In Line

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 05:34:48 -0700 (PDT)
> To:
> Subject: Re: [R] Loop over several Variables, add on question
> Hey Petr,
> thanks for answering. First to your question: I use rename from the
> reshape
> package.
> You are probably right to assume that I do not  have a to extensive
> reading
> background in R - basically I had to dive right in (which probably isn't
> a
> good idea, but I could not change that).  Having a solid background in
> other
> statistics packages (stata, SPSS) I now find myself putting quite a lot
> of
> effort into presumably easy to do things like recoding, merging, looping
> etc. 

A solid background is SAS, & SPSS is a disadvantage in using R. I assume that 
the same applies for Stata.  

 Google for "R for sas and spss users pdf" and read Bob's short comparison of 
the differences to look out for.  An even better alternative but which may take 
longer is to get his book. 

Moving from the older stats packages to R is often mindrwrenching.  After Bob's 
book you probably need to at least skim "Introduction to R" .

>(I really dont want to mention how long it took me to get that
> recode
> done in the first place ...). So in any case I am sorry if I am bothering
> you with somewhat strange problems...
> Nevertehless even though your proposed solution did work 'as is' it did
> not
> when I remodelled it to my data
> vec<-paste0("y", 1:5)
> ti[grep("y",vec)]<- paste0("tiy", 1:5)
> It did produce no error message but the variable names did not change.
> Could
> the problem be that ti in my case is not a vector but a dataframe (the
> y's
> being variables in that dataframe?)
> All the best
> Bernhard
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