On Thu, 15 Mar 2012, Bert Gunter wrote:

Bill et. al:

1. This is new to me. Thanks.

2. As I read the man page, this is not guaranteed to work if the model
fitting function does not contain sufficient interrupts. Is that

Yes. If someone wrote a model fitting package in Fortran with no callbacks then it is not interruptible, including not by timers. In that case all you can do is to kill the R session.

The author of setTimeLimit()

-- Bert

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:14 PM, William Dunlap <wdun...@tibco.com> wrote:
There is a setTimeLimit function in base.  It could be encapsulated into
the following to limit the time spent on an expression:

timeOut <- function (expr, ...)  {

Using setTimeLimit(transient = TRUE) is slightly simpler here.

E.g., with the following slow way to compute Euler's phi
  f <- function(n) sum(sapply(seq_len(n), function(i)1/i)) - log(n)
I get
 > timeOut(f(1e5), elapsed=1)
 [1] 0.5772207
 > timeOut(f(1e6), elapsed=1)
 Error in FUN(1:1000000[[711624L]], ...) : reached elapsed time limit
Use try() or tryCatch() to check for the error.  E.g.,
 > sapply(1:7, function(n)tryCatch(timeOut(f(10^n), elapsed=1), 
 [1]  0.6263832  0.5822073  0.5777156  0.5772657  0.5772207 -1.0000000 
You could look at 'e' in the error handler to see if it is a time out problem.

Bill Dunlap
Spotfire, TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com

-----Original Message-----
From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On 
Of Bert Gunter
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:05 PM
To: Ramiro Barrantes
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Timer on a function

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Ramiro Barrantes
<ram...@precisionbioassay.com> wrote:

I have a program that consists of a loop fitting a function over many
models.  Sometimes the fitting on a particular model takes minutes to converge. 
 Is there
a way that I can limit the amount of time that R spends on a given model:

AFAIK, no -- this is an OS level issue.

Of course, most iterative fitting procedures have controls for the
number of iterations, convergence criteria, etc. , but there is no
awareness of timing except when the OS is interrogated, e.g. by
?proc.time or ?system.time . Such calls would have to be built into
the fitting function or OS level services would have to be invoked to
run the R process with timing limitations built in. See e.g. ?Rscript
for one possible approach.

Corrections or clever tricks to get around these perceived limitations
welcomed, of course.

-- Bert


say if my line is:

fittingFunction( func, model.1)

can I have some function:

stopIfUnderTime(  fittingFunction( func, model.1) , 5 )

where stopIfUnderTime will return the result if it finishes under 5 seconds, or 

Is there anything like this?  (just looked through the web but did not find 


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Bert Gunter
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Bert Gunter
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