This should be refined, but it gives you a start:

.dat<- summary(mod)$coefficients
namen <- row.names(.dat)
Est <- .dat[,1]
Err <- .dat[,2]
p <- .dat[,4]
p[p<0.0001] <- "***"
p[p<0.001] <- "**"
p[p<0.01] <- "*"
p[p<0.05] <- "."
p[p>0.05] <-" "

cat(paste(namen,"\t", Est, p, "\n\t\t(",Err,")\n"))


Thiemo Fetzer wrote:
> Hello to the whole group.
> I am a newbie to R, but I got my way through and think it is a lot easier
> to
> handle than other software packages (far less clicks necessary).
> However, I have a problem with respect to the summary of regression
> results.
> The summary function gives sth like:
> Residuals:
>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
> -0.46743 -0.09772  0.01810  0.11175  0.42252 
> Coefficients:
>                              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
> (Intercept)                  3.750367   0.172345  21.761  < 2e-16 ***
> Var1                        -0.002334   0.009342  -0.250 0.802948    
> Var2                               0.012551   0.005927   2.117 0.035444 *
> Var3                             0.015380   0.074537   0.206 0.836730    
> Var3                         0.098602   0.026448   3.728 0.000250 ***
> ...
> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
> Residual standard error: 0.1614 on 202 degrees of freedom
> Multiple R-squared: 0.1983,     Adjusted R-squared: 0.1506 
> F-statistic: 4.163 on 12 and 202 DF,  p-value: 7.759e-06
> However, my wish is the output to have a format like:
>                              Estimate 
> (Intercept)                  3.750367*** 
>                                       (0.172345)
> Var1                        -0.002334
>                                       (0.009342)    
> Var2                               0.012551*
>                                       (0.005927)
> Etc. so that the standard errors are in parantheses below the estimates.
> Next to the estimates should be the * indicating significance.
> I thought that should go by accessing the elements in the summary object,
> yet, I got started and figured that is quite complicated. 
> Is there a quick and dirty way? 
> Basically I want the same print-out as the summary, except that I don't
> want
> the t-statistic and not the p-value, only the significance codes.
> Thanks a lot in advance
> Thiemo
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