Good Afternoon,

   I have the following code, but it seems that something must be doing
wrong, because it is giving the results I want.
The idea is to create segments while the value of Commutation is less than
for example, from the small set of data below

val_user  pos    v    v_star    v_end    commutation    v_source   
1    1 96-96    1173438391    1173438391    0    96    96
3    2    126-126    1172501729    1172501532    197    126    126
3    3    126-35    1174404177    1172501909    1902268    126    35
3    4    35-56    1174404252    1174404221    31    35    56
3    5    56-99    1174404295    1174404295    0    56    99
3    6    99-92    1174404536    1174404535    1    99    92
3    7    92-99    1174404660    1174404658    2    92    99
3    8    99-43    1174405442    1174405442    0    99    43
3    9    43-99    1174405545    1174405544    1    43    99
3    10    99-43    1174405581    1174405581    0    99    43
3    11    43-99    1174405836    1174405836    0    43    99
3    12    99-43    1174405861    1174405861    0    99    43
3    13    43-99    1174405875    1174405875    0    43    99
3    18    101-113    1174410215    1174410214    1    101    113
3    19    113-36    1174410261    1174410261    0    113    36
3    20    36-60    1174410268    1174410268    0    36    60
3    21    60-101    1174660357    1174411020    249337    60    101
3    22    101-191    1174666205    1174662119    4086    101    191
3    23    191-196    1174666278    1174666265    13    191    196
3    24    196-9    1174666398    1174666366    32    196    9
3    25    9-101    1175154139    1174667144    486995    9    101
3    26    101-37    1175160182    1175159734    448    101    37
3    27    37-55    1175160256    1175160257    -1    37    55
4    1    11-11    1216304836    1216304127    709    11    11
4    2    11-11    1216370154    1216312995    57159    11    11
4    3    11-11    1216373234    1216372799    435    11    11
4    4    11-11    1216373974    1216373373    601    11    11
4    5    11-11    1216382659    1216379277    3382    11    11
4    6    11-11    1216397081    1216395201    1880    11    11
4    7    11-11    1216397339    1216397131    208    11    11
4    8    11-11    1216630649    1216399235    231414    11    11
4    9    11-11    1216637080    1216631541    5539    11    11
4    10    11-11    1216646563    1216640763    5800    11    11
4    11    11-11    1216656338    1216651635    4703    11    11
df1 <-read.table(textConnection(text), header=TRUE)

inx <- df1$commutation > 1000
comm1000 <- cumsum(inx)

result <- split(df1[!inx, ], list(comm1000[!inx], df1$v_source[!inx],
result <- sapply(result, function(x) c(x$val_user[1], x$v_source[1],
x$v_destine[1], nrow(x), mean(x$comm)))
result <- na.exclude(t(result))

rownames(result) <- 1:nrow(result)
colnames(result) <- c("user", "v_source", "v_destine", "count", "average")
attr(result, "na.action") <- NULL
attr(result, "class") <- NULL

This give:
   user v_source v_destine count Min Max     average

but the results I want:
user v_source v_destine count Min Max     average
1       96      96      1       0       0       0.0000000
3       126     126     1       197     197     197.0000000
 3              35             56     1         31      31      31.0000000

I think there is a problem in the order of the different blocks, I don’t
understand, how is that data are organized.
The idea is to keep the organization of the file near the original.


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