Hi is it possible to add this line to my earlier post <meta name="robots" 
content="noindex"> to prevent it from being indexed by google? the post is at 
From: boon_lo...@hotmail.com
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Help for bootstrappingþ
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 15:14:05 +0800

I have a set of data for US t-bill returns and US stock returns frm 1980-2012. 
I am trying to bootstrap the data and obtain the minimum variance portfolio and 
repeat this portfolio 1000 times. However I am unable to get the correct code 
function for the minimum variance portfolio. When I tried to enter 
Opt(OriData+1, 1, 5, 0), I get "error:subscript out of bounds" Please help! 
##############################Preparing for datarawdata = 
read.table("C:/Desktop/data.txt", header=T)Rf = rawdata[,1]US = rawdata[,2]data 
= data.frame(Rf,US)OriData = as.matrix(data)
##############################the GetBSData functionGetBSData<-function(data){x 
= 1:396s = sample(x,6,replace=T)bsdata = data[(s[1]):(s[1]+59),]        for (j 
in 2:6) {                a = data[(s[j]):(s[j]+59),]             bsdata = 
rbind(bsdata,a)        }return(bsdata)}
##############################the Minimisation functionOpt<-function(data, 
horizon, col, 
lamda){TbillReturn<-numeric(30/horizon)USReturn<-numeric(30/horizon)for (x in 
1: (30/horizon)){        
a<-c(1,1)a<-cbind(a, diag(1,2))
WtVec<-solve.QP(Dmat=VCovMat*2, dvec= MeanVec*lamda,Amat=a,bvec=c(1,0,0),meq=1)
#return(MeanVec, VCovMat, WtVec$solution)return(WtVec$solution)}
#Opt(OriData+1, 1, 5, 0)
                ###number of bootstrap samplesRegion<-5                         
                ###Region indecies, check above.lamdaseq<-seq(0,1,.05)          
                ###the lamda sequence. currently from 0 to 1 by .05.
x<-numeric(bs*length(lamdaseq))         ###w1<-matrix(x, bs, length(lamdaseq))  
        ###To initialise the matrices.w5<-matrix(x, bs, length(lamdaseq))       
        ###1, 5, 10 denote the horizon.w10<-matrix(x, bs, length(lamdaseq))     
for (i in 1: bs){BSData<-GetBSData(OriData)+1j=1        for (lamda in 
lamdaseq){                w1[i,j]<-Opt(BSData, 1, Region, lamda)[1]             
  w5[i,j]<-Opt(BSData, 5, Region, lamda)[1]               w10[i,j]<-Opt(BSData, 
10, Region, lamda)[1]             j=j+1   }
x<-numeric(length(lamdaseq)*9)          ###To initialise the 
tabletable<-matrix(x, length(lamdaseq), 9) ###
for (k in 1:length(lamdaseq)){          #k:index for lamda
table[k,1]<-sort(w1[,k])[.05*bs]                ###The first 3 cols are for 
1-yr horizon.table[k,2]<-mean(w1[,k])                       ###From left to 
right: 5 percentile,table[k,3]<-sort(w1[,k])[.95*bs]            ###mean, and 95 
table[k,4]<-sort(w5[,k])[.05*bs]                ###table[k,5]<-mean(w5[,k])     
                ###Col 4-6 are for 5-yr 
horizon.table[k,6]<-sort(w5[,k])[.95*bs]                ###
table[k,7]<-sort(w10[,k])[.05*bs]               ###table[k,8]<-mean(w10[,k])    
                ###Col 7-9 are for 5-yr 
horizon.table[k,9]<-sort(w10[,k])[.95*bs]               ###}}
for (p in 
diff<-cbind(FiveMinusOne,TenMinusOne)diff<-cbind(diff, TenMinusFive)sn<-seq(1, 
length(lamdaseq))f2<-cbind(sn, diff)f2
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