
duplicated(head(x,2))),function(x) x[2]))
#[1] "167"  "841"  "1019"
#assuming that dates are sorted


----- Original Message -----
From: Stuart Leask <stuart.le...@nottingham.ac.uk>
To: Rui Barradas <ruipbarra...@sapo.pt>
Cc: "r-help@r-project.org" <r-help@r-project.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: [R] [r] How to pick colums from a ragged array?

Ah, no, my method does fail.
Consider an ID that has a duplicate DATE that isn't the first date, but it's 
first date is the same as another ID's first date that IS a duplicate. 
Test data is all - see below it failing.

So, I remain very grateful for your function!


ID <- c(58,58,58,58,167,167,323,323,323,323,323,323,323

,20070112,20070514, 19870508,20040205,20040205, 20091120,20091210

id.d <- cbind (ID,DATE )
# rag.a  <-  split ( id.d [ ,2 ], id.d [ ,1])               # create ragged 
array, 1-n DATES for every NAME
# Inelegant attempt to remove IDs that only have one entry:
# rag.s <-tapply  (id.d [ ,2], id.d [ ,1], sum)             #add up the dates 
per row
# Since DATE is in 'year mo da', if there's only one date, sum will be less 
than 2100000:
# rag.t <- rag.s [ rag.s > 21000000 ]
# multi.dates <- rownames ( rag.t )                         # all the IDs with 
>1 date
# rag.am <- rag.a [ multi.dates ]                           # rag.am only has 
IDs with > 1 Date

how.many <- ave(id.d[,1], id.d[,1], id.d[,2], FUN = length)
nd.b<- id.d[how.many > 1, ]

#nd.IDs<-nd.b[1:(ni/2)*2,1]         # list of IDs with dups
#nd.DATEs<-nd.b[1:(ni/2)*2,2]         # list of dup'd dates

earliest<-tapply(DATE,ID,min)  # table of mins
rownames(earliest[earliest%in%nd.b])   # IDs of dups with min
# This suggests ID 910 has a duplicate earliest, and it doesn't - it has a 
non-earliest duplicate, 
# and an earliest date that is the same as another ID's earliest+duplicate.

-----Original Message-----
From: Leask Stuart 
Sent: 23 October 2012 12:38
To: 'Rui Barradas'
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: RE: [R] [r] How to pick colums from a ragged array?

Thanks Rui - your initial, very elegant suggestion, has spurred me on!

1. As you noticed, my example data had no examples of duplicate first dates 
(DOH!) I have corrected this, and added a test - an ID that has a duplicate 
which is not the earliest DATE, but is the same DATE an earliest/duplicate for 
another ID.

2. Your suggestion gave me all the duplicates:

how.many  <-  ave ( id.d [ ,1], id.d [,1], id.d [,2], FUN = length)
nd.b<- id.d [ how.many  > 1,  ]

3. I can then simply make a table of earliest DATEs by ID, and then see which 
DATEs in this table are shared:

earliest <- tapply ( DATE, ID, min)                

This seems to work - and it does seem exclude IDs which have a duplicate date 
which is the same as a minimum date for another ID.
I'm trying to work out why!

Many, many thanks for the gift of that function. I will compare the two 
approaches (and assume that mine is flawed!).



ID <- c(58,58,58,58,167,167,323,323,323,323,323,323,323

,20070112,20070514, 19870409,19870508,19870508, 20091120,20091210

id.d <- cbind (ID,DATE )

how.many <- ave(id.d[,1], id.d[,1], id.d[,2], FUN = length)
nd.b<- id.d[how.many > 1, ]

earliest <- tapply  ( DATE, ID, min)                    # table of earliest 
rownames (earliest [earliest %in% nd.b ] )   # IDs of duplicates at the 
earliest date for that individual. I think...


-----Original Message-----
From: Rui Barradas [mailto:ruipbarra...@sapo.pt]
Sent: 23 October 2012 12:21
To: Stuart Leask
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] [r] How to pick colums from a ragged array?


Thinking again, if you just want the first/last in each ID that repeats the 
DATE, the following function does the job. Since there were no such cases in 
your data example, I've added 3 rows to the dataset.

ID <- c(58,58,58,58,167,167,323,323,323,323,323,323,323

DATE <- c(20060821,20061207,20080102,20090904,20040205,20040323,20051111

id.d <- cbind(ID, DATE)

getRepeat <- function(x, first = TRUE){
     fun <- if(first) head else tail
     sp <- split(data.frame(x), x[,1])
     first.date <- tapply(x[,2], x[,1], FUN = fun, 1)
     lst <- lapply(seq_along(sp), function(j) sp[[j]][,2] == first.date[j])
     n <- unlist(lapply(lst, sum))
     sp1 <- sp[n > 1]
     i1 <- lst[n > 1]
     lapply(seq_along(sp1), function(j) sp1[[j]][i1[[j]], ]) }

getRepeat(id.d)  # defaults to first = TRUE getRepeat(id.d, first = FALSE)  # 
to get the last ones

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Em 23-10-2012 10:59, Rui Barradas escreveu:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure I understand it well, in the solution below the only 
> returned value is ID == 814 but it's not the first nor the last DATE.
> how.many <- ave(id.d[,1], id.d[,1], id.d[,2], FUN = length) 
> id.d[how.many > 1, ]
> See the help page for ?ave if the repetition of id.d[,1] is confusing. 
> The first is the vector to average (to apply FUN to) and the second is 
> one of thw two vectors defining the groups.
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Em 23-10-2012 10:37, Stuart Leask escreveu:
>> I have a large dataset (~1 million rows) of three variables: ID 
>> (patient's name), DATE (of appointment) and DIAGNOSIS (given on that 
>> date).
>> Patients may have been assigned more than one diagnosis at any one 
>> appointment - leading to two rows, same ID and DATE but different 
>> The diagnoses may change between appointments.
>> I want to subset the data in two ways:
>> -          define groups of patients by the first diagnosis given
>> -          define groups of patients by the last diagnosis given.
>> The problem:
>> Unfortunately, a small number of patients have been given more than 
>> one diagnosis at their first (or last) appointment. These individuals 
>> I need to identify and remove, as it's not possible to say uniquely 
>> what their first (or last) diagnosis was. So I need to identify and 
>> remove these individuals which have pairs of rows with the same ID 
>> and (lowest or highest) DATE. The size of the dataset precludes the 
>> option of doing this by eye.
>> I suspect there is a very elegant way of doing this in R.
>> This is what I've come up with:
>> -          Sort by DATE then ID
>> -          Make a ragged array of DATE by ID
>> -          Remove IDs that only occur once.
>> -          Subtract the first and second DATEs. Remove IDs for which 
>> this = zero, as this will only be true for IDs for which the 
>> appointment is recorded twice (because there were two diagnoses 
>> recorded on this date).
>> -          (Then do the same to get the 'last appointment' 
>> duplicates, by reversing the initial sort by DATE.)
>> I am stuck at the 'Subtract dates' step: I would like to get the data 
>> out of the ragged array by columns (so e.g. I end up with a matrix of 
>> ID, 1st DATE, 2nd DATE). But I can't get the dates out by column from 
>> the ragged array.
>> I hope someone can help. My ugly code is below, with some data for 
>> testing.
>> Stuart
>> Dr Stuart John Leask DM FRCPsych MB BChir MA Clinical Senior Lecturer 
>> and Honorary Consultant Pychiatrist Institute of Mental Health, 
>> Innovation Park Triumph Road, Nottingham, Notts. NG7 2TU. UK Tel. +44
>> 115 82 30419
>> stuart.le...@nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:stuart.le...@nottingham.ac.uk>
>> Google 'Dr Stuart Leask'
>> ID <- c(58,58,58,58,167,167,323,323,323,323,323,323,323
>> ,547,794,814,814,814,814,814,814,841,841,841,841,841
>> ,841,841,841,841,910,910,910,910,910,910,999,1019,1019
>> ,1019)
>> DATE <-
>> c(20060821,20061207,20080102,20090904,20040205,20040323,20051111
>> ,20060111,20071119,20080107,20080407,20080521,20080711,20041005
>> ,20070905,20020814,20021125,20040429,20040429,20071205,20080227
>> ,20050421,20060130,20060428,20060602,20060816,20061025,20061129
>> ,20070112,20070514,20091105,20091117,20091119,20091120,20091210
>> ,20091224,20050503,19870508,19880223,19880330)
>> id.d <- cbind (ID,DATE )
>> rag.a  <-  split ( id.d [ ,2 ], id.d [ ,1])               # create 
>> ragged array, 1-n DATES for every NAME
>> # Inelegant attempt to remove IDs that only have one entry:
>> rag.s <-tapply  (id.d [ ,2], id.d [ ,1], sum) #add up the dates per 
>> row # Since DATE is in 'year mo da', if there's only one date, sum 
>> will be less than 2100000:
>> rag.t <- rag.s [ rag.s > 21000000 ]
>> multi.dates <- rownames ( rag.t )                         # all the 
>> IDs with >1 date
>> rag.am <- rag.a [ multi.dates ]                           # rag.am 
>> only has IDs with > 1 Date
>> # But now I'm stuck.
>> # Each row of the array is rag.am$ID.
>> # So I can't pick columns of DATEs from the ragged array.
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