Read help for the ifelse function. Type ?ifelse at the command line.
Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

Rantony <> wrote:

>Here i have been a matrix like this, 
>*NAME    AGE   PALCE                TRUE/FALSE*
>ABC         20      INDIA 
>XYZ         30       FRANCE 
>PQR        40       USA 
>MNO     30        KENIYA 
>DEF        25        AUSTRALIA 
>Here,* TRUE/FALSE*  Column containing empty values. 
>So my requirement what is , need to change all the *TRUE/FALSE *column
>into "*TRUE*" where *AGE = 30*. 
>Note :- i *dont want* to use* any loop *and do. Main intension is avoid
>loop,bcz there is a bulk of data. 
>Final Matrix should be like this 
>*NAME    AGE   PALCE                TRUE/FALSE*
>ABC         20      INDIA                                              
>XYZ         30       FRANCE                     TRUE 
>PQR        40       USA                                                
>MNO     30        KENIYA                      TRUE 
>DEF        25        AUSTRALIA 
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