Dear R Help,

Sorry I wasn't more clear before. Here is another crack at this.

What I am still trying to do is estimate the point on a line when the
slope changes or asymptotes. I have found some similar postings
talking about this but no answers. for example
(best one I see)

Based on the above, I've modified my code. I have provided below some
sample data so you can see the entire chain of work that summarizes
the issue I am trying to resolve.

dat <- 

x.seq <- seq(1, 153,, 153) <-, dat))

names( <- c("x", "dat")Asym.2000 <-

na.dat.2000 <- which(!$dat))

loess.smooth.2000 <- loess.smooth($x[na.dat.2000],$dat[na.dat.2000], span=0.20)

diff.loess.smooth.2000 <- which(diff(loess.smooth.2000$y) ==
(min(diff(loess.smooth.2000$y))), arr.ind=T) <- loess.smooth.2000$y[diff.loess.smooth.2000]

xmid.2000 <-

scal.2000 <- (min(na.omit($dat)) -
max(na.omit($dat))) / (max(na.omit($x)) -
min(na.omit($x))) * 10

fit.dat.2000 <- nls(dat ~ SSlogis(x, Asym, xmid,scal), data =, start=list(Asym=round(Asym.2000), xmid=round(xmid.2000),
scal=scal.2000), control = list(maxiter = 500, warnOnly = TRUE),

year.ind <- 2000

fit.dat <- get(paste("fit.dat.", year.ind, sep=""))

a <- coef(fit.dat)[[1]]
m  <- coef(fit.dat)[[2]]
s  <- coef(fit.dat)[[3]]

sslogis <- expression(a/((1+exp((m-x)/s))))

sslogis.deriv1 <- D(sslogis, "x")

sslogis.deriv2 <- D(D(sslogis, "x"), "x")

fn.sslogis <- function (x, a, m, s) { a/((1+exp((m-x)/s))) }
fn.sslogis.deriv1 <- function (x, a, m, s) { a * (exp((m - x)/s) *
(1/s))/((1 + exp((m - x)/s)))^2 }
fn.sslogis.deriv2 <- function (x, a, m, s) {
-(a * (exp((m - x)/s) * (1/s) * (1/s))/((1 + exp((m - x)/s)))^2 -
  a * (exp((m - x)/s) * (1/s)) * (2 * (exp((m - x)/s) * (1/s) *
  (1 + exp((m - x)/s)))))/((((1 + exp((m - x)/s)))^2)^2) }

asym <- a

slope <- s

mid.point <- optimize(f=fn.sslogis.deriv1, interval=c(1:153), a=a,
m=m, s=s)$minimum #this will find the minimum point halfway through

init <- optimize(f=fn.sslogis.deriv2, interval=c(1:mid.point), a=a,
m=m, s=s)$minimum #this is the start of the snowmelt season

term <- optimize(f=fn.sslogis.deriv2, interval=c(mid.point:153), a=a,
m=m, s=s, maximum=TRUE)$maximum #this is the end of the snowmelt

duration <- init-term


Ok, this part of the code is where I really want to try and calculate
the points (init and term) where the curve asymptotes (using the first
derivative). On the below plot, this should be at ~40 and ~110 (these
represent days in my analysis).

plot.deriv1 <- fn.sslogis.deriv1(x.seq, a, m, s)

I found in the help pages above that I could do this based only on the
loess curve. I can take the diff of the loess prediction to calculate
a new function that has two local minimums.

loess.2000 <- loess($x[na.dat.2000]$dat[na.dat.2000])
loess.predict <- predict(loess.2000, newdata=x.seq)
loess.predict1 <- diff(loess.predict)

loess.predict2 <- c(NA,loess.predict1)
plot(x.seq, loess.predict2, main="diff(loess model)")

However, this still isn't providing me a means to get the points of
transition along this line.

Is there a better way to then pick off the change points or find the
asymptotes of a function in R?

Thank you.


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