Um, Bert, did you try my example?  It uses grid graphics to annotate a
base-graphics plot.


On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:50 AM, Bert Gunter <> wrote:
> Inline:
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Kevin Wright <> wrote:
>> Claudia, When you are asking a question about a particular _package_,
>> you should try to contact the package maintainer with the question.
>> Now, to answer your question...There is no simple way.  You can always
>> use the "grid" package to annotate plots however you like.
> This is false of course. What you meant to say (I hope) is that you
> can use the grid package to annotate any plot drawn **with grid
> graphics** any way you light. This includes both the lattice and
> ggplot packages. As you said, the exact details of how to do it may
> not be exactly transparent (and I don't know whether they are or not
> in this case).
> Graphics drawn with the base graphics functionality are generally
> incompatible with grid graphics.
> Cheers,
> Bert
>  Here is an
>> example that shows how it _could_ be done.  Ugly, however.
>> side.txt <- function (x = 0.5, y = 0.5, txt, cex, font, srt) {
>>   NULL
>> }
>> corrgram(mtcars[2:6], order=TRUE,
>>          labels=c('Axle
>> ratio','Weight','Displacement','Cylinders','Horsepower'),
>>          cex.labels=1.5,
>>          upper.panel=panel.conf, lower.panel=panel.pie,
>>          diag.panel=panel.minmax, text.panel=side.txt)
>> require("grid")
>> grid.clip()
>> lab <- "Displacement"
>> pushViewport(viewport(.04, .5, width = stringWidth(lab), angle=90,
>>                       height = unit(2, "lines"), name = "pagenum", gp
>> = gpar(fontsize = 8)))
>> grid.text(lab, gp=gpar(srt=45), just = c("left", "bottom"))
>> popViewport()
>> pushViewport(viewport(.5, .04, width = stringWidth(lab),
>>                       height = unit(2, "lines"), name = "pagenum", gp
>> = gpar(fontsize = 8)))
>> grid.text(lab, gp=gpar(srt=45), just = c("left", "bottom"))
>> popViewport()
>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 4:54 AM, paladini <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hallo,
>>>  I have a question concerning the function "correlogram" from
>>> library(corrgram).
>>> Is it possible do write the variable names not in the diagonal  but on the
>>> left and at the buttom of the graphic?
>>> I searched the manual and tried a lot but didn't get it.
>>> Thank you very much and best regards
>>> Claudia
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> --
> Bert Gunter
> Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
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Kevin Wright

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