To be clear everything "runs" with no error message... the only hint of a 
problem is at the end of the code: the plot will not fill out/ it is empty.

if anyone has any idea why something like this might happen, i would greatly 
appreciate it...  so i can handle it quickly.

thanks in advance.
On Mar 28, 2013, at 7:55 PM, Nicole Ford wrote:

> i am having problem running my own data.  yesterday it was working just fine. 
>  today it is not.  this is the code i was using as an example to follow.  
> this code ALSO worked just fine yesterday, and is no longer working at all.  
> i suspect it is a problem with either my computer or the software, at this 
> point.  if THIS won't even run....  something is wrong.
> i can assure you this isn't HW....  i know dave, but i am no longer at UW-M 
> and i have never learned HLMs and i am learning this on my own for my own 
> research.
> his code is here, along with data.  it is short, quick, etc.
> ### R code from vignette source 'Lecture7.Rnw'
> ###################################################
> ### code chunk number 1: opts
> ###################################################
> options(useFancyQuotes=F)
> ###################################################
> ### code chunk number 2: data1
> ###################################################
> library(foreign)
> therms <- na.omit(read.dta("";))
> unstate <- unique(therms[,1])
> therms$numstate <- match(therms$state, unstate)
> library(runjags)
> dat <- dump.format(list(
>       N = nrow(therms), J=length(unstate), 
>       y = therms$difftherm, 
>       numstate = therms$numstate
> ))
> ###################################################
> ### code chunk number 3: exchange
> ###################################################
> exchange.mod <- "model{
>       for(i in 1:N){
>               y[i] ~ dnorm(mu, tau)
>       }
>       mu ~ dnorm(0,.001)
>       tau ~ dgamma(.1,.1)
> }"
> exchange.out <- run.jags(exchange.mod, 
>       data=dat, burnin=10000, sample=50000, 
>       thin=5, monitor=c("mu", "tau"), 
>       monitor.deviance=T, monitor.pd=T, 
>       silent.jags=T)
> ###################################################
> ### code chunk number 4: exchange
> ###################################################
> FE.mod <- "model{
>       for(i in 1:N){
>               y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[numstate[i]], tau[numstate[i]])
>       }
>       for(j in 1:J){
>               mu[j] ~ dnorm(0,.001)
>               tau[j] ~ dgamma(.1,.1)
>       }
> }"
> FE.out <- run.jags(FE.mod, 
>       data=dat, burnin=10000, sample=50000, 
>       thin=5, monitor=c("mu", "tau"), 
>       monitor.deviance=T, monitor.pd=T, 
>       silent.jags=T)
> ###################################################
> ### code chunk number 5: exchange
> ###################################################
> hier.mod <- "model{
>       for(i in 1:N){
>               y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[numstate[i]], tau[numstate[i]])
>       }
>       for(j in 1:J){
>               mu[j] ~ dnorm(theta,nu)
>               tau[j] ~ dgamma(a,b)
>       }
>       theta ~ dnorm(0,.01)
>       nu ~ dgamma(.1,.1)
>       a ~ dunif(0,1000)
>       b ~ dunif(0,1000)
> }"
> hier.out <- run.jags(hier.mod, 
>       data=dat, burnin=10000, sample=100000, 
>       thin=10, monitor=c("mu", "tau", "theta", "nu", "a", "b"), 
>       monitor.deviance=T, monitor.pd=T, 
>       silent.jags=T)
> ###################################################
> ### code chunk number 6: sums
> ###################################################
> hier.chains <- combine.mcmc(hier.out$mcmc)
> FE.chains <- combine.mcmc(FE.out$mcmc)
> exchange.chains <- combine.mcmc(exchange.out$mcmc)
> <- apply(FE.chains[, grep("mu\\[", colnames(FE.chains))], 2, mean)
> mu.bar2 <- apply(hier.chains[, grep("mu\\[", colnames(hier.chains))], 2, mean)
> ns <- aggregate(therms$numstate, list(therms$stateabb), length)
> plot(, mu.bar2, cex=sqrt(ns[,2])/3, 
>       xlab = "FE mu[j]", 
>       ylab = "Hierarchical mu[j]")
> abline(a=0, b=1)
> ###################################################
> ### code chunk number 7: dotchart
> ###################################################
> <- FE.chains[,grep("mu\\[", colnames(FE.chains))]
> <- t(apply(, 2, quantile, c(.5,.025,.975)))
> rownames( <- unstate
> <-[order([,1]), ]
> dotchart([order([,1]),1], lcolor="white", pch=16, 
>       xlim=range(c(
> segments([,2], 1:34,[,3], 1:34)
> <- quantile(exchange.chains[,1], c(.5,.025,.975))
> polygon([c(2,3,3,2)], 
>       y = c(-1,-1,36,36), 
>       col=rgb(128,128,128,100, maxColorValue=255), 
>       border=NA)
> abline([1], lty=2, lwd=2)
> axis(4, at=1:34, labels=ns[match(rownames(, ns[,1]),2], 
>       cex.axis=.75, las=2)
> ###################################################
> ### code chunk number 8: femeans
> ###################################################
> library(sm)
> sm.density(, model="normal")
> ############################
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