First thing; are you trying to fit a model specified as

y ~ X + X^2 + X^3 ?

... because if you are you're unlikely to get anything useful. That uses 
formula syntax in which ^ does not have the arithmetic power meaning; see 
section 11.1 'Defining statistical models; formulae' in 'an introduction to R' 
in your HTML help system. This formula only specifies one term, X, so all 
you'll get is the result of

y ~ X

If you wanted to fit a polynomial the hard (and not generally good) way you'd 
have to do 

y ~ I(X )+ I(X^2) + I(X^3) 

Next, in your line
 fit <- lm(Y~conditional.argument)

you have asked lm to fit Y to a character string formed by paste(). That is 
also unlikely to be useful. You would need to create the complete formula as a 
string (eg "Y~X+I(X^2)+I(X^3)" ) and then use as.formula to convert that to a 
formula lm can use.

Then there's the unnecessary loop. You can get your formula string without a 
loop from an integer 'degree' using 

formstring <- paste("Y ~ ", paste("I(X^",1:degree,")" , sep="", collapse=" + "))

And then you can convert formstring to a formula object and use the formula 
object in lm:
form <- as.formula(formstring) #be careful with this; it looks for the terms in 
the current environment... 

Or, if 'degree' were a vector (say 
degree<-c(1, 3, 5)
formstring <- paste("Y ~ ", paste("I(X^",degree,")" , sep="", collapse=" + "))
and so on.

> I am having this problem as well when I want to do a boxplot 
> with variable number of groups to compare.
I don't know what you're trying to achieve with boxplot, but if you gave 
boxplot itself your vectors it would plot them by itself:



Incidentally, this:
conditional.argument <- data[,1], data[,2], ...,data[,nvariables]          #
is not a valid assignment in R, so it cannot be the code you used. And using 
something called 'data' (or any other object) in a function that does not have 
an named argument by the same name is asking for trouble; there is no telling 
where it will get 'data' from but there is a very good chance it will sometimes 
be from somewhere you don't expect. 

S Ellison 
> -----Original Message-----
> I am sure that my approach is kind of stupid but I cannot 
> think of another way to do it. I apologize...
> foo <- function(..., degree=..){
>   degree<-3 # example
>   conditional.argument <- rep(NA,degree)
>   for(i in 1:(degree-1)) conditional.argument[i] <- 
> paste("X^",i,"+",sep="")
>   conditional.argument[degree] <- paste("X^",degree,sep="")
>   conditional.argument <- paste(conditional.argument,collapse="")
>   conditional.argument
> #  "X^1+X^2+X^3"
>   fit <- lm(Y~conditional.argument)
>   ...
>   return(fit)
> }
> I know that there is the poly() function which I am not looking for.
> I am having this problem as well when I want to do a boxplot 
> with variable number of groups to compare.
> multiple.boxplot <- function(...,nvariables){
> conditional.argument <- data[,1], data[,2], 
> ...,data[,nvariables]          #
> should look like that in the end
> boxplot(conditional.argument)
> }
> Can anyone give me a hint?
> Daniel Hoop
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