Hi John,
i would propose a one-liner for the hexcode transformation:


#instead of
hexnumerals <- 0:15
names(hexnumerals) <- c(0:9, LETTERS[1:6])
hex2decimal <- function(hexnums){
        hexnums <- strsplit(hexnums, "")
        decimals <- matrix(0, 3, length(hexnums))
        decimals[1, ] <- sapply(hexnums, function(x)
                                 sum(hexnumerals[x[1:2]] * c(16, 1)))
        decimals[2, ] <- sapply(hexnums, function(x)
                                 sum(hexnumerals[x[3:4]] * c(16, 1)))
        decimals[3, ] <- sapply(hexnums, function(x)
                                 sum(hexnumerals[x[5:6]] * c(16, 1)))
#some tests
cols<-c("AA0000", "002200", "000099", "333300", "BB00BB", "005555")
#actually 'toupper' is not needed for hex2dec

#check results

#it is not only shorter ocde, but even faster.

#       User      System verstrichen
#       3.54        0.00        3.61
#       User      System verstrichen
#       0.53        0.00        0.53


Am 30.05.2013 14:13, schrieb John Fox:
> Dear r-helpers,
> I'm interested in locating the named colour that's "closest" to an arbitrary 
> RGB colour. The best that I've been able to come up is the following, which 
> uses HSV colours for the comparison:
> r2c <- function(){
>     hexnumerals <- 0:15
>     names(hexnumerals) <- c(0:9, LETTERS[1:6])
>     hex2decimal <- function(hexnums){
>         hexnums <- strsplit(hexnums, "")
>         decimals <- matrix(0, 3, length(hexnums))
>         decimals[1, ] <- sapply(hexnums, function(x)               
>                                  sum(hexnumerals[x[1:2]] * c(16, 1)))
>         decimals[2, ] <- sapply(hexnums, function(x) 
>                                  sum(hexnumerals[x[3:4]] * c(16, 1)))
>         decimals[3, ] <- sapply(hexnums, function(x) 
>                                  sum(hexnumerals[x[5:6]] * c(16, 1)))
>         decimals
>     }
>     colors <- colors()
>     hsv <- rgb2hsv(col2rgb(colors))
>     function(cols){
>         cols <- sub("^#", "", toupper(cols))
>         dec.cols <- rgb2hsv(hex2decimal(cols))
>         colors[apply(dec.cols, 2, function(dec.col) 
>             which.min(colSums((hsv - dec.col)^2)))]
>     }
> }
> rgb2col <- r2c()
> I've programmed this with a closure so that hsv gets computed only once.
> Examples:
>> rgb2col(c("AA0000", "002200", "000099", "333300", "BB00BB", "#005555"))
> [1] "darkred"   "darkgreen" "blue4"     "darkgreen" "magenta3"  "darkgreen"
>> rgb2col(c("AAAA00", "#00AAAA"))
> [1] "darkgoldenrod" "cyan4"      
> Some of these colour matches, e.g., "#005555" -> "darkgreen" seem poor to me. 
> Even if the approach is sound, I'd like to be able to detect that there is no 
> sufficiently close match in the vector of named colours. That is, can I 
> establish a maximum acceptable distance in the HSV (or some other) colour 
> space?
> I vaguely recall a paper or discussion concerning colour representation in R 
> but can't locate it.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> John
> ------------------------------------------------
> John Fox
> Sen. William McMaster Prof. of Social Statistics
> Department of Sociology
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/
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