try this:

> input <- readLines(textConnection("Iteration       Jmin    Error
Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1   Step2   Step3   Step4
+ 2       2       0.000000e+00    1.912976e-03    1       0.000000e+00
 1.779780e-03    7.214600e-05    1.243600e-05    2.246700e-05
+ Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1
Step2   Step3   Step4
+ 4       9       0.000000e+00    1.280841e-03    2       -7.105427e-15
9.557570e-04    2.301610e-04    1.571100e-05    2.177300e-05
+ Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1
Step2   Step3   Step4
+ 10      32      3.133476e-03    6.075853e-03    8       4.057531e-01
 1.613035e-03    3.956920e-03    3.077200e-05    4.390900e-05
+ 20      28      5.597685e-04    4.376530e-03    16      4.711146e-03
 0.000000e+00    4.390998e-03    2.229600e-05    2.517100e-05
+ 30      27      1.148159e-04    4.357923e-03    22      8.408166e-06
 0.000000e+00    4.326610e-03    2.697700e-05    3.233200e-05
+ 40      27      4.036778e-05    4.388260e-03    29      2.529294e-07
 0.000000e+00    4.329726e-03    2.713000e-05    3.558400e-05
+ 50      27      1.840383e-05    4.357373e-03    36      1.341111e-07
 0.000000e+00    4.327526e-03    3.097000e-05    3.255700e-05
+ 53      27      0.000000e+00    1.322382e-03    36      -2.842171e-14
0.000000e+00    1.327239e-03    1.420400e-05    2.043500e-05
+ Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1
Step2   Step3   Step4
+ 10      70      7.739525e-03    2.389529e-02    8       1.494829e+00
 2.975209e-03    1.873082e-02    4.713600e-05    5.837200e-05
+ 20      74      3.379192e-03    2.084753e-02    15      3.372041e-01
 0.000000e+00    2.084637e-02    4.302400e-05    3.907800e-05
+ 30      76      1.322821e-03    2.093204e-02    21      1.018845e-01
 0.000000e+00    2.083170e-02    4.704100e-05    5.707100e-05
+ 40      78      1.176950e-03    2.095179e-02    28      2.447970e-02
 0.000000e+00    2.088284e-02    4.890700e-05    4.955100e-05
+ 50      78      2.233669e-04    2.050571e-02    35      1.573952e-02
 0.000000e+00    2.045954e-02    4.046600e-05    3.899000e-05
+ 60      78      2.167956e-04    2.095130e-02    39      8.362982e-03
 0.000000e+00    2.082586e-02    6.699700e-05    8.506400e-05
+ 70      78      2.085968e-04    2.085355e-02    46      5.135190e-03
 0.000000e+00    2.083204e-02    5.432900e-05    4.078600e-05
+ 80      78      2.570800e-04    2.044932e-02    51      5.470225e-04
 0.000000e+00    2.033571e-02    5.334200e-05    5.318400e-05
+ 81      78      0.000000e+00    2.099610e-03    51      1.421085e-14
 0.000000e+00    2.100072e-03    9.147000e-06    2.324800e-05
> closeAllConnections()
> # remove headers
> input <- input[!grepl("^Iteration", input)]
> # extract the file names
> files <- input[grepl("^\\.\\.", input)]
> # add separation based on file name
> x <- cumsum(grepl("^\\.\\.", input))
> # prepend separation onto the input
> input <- paste(x, input)
> # remove the file names
> input <- input[!grepl("\\.\\.", input)]
> # extract 'n' from the file names
> n <- as.integer(sub(".*_n([0-9]+).*", "\\1", files))
> # read the modified data back in
> tempFile <- tempfile()
> writeLines(input, tempFile)
> newInput <- read.table(tempFile)
> # replace first column with 'n'
> newInput[[1]] <- n[newInput[[1]] + 1L]
> names(newInput) <- c('n', 'iter', 1,2,3,4,5,'Step1', 'Step2', 'Step3',
> require(reshape2)
> x <- melt(newInput, id = c('n', 'iter'), measure =
c('Step1','Step2','Step3', 'Step4'))
> x
      n iter variable       value
1    10    2    Step1 0.001779780
2    20    4    Step1 0.000955757
3    64   10    Step1 0.001613035
4    64   20    Step1 0.000000000
5    64   30    Step1 0.000000000
6    64   40    Step1 0.000000000
7    64   50    Step1 0.000000000
8    64   53    Step1 0.000000000
9  9999   10    Step1 0.002975209
10 9999   20    Step1 0.000000000
11 9999   30    Step1 0.000000000
12 9999   40    Step1 0.000000000
13 9999   50    Step1 0.000000000
14 9999   60    Step1 0.000000000
15 9999   70    Step1 0.000000000
16 9999   80    Step1 0.000000000
17 9999   81    Step1 0.000000000
18   10    2    Step2 0.000072146
19   20    4    Step2 0.000230161
20   64   10    Step2 0.003956920
21   64   20    Step2 0.004390998
22   64   30    Step2 0.004326610
23   64   40    Step2 0.004329726
24   64   50    Step2 0.004327526
25   64   53    Step2 0.001327239
26 9999   10    Step2 0.018730820
27 9999   20    Step2 0.020846370
28 9999   30    Step2 0.020831700
29 9999   40    Step2 0.020882840
30 9999   50    Step2 0.020459540
31 9999   60    Step2 0.020825860
32 9999   70    Step2 0.020832040
33 9999   80    Step2 0.020335710
34 9999   81    Step2 0.002100072

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 6:24 AM, Giovanni Azua <> wrote:

> Hello,
> What would be the best set of R functions to parse and transform a file?
> My file looks as shown below. I would like to plot this data and I need to
> parse it into a single data frame that sorts of "transposes the data" with
> the following structure:
> > df <- data.frame(n=c(1,1,2,2),iter=c(1,2,1,2),step=as.factor(c('Step 1',
> 'Step2', 'Step 1', 'Step 2')),value=c(10, 10, 10, 10))
> > str(df)
> 'data.frame':   4 obs. of  4 variables:
>  $ n    : num  1 1 2 2
>  $ iter : num  1 2 1 2
>  $ step : Factor w/ 3 levels "Step 1","Step 2",..: 1 3 1 2
>  $ value: num  10 10 10 10
> n=extracted from the file name "logdet_two_moons_n>>>>10<<<<.txt"
> iter=iter
> step=column Step1, Step2, Step3, Step4
> value=value of the specific Step column
> And this is one possible data frame variation to be able to plot the time
> proportions for the different steps of my algorithm.
> TIA,
> Best regards,
> Giovanni
> Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1
> Step2   Step3   Step4
> 2       2       0.000000e+00    1.912976e-03    1       0.000000e+00
>  1.779780e-03    7.214600e-05    1.243600e-05    2.246700e-05
> ../test/genmoons_data/logdet_two_moons_n10.txt,2,2,1.754115e-02,0.000000e+00,9.799000e+03,0.000000e+00,5.586293e-01,0.000000e+00
> Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1
> Step2   Step3   Step4
> 4       9       0.000000e+00    1.280841e-03    2       -7.105427e-15
> 9.557570e-04    2.301610e-04    1.571100e-05    2.177300e-05
> ../test/genmoons_data/logdet_two_moons_n20.txt,4,5,6.062756e-03,0.000000e+00,1.365970e+05,0.000000e+00,2.253051e+01,0.000000e+00
> Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1
> Step2   Step3   Step4
> 10      32      3.133476e-03    6.075853e-03    8       4.057531e-01
>  1.613035e-03    3.956920e-03    3.077200e-05    4.390900e-05
> 20      28      5.597685e-04    4.376530e-03    16      4.711146e-03
>  0.000000e+00    4.390998e-03    2.229600e-05    2.517100e-05
> 30      27      1.148159e-04    4.357923e-03    22      8.408166e-06
>  0.000000e+00    4.326610e-03    2.697700e-05    3.233200e-05
> 40      27      4.036778e-05    4.388260e-03    29      2.529294e-07
>  0.000000e+00    4.329726e-03    2.713000e-05    3.558400e-05
> 50      27      1.840383e-05    4.357373e-03    36      1.341111e-07
>  0.000000e+00    4.327526e-03    3.097000e-05    3.255700e-05
> 53      27      0.000000e+00    1.322382e-03    36      -2.842171e-14
> 0.000000e+00    1.327239e-03    1.420400e-05    2.043500e-05
> ../test/genmoons_data/logdet_two_moons_n64.txt,53,69,3.330987e-02,0.000000e+00,2.229830e+07,0.000000e+00,6.694201e+02,0.000000e+00
> Iteration       Jmin    Error   Elapsed Corral  Duality Gap     Step1
> Step2   Step3   Step4
> 10      70      7.739525e-03    2.389529e-02    8       1.494829e+00
>  2.975209e-03    1.873082e-02    4.713600e-05    5.837200e-05
> 20      74      3.379192e-03    2.084753e-02    15      3.372041e-01
>  0.000000e+00    2.084637e-02    4.302400e-05    3.907800e-05
> 30      76      1.322821e-03    2.093204e-02    21      1.018845e-01
>  0.000000e+00    2.083170e-02    4.704100e-05    5.707100e-05
> 40      78      1.176950e-03    2.095179e-02    28      2.447970e-02
>  0.000000e+00    2.088284e-02    4.890700e-05    4.955100e-05
> 50      78      2.233669e-04    2.050571e-02    35      1.573952e-02
>  0.000000e+00    2.045954e-02    4.046600e-05    3.899000e-05
> 60      78      2.167956e-04    2.095130e-02    39      8.362982e-03
>  0.000000e+00    2.082586e-02    6.699700e-05    8.506400e-05
> 70      78      2.085968e-04    2.085355e-02    46      5.135190e-03
>  0.000000e+00    2.083204e-02    5.432900e-05    4.078600e-05
> 80      78      2.570800e-04    2.044932e-02    51      5.470225e-04
>  0.000000e+00    2.033571e-02    5.334200e-05    5.318400e-05
> 81      78      0.000000e+00    2.099610e-03    51      1.421085e-14
>  0.000000e+00    2.100072e-03    9.147000e-06    2.324800e-05
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Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru

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