've downloaded?
Since you are clearly out of your league with respect to
compiling from source, now is the time to ask (again), why are you
not installing the binary package?
At the R command line just type:
install.packages("PReMiuM") # should default to
type="win.binary" and use a CRAN mirror
Or as she seems to want to use a later version than on CRAN, to
ask again why she does not use winbuilder.
But the winbuilder web page explicitly says:
Please do not upload packages of other maintainers
(particularly not without changing the Maintainer field to your own
e-mail address, if you have permissions to do that), because the
maintainer indicated in the maintainer field of the DESCRIPTION
file get response from us. Please do not upload BioConductor
packages or CRAN packages. Both BioConductor and CRAN do have build
systems. If BioConductor or CRAN packages are not available for
Windows, there is a certainly a reason and also this service won't
be able to build the package properly.
So it would appear that it is *not* advisable for Ms. Leigh to
use winbuilder.
I read that paragraph as saying that if a specific package , i.e.
a particular numbered version, is already on CRAN or the BioC
server, then do not duplicate effort. Also do not submit if a CRAN
compilation resulted in an error. Especially in light of Prof.
Ripley's (reiterated) advice, I did not read it as saying that a
pre-release update to an existing package should not be submitted
(after suitable alterations of the DESCRIPTION file.)
You read correctly, and indeed this is what the R manuals and the rw-FAQ
say. This is all assuming that Lucy does have Silvia's (the author of
PReMiuM) permission, but given that she has a unreleased version, that
seems eminently reasonable.
I am CCing Uwe Ligges (the provider of the winbuilder service) in case
he wants to expand the statement. Although winbuilder does not have a
large capacity, new hardware was acquired fairly recently and it is not
as hard-pressed as it was.
In the particular case of PReMiuM compiling is tricky (it needs the
right version of Boost). And because we've been here before, I know
that winbuilder has a suitable version of Boost.
An alternative would be for Silvia to submit that version to winbuilder
and send the link to Lucy to download.
Brian D. Ripley,
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595