FAQ 7.19
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punitha <punitha....@wipro.com> wrote:

>      I m said to display graph in browser using Rook.
>So i found a code i.e
>library(Rook) # for web functionality 
>library(ggplot2) # for graphing 
>library(tseries) # used to grab time series from yahoo for stock
>library(plyr) # data tweaks 
>PIC.DIR = paste(getwd(), 'pic', sep='/') 
># define the web page form 
>newapp = function(env) { 
>    req = Rook::Request$new(env) 
>    res = Rook::Response$new() 
>    if (!is.null(req$POST())) { 
>        stock.symbol <- req$POST()[["stock.symbol"]] 
>        day.window <- req$POST()[["day.window"]] 
>    } else { 
>        stock.symbol <- 'AAPL' 
>        day.window <- 60 
>    } 
>    res$write('What stock ticker would you like to see:\n') 
>    res$write('<BR/>') 
>    res$write('Stock Symbol:\n') 
>    res$write('<form method="POST">\n') 
>stock.input <- paste('<input type="text" name="stock.symbol" value="', 
>                         stock.symbol, 
>                         '">\n', sep='') 
>    res$write( stock.input )  
>    res$write('<form method="POST">\n') 
>res$write('<input type="radio" name="day.window" value="30">30 Days
> res$write('<input type="radio" name="day.window" value="60" checked>60
>Days \n') 
>res$write('<input type="radio" name="day.window" value="90">90 Days
>    res$write('<input type="submit" name="Go!">\n</form>\n<br>') 
>    myNormalize = function (target) { 
>        return((target - min(target))/(max(target) - min(target))) 
>    } 
>    if (!is.null(req$POST())) { 
>        # get the stock data as a data frame 
>        df <-
>as.numeric(day.window)),quote=c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close"))) 
>        # add an average and the top/bottom for the candle 
>        df <- mutate(df, Average =(High + Low + Close)/3, Bottom =
>pmin(Open, Close), Top = pmax(Open, Close), Open.to.Close =
>- Close) == 1,'Increase','Decrease'), Date = row.names(df), Date.Label
>ifelse(weekdays(as.Date(row.names(df))) == 'Friday',row.names(df),''))
>this gets the date from row.names into a column 
>        # create a box plot 
>        my.plot <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=Date, lower=Bottom, upper=Top,
>middle=Average,  ymin=Low,  ymax=High, color=Open.to.Close,
>fill=Open.to.Close), xlab='Date', ylab='Price') + 
>            geom_boxplot(stat='identity') + 
>            # add the line for average price from HCL 
>            geom_line(data=df, aes(x=Date,y=Average, group=0),
>color='black') + 
>            # tweak the labeling 
>            opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(angle=270), legend.position =
>'top', legend.direction='horizontal') + 
>            scale_x_discrete(labels=df$Date.Label) 
>        ggsave(plot=my.plot, paste(PIC.DIR, "/pic", stock.symbol,
>day.window, ".png", sep = "")) 
>        res$write(paste(day.window,' days stock price trend for
>',stock.symbol,'<BR/>', sep='')) 
>        res$write(paste(" <",  
>                        s$full_url("pic"),  
>                        > ", sep = "")) 
>    } 
>    res$finish() 
>s = Rhttpd$new() 
>s$add(app = newapp, name = "visbin") 
>s$add(app = File$new(PIC.DIR), name = "pic") 
>but when i execute this code i get an error saying
>Error in grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height, res = dpi,
> : 
>  unable to start png() device
>Or Is there any other code which can help me in displaying graph in
>using ggplot2
>Thank you,
>with regards,
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