Dear R users- Do the lattice/latticeExtra packages support multiple tileplots with unique colorkeys? I am trying to create a visualization of the encounter rate of certain stocks of salmon across two years. The issue I am having is that some stocks are encountered at much higher rates than others.the high encounter rate for one stock washes out the patterns I'm hoping to visualize across the other, less common, stocks. In the example below, the high encounter rate of Central Valley Fall (CVF) in San Francisco (SF) during June of 2011 makes it impossible to identify differences in encounter rate of the other stocks. Is there a way to create the same plot but with a unique colorkey for each panel?
#Please first load packages RCurl and latticeExtra #Import data getdata<-getURL(" zYZNH9Dw9qdENjREl2ZkVlcFA4MDN2S1h6Vi03ZUE&single=true&gid=0&output=csv",ssl. verifypeer=FALSE) test<-read.csv(textConnection(getdata),header=T) test$year<-as.factor(test$year) head(test) ##Custom color ramp jet.colors <- colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")) ##create trellis of tileplots betweenyear<-tileplot(index~month*-area|stock+year,test,col.regions=jet.colo rs(256), scales=list(x=list(at=5:9, labels=c('May' ,'Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep'),cex=0.6), y=list(at=(-1):-8,labels=c('T','N','C','B','KC','FB','SF','MO'))), main = list(label="Stock specific encounter rate by WCGSI: 2010 versus 2011",cex=0.75) , xlab= "Month", ylab= "Management Area", border = "black", panel = function(...){ panel.fill("black") panel.voronoi(...) }) ##plot object plot(betweenyear) Thank you for your time and consideration. Regards, Ryan Ryan Flaherty Oregon State University College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Science Marine Resource Management 541-513-0293 ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.