
I am now having a similar problem with the barplot: i cannot get the margin
text to 'stick'.

png(paste(drive, "MoMUnit.png", sep=""))
par(mar=c(10, 3, 2, 2), opar=(1,0,0,0))
mainnameUnit = expression(paste("MoM %", Delta, " Apptmnt Prices", sep=""))
ymin <- min(percentDiff[,c(6, 9, 33, 36, seq(15,30,3), 3)]) -1
ymax <- max(percentDiff[,c(6, 9, 33, 36, seq(15,30,3), 3)]) +1
barplot(percentDiff[,c(6, 9, 33, 36, seq(15,30,3), 3)], las=2, beside=T,
ylim=c(ymin, ymax), legend.text=c(prior2m, prior1m, ee),
mtext(stamp, cex=0.75, line=0, side=1, adj=1, outer=T)
mtext("Source: ASX", cex=0.75, side=1, adj=0, outer=T)

i also have a few assorted issues that i cannot figure out -- i would like
to remove the box around the bar plot, and add some intro text above the
key, as i have done in the line plot case.

thanks and best regards

matt johnson

On 3 June 2012 08:38, Matthew Johnson <> wrote:

> thanks very much - fixed.
> On 3 June 2012 08:26, Duncan Murdoch <> wrote:
>> On 12-06-02 6:21 PM, Matthew Johnson wrote:
>>> Sir,
>>> I have hit a the limits of my understanding of text / par / opar etc...
>>> I have a few related xts data frames which have multiple columns, and
>>> have
>>> written a for-loop to make a set of charts - however i do not get any
>>> margin text when i run the loop.
>>> when i test the code outside of the loop the margin text appears -
>>> however
>>> when i run the loop the margin text does not appear ... what gives?
>> You're calling par() before png().  Your par() settings will apply to the
>> device that was active before you open the png() device, not to it.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>> here is the code
>>> for (col in 1:ncol(xdf)){
>>>   par(mar=c(3.5, 4.5, 2, 1), oma=c(2,0,0,0))
>>>   ymin = min(xdf[,col]) - 20
>>>   ymax = max(xdf[,col]) + 20
>>>   png(paste(drive, names(xdf)[col], '.png', sep=""))
>>>   plot(coredata(yr09_10[,col]), type='l', ylim=c(ymin, ymax), col=1,
>>> lwd=2,
>>> las=1, xlab="", ylab="",
>>>        xaxt='n', main=names(xdf)[col])
>>>   lines(coredata(yr10_11[,col]), col=2, lwd=2)
>>>   lines(coredata(yr11_12[,col]), col=3, lwd=2)
>>>   axis(1, at=c(1:365), labels=format(index(yr09_10), "%d-%b"), tck=0.01,
>>> las=1)
>>>   legend("bottom", inset=0.02, title="Financial Years", c("09/10",
>>> "10/11",
>>> "11/12"), col=c(1,2,3), lwd=3, horiz=TRUE, bty='n')
>>>   mtext(stamp, cex=0.75, line=0, side=1, adj=1, outer=T)
>>>   mtext("Source: ABS", cex=0.75, side=1, adj=0, outer=T)
>>> }
>>> the charts are certainly re-made each time (i've checked this!) and they
>>> appear as desired, excepting the absence of the margin text.
>>> could anyone please help?
>>> tips on any other aspects of the above code are also very welcome.
>>> thanks and best regards
>>> matt johnson
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