You can use basic debugging techniques to help understand what is going
wrong. For example, insert a cat() statement right before the statement
which is giving the warning. Like this:

## your code

## insert two lines
   tmp <- (var(yi)*(length(xi)-1))

## continue with your code

This example should help you understand the warning message

> foo <- numeric(5)
> foo[2] <- c(1,3)
Warning message:
In foo[2] <- c(1, 3) :
  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Don MacQueen

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550

On 5/16/13 3:17 AM, "rishard" <> wrote:

>Hey I'm not really sure what I should put on here, but I am having trouble
>with my R code.  I am trying to get the p-values, R^2s etc for a number of
>different groups of variables that are all in one dataset.
>This is the code:
>#Stand counter
>#Start lists for X and Y values within each stand
>#Set the first element to the starting X and Y values
>#Start looping working through your data, record by record
>for (i in 2:length(X)) {
>  #If you are in the same stand as on the last record, continue to
>  #collect X and Y values
>  if(Stand[i]==Stand[i-1]) {
>    xi=cbind(xi,X[i])
>    yi=cbind(yi,Y[i])
>  } else {
>    #If a new stand is encountered make your linear model and
>    #collect statistics
>    model<-lm(yi~xi)
>    stands[st]<-Stand[i-1]
>    intercepts[st]<-model$coefficients[1]
>    slopes[st]<-model$coefficients[2]
>    mses[st]<-sum(resid(model)^2)/(length(xi)-2)
>    ssr<-var(yi)*(length(xi)-1)-sum(resid(model)^2)
>    rsquares[st]<-ssr/(var(yi)*(length(xi)-1))
>    fRatio<-ssr/mses[st]
>    pValues[st]<-1-pf(fRatio,1,length(xi)-2)
>    #Increment the stand number, zero the within stand collections,
>    #and start again
>    st<-st+1
>    xi<-numeric(0)
>    yi<-numeric(0)
>    xi[1]=X[i]
>    yi[1]=Y[i]
>  }
>#Make your data set
>The standEstimate outputs look like this:
>standID        intercept       slop    mse     rSquare pValue
>1      6833    319.2470        NA      0       NA      NA
>2      756     708.7470        NA      0       NA      NA
>3      795             508.2290        NA      0       NA      NA
>4      1249    503.1460        NA      0       NA      NA
>5      1331    703.0620        NA      0       NA      NA
>6      1417    747.7620        NA      0       NA      NA
>7      4715    549.3400        NA      0       NA      NA
>8      4850    603.9940        NA      0       NA      NA
>9      2105    573.3270        NA      0       NA      NA
>Etc etc
>and I get these warnings:
>1: In rsquares[st] <- ssr/(var(yi) * (length(xi) - 1)) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>2: In pValues[st] <- 1 - pf(fRatio, 1, length(xi) - 2) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>3: In rsquares[st] <- ssr/(var(yi) * (length(xi) - 1)) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>4: In pValues[st] <- 1 - pf(fRatio, 1, length(xi) - 2) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>5: In rsquares[st] <- ssr/(var(yi) * (length(xi) - 1)) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>6: In pValues[st] <- 1 - pf(fRatio, 1, length(xi) - 2) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>7: In rsquares[st] <- ssr/(var(yi) * (length(xi) - 1)) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>8: In pValues[st] <- 1 - pf(fRatio, 1, length(xi) - 2) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>9: In rsquares[st] <- ssr/(var(yi) * (length(xi) - 1)) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>10: In pValues[st] <- 1 - pf(fRatio, 1, length(xi) - 2) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>11: In rsquares[st] <- ssr/(var(yi) * (length(xi) - 1)) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>12: In pValues[st] <- 1 - pf(fRatio, 1, length(xi) - 2) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>13: In rsquares[st] <- ssr/(var(yi) * (length(xi) - 1)) :
>  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
>14: In pValues[st] <- 1 - pf(fRatio, 1, length(xi) - 2) :
>etc etc
>Sorry if I haven't set this post out right, or haven't provided enough
>information.  But can anyone see why it is not giving me any returns for
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