Try this:

directory<- "/home/arunksa111/dados" 
#modified the function
GetFileList <- function(directory,number){
    lista<-dir(directory,pattern = paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""), 
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
     output<- list(filelist1,lista)


 read.list<-lapply(list.new, function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE, sep = "\t"))
 return (read.list)

z.boxplot<- function(lst){
new.list<-  lapply(lst,function(x) x[x$FDR<0.01,])
lapply(names(new.list),function(x) lapply(new.list[x],function(y) 


From: Vera Costa <veracosta...@gmail.com>
To: arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: new question

Sorry, you could give me a small new help?

Using the same data, I need a boxplot by groups.

I write he the functions I'm using. The last (z.boxplot is what I need, the 
other is ok). Thank you one more time.

GetFileList <- function(directory,number){
    direct<-dir(directory,pattern = paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""), 
full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
 direct<-lapply(direct,function(x) paste(directory,"/",x,sep=""))
 output<- list(filelist1,lista)

 read.list<-lapply(list.new, function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE, sep = "\t"))
 return (read.list)

directory<-"C:/Users/Vera Costa/Desktop/dados.lixo"
 file.list.names<-GetFileList(directory,23) [[1]]
 lista<-GetFileList(directory,23) [[2]]

z.boxplot <- function(lista) {
#I need eliminate all data with FDR<0.01
#boxplots split by groups 
boxplot(FDR ~ z, data = dct1,  xlab = "Charge", ylab = 

2013/3/13 Vera Costa <veracosta...@gmail.com>

No problem!
>Sorry my questions.
>2013/3/13 arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>As I mentioned earlier, I don't find it useful to do anova on that kind of 
>data.  Previously, I tried with chisq.test also.  It gave warnings() and then 
>you responded that it is not correct.  I would suggest you to dput an example 
>dataset of the specific columns  that you want to compare (possibly by row) 
>and post in the R-help list.  If you get any reply, then you can implement it 
>on your whole list of files.  Sorry, today, I am busy.    
>>From: Vera Costa <veracosta...@gmail.com>
>>To: arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:43 AM
>>Subject: Re: new question
>>Ok. Thank you.
>>Could you help me to apply this?
>>2013/3/13 arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>you are comparing one datapoint to another.  It doesn't make sense.  For 
>>anova, you need replications to calculate df.  may be you could try 
>>>From: Vera Costa <veracosta...@gmail.com>
>>>To: arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 8:56 AM
>>>Subject: Re: new question
>>>I agree with you.
>>>I write this tests because I need to compare with some test. I agree is not 
>>>very correct, but what is bioconductor?I need to eliminate some data (rows) 
>>>not very significant based in some statistics. What about your idea? How can 
>>>I do this?
>>>2013/3/13 arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>>>I need a t test (it's in this function). But I need a chisq.test corrected 
>>>>and a Anova with data in attach.
>>>>What do you mean by this?
>>>>Though, I calculated the t test based on comparing a single value against 
>>>>another for each row, I don't think it makes sense statistically.  Here, 
>>>>you are estimating the mean by just one value, which then is the mean value 
>>>>and comparing it with another value.  It doesn't make much sense.  I think 
>>>>in bioconductor there are some packages which do this kind of comparison (I 
>>>>don't remember the names).  Also, I am not sure what kind of inference you 
>>>>want from chisquare test.  Also, from anova test (?using just 2 datapoints) 
>>>>(if the comparison is rowwise).
>>>>From: Vera Costa <veracosta...@gmail.com>
>>>>To: arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 6:04 PM
>>>>Subject: Re: new question
>>>>Ok. It isn't the last code...
>>>>You sent me this code
>>>>directory<- "/home/arunksa111/data.new"
>>>>#first function
>>>>direct<-dir(directory,pattern = paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""), 
>>>>full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
>>>>list1<-lapply(direct, function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE, sep = 
>>>>list2<- list(filelist1,list1)
>>>>#[1] "a1" "c1" "c2" "c3" "t1" "t2"
>>>>lista<-filelist(directory,23,list1)[[2]] #lista output
>>>>FacGroup<- c("c1","c3","t2")
>>>>#Second function
>>>>res3<-lapply(seq_along(res2),function(i) lapply(res2[[i]],function(x) 
>>>>res4<-lapply(res3,function(x) x[names(x)[names(x)%in%Toselect]])
>>>>res4New<- lapply(res4,function(x) lapply(names(x), function(i) 
>>>>do.call(rbind,lapply(x[i],function(x) cbind(folder_name=i,x))) ))
>>>>res5<-lapply(res4New,function(x) lapply(x,function(x1){ x1<- 
>>>>res6<- lapply(res5,function(x) lapply(x,function(x1) 
>>>>{x1$counts<-sapply(x1$spec, function(x2) length(gsub("\\s", "", 
>>>>unlist(strsplit(x2, ",")))));x3<-as.data.frame(x1);names(x3)[6]<- 
>>>>res7<-lapply(res6,function(x) Reduce(function(...) 
>>>> res8<-res7[lapply(res7,length)!=0]
>>>> res9<- Reduce(function(...) merge(...,by=c("Seq","Mod","z"),all=TRUE),res8)
>>>>res9[is.na(res9)] <- 0
>>>> head(f(lista,FacGroup))
>>>> #                    Seq        Mod z c1 c3 t2
>>>>#1 aAAAAAAAAAAAAAATATAGPR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>#2  aAAAAAAAAAAASSPVGVGQR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>#3       aAAAAAAAAAGAAGGR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>#4  aAAAAAAAGAAGGRGSGPGRR 1-n_acPro/ 2  1  0  0
>>>>#5            AAAAAAALQAK            2  0  1  1
>>>>#6         aAAAAAGAGPEMVR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  2
>>>>resCounts<- f(lista,FacGroup)
>>>>t.test.p.value <- function(...) {
>>>>    obj<-try(t.test(...), silent=TRUE)
>>>>    if (is(obj, "try-error")) return(NA) else return(obj$p.value)
>>>> }
>>>>#3rd function for p-value
>>>>fpv<- function(Countdata){
>>>> function(i) {x<-if(ncol(Countdata[i])>1) rowSums(Countdata[i]) else 
>>>>Countdata[i]; colnames(x)<-NULL;x}))
>>>>I need a t test (it's in this function). But I need a chisq.test corrected 
>>>>and a Anova with data in attach.
>>>>No dia 12 de Mar de 2013 20:08, "arun" <smartpink...@yahoo.com> escreveu:
>>>>where is the reference "t-test above"?
>>>>>Which dataset you want to do this?
>>>>>From: Vera Costa <veracosta...@gmail.com>
>>>>>To: arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 1:50 PM
>>>>>Subject: Re: new question
>>>>>Could I ask a little help?
>>>>>Could you hel me to do a chisq.test (corrected), and a Anova, like a 
>>>>>t-test above? After that I need to remove all data with a p values<0.05.
>>>>>Sorry and thank you again
>>>>>2013/3/7 arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>directory<- "/home/arunksa111/dados" #renamed directory to dados
>>>>>>direct<-dir(directory,pattern = 
>>>>>>paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""), full.names = FALSE, recursive 
>>>>>>= TRUE)
>>>>>>list1<-lapply(direct, function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE, sep = 
>>>>>>list2<- list(filelist1,list1)
>>>>>>#[1] "a1" "a2" "c1" "c2" "c3" "t1" "t2"
>>>>>>lista<-filelist(directory,23,list1)[[2]] #lista output 
>>>>>>#If you look at the
>>>>>> lapply(lista,function(x) sapply(x,class)) #some spec were integer, and 
>>>>>>some were character
>>>>>>#do this
>>>>>> listaNew<-lapply(lista,function(x) within(x,{spec<- as.character(spec)}))
>>>>>>FacGroup<- c("c1","c3","t2")
>>>>>>#Second function
>>>>>>#f<- function(....)
>>>>>>#                     Seq        Mod z c1 c3 t2
>>>>>>#1 aAAAAAAAAAAAAAATATAGPR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>>>#2  aAAAAAAAAAAASSPVGVGQR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>>>#3       aAAAAAAAAAGAAGGR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>>>#4  aAAAAAAAGAAGGRGSGPGRR 1-n_acPro/ 2  1  0  0
>>>>>>#5            AAAAAAALQAK            2  0  1  1
>>>>>>#6         aAAAAAGAGPEMVR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  2
>>>>>>From: Vera Costa <veracosta...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>To: arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:12 AM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: new question
>>>>>>Sorry again a question about this, but when I run this code I have this 
>>>>>>Error in `[.data.table`(x1, , `:=`(spec, paste(spec, collapse = ",")),  :
>>>>>>  Type of RHS ('character') must match LHS ('integer'). To check and 
>>>>>>coerce would impact performance too much for the fastest cases. Either 
>>>>>>change the type of the target column, or coerce the RHS of := yourself 
>>>>>>(e.g. by using 1L instead of 1)
>>>>>>Could you help me to with this? How can I eliminate this?
>>>>>>Thank you
>>>>>>2013/2/28 arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>>directory<- "/home/arunksa111/data.new"
>>>>>>>#first function
>>>>>>>direct<-dir(directory,pattern = 
>>>>>>>paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""), full.names = FALSE, 
>>>>>>>recursive = TRUE)
>>>>>>>list1<-lapply(direct, function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE, sep = 
>>>>>>>list2<- list(filelist1,list1)
>>>>>>>#[1] "a1" "c1" "c2" "c3" "t1" "t2"
>>>>>>>lista<-filelist(directory,23,list1)[[2]] #lista output
>>>>>>>FacGroup<- c("c1","c3","t2")
>>>>>>>#Second function
>>>>>>>res3<-lapply(seq_along(res2),function(i) lapply(res2[[i]],function(x) 
>>>>>>>res4<-lapply(res3,function(x) x[names(x)[names(x)%in%Toselect]])
>>>>>>>res4New<- lapply(res4,function(x) lapply(names(x), function(i) 
>>>>>>>do.call(rbind,lapply(x[i],function(x) cbind(folder_name=i,x))) ))
>>>>>>>res5<-lapply(res4New,function(x) lapply(x,function(x1){ x1<- 
>>>>>>>res6<- lapply(res5,function(x) lapply(x,function(x1) 
>>>>>>>{x1$counts<-sapply(x1$spec, function(x2) length(gsub("\\s", "", 
>>>>>>>unlist(strsplit(x2, ",")))));x3<-as.data.frame(x1);names(x3)[6]<- 
>>>>>>>res7<-lapply(res6,function(x) Reduce(function(...) 
>>>>>>> res8<-res7[lapply(res7,length)!=0]
>>>>>>> res9<- Reduce(function(...) 
>>>>>>>res9[is.na(res9)] <- 0
>>>>>>> head(f(lista,FacGroup))
>>>>>>> #                    Seq        Mod z c1 c3 t2
>>>>>>>#1 aAAAAAAAAAAAAAATATAGPR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>>>>#2  aAAAAAAAAAAASSPVGVGQR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>>>>#3       aAAAAAAAAAGAAGGR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1
>>>>>>>#4  aAAAAAAAGAAGGRGSGPGRR 1-n_acPro/ 2  1  0  0
>>>>>>>#5            AAAAAAALQAK            2  0  1  1
>>>>>>>#6         aAAAAAGAGPEMVR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  2
>>>>>>>resCounts<- f(lista,FacGroup)
>>>>>>>t.test.p.value <- function(...) {
>>>>>>>    obj<-try(t.test(...), silent=TRUE)
>>>>>>>    if (is(obj, "try-error")) return(NA) else return(obj$p.value)
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>#3rd function for p-value
>>>>>>>fpv<- function(Countdata){
>>>>>>> function(i) {x<-if(ncol(Countdata[i])>1) rowSums(Countdata[i]) else 
>>>>>>>Countdata[i]; colnames(x)<-NULL;x}))
>>>>>>>From: Vera Costa <veracosta...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>To: arun <smartpink...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>>Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:30 AM
>>>>>>>Subject: new question
>>>>>>>Sorry about my question, but I need a new small thing...I need to split 
>>>>>>>my function to read data and to do the treatment of the data.
>>>>>>>At first I need to know the "names" of the files and read data, and 
>>>>>>>after a new function with my analysis.
>>>>>>>So, I did this
>>>>>>>directory<-"C:/Users/Vera Costa/Desktop/data.new" 
>>>>>>>direct<-dir(directory,pattern = 
>>>>>>>paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""), full.names = FALSE, 
>>>>>>>recursive = TRUE)
>>>>>>>lista<-lapply(direct, function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE, sep = "\t"))
>>>>>>>###"a1" "a2" "c1" "c2" "c3" "t1" "t2"
>>>>>>>and after
>>>>>>> res3<- lapply(res2,function(x) 
>>>>>>>#Freq FDR<0.01
>>>>>>> res4<-lapply(seq_along(res3),function(i) lapply(res3[[i]],function(x) 
>>>>>>> names(res4)<- names(res2)
>>>>>>> res4
>>>>>>>  res4New<-lapply(res4,function(x) lapply(names(x),function(i) 
>>>>>>>do.call(rbind,lapply(x[i],function(x) cbind(folder_name=i,x))) ))
>>>>>>> res5<- lapply(res4New,function(x) if(length(x)>1) tail(x,-1) else NULL)
>>>>>>> library(plyr)
>>>>>>> library(data.table)
>>>>>>> res6<- lapply(res5,function(x) lapply(x,function(x1) 
>>>>>>>{x1<-data.table(x1); x1[,spec:=past
>>>>>>>How can I "ask lista in second function? Could you help me?             

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