
_may_ be of use...

But if the file calls it Fe and you want to label it "Iron," then
you'll need some sort of explicit dictionary.

-- Bert

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Robert Sandefur <rsande...@cam-llc.com> wrote:
> List and Jim:
> My solution works to my satisfaction so perhaps I should not have not ask. 
> The problem was basically this:
> 1. I receive a CSV file containing assays on various chemical elements. The 
> names of these fields are inconsistent in terms of spelling, length and case.
> 2. As an example I would like to do a cumulative frequency on each of the 
> fields and have the plot labeled with the name of the field as well is 
> operating on that field.
> 3. The reason I wrote sourcearg was to simultaneously have a command that 
> would do the cum freq and label the plot
> i.e. sourcearg  generates and sources
> vuse=(TCU+0.01-DUPTCU+0.01)/(TCU+0.01+DUPTCU+0.01)/2
> qqnorm(vuse,main=\"Redacted TCUCumFreq
> ((TCU+0.01-DUPTCU+0.01)/(TCU+0.01+DUPTCU+0.01)/2)")
> Which gives me what I want but I can't embed the picture because of the 
> restrictions on the mailing list.
> Thanx
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jim holtman [mailto:jholt...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 09:47
> To: Robert Sandefur
> Cc: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] sourcearg function is there a better way already built into R
> The basic question is what do you want the function to do.  It seems
> convoluted and I am not sure exactly what you are giving it as input
> and what you expect as output. Not exactly sure of what the 'sink' and
> 'source' are supposed to do.  So "tell me what you want to do, not how
> you want to do it".
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Robert Sandefur <rsande...@cam-llc.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> I work with a lot of laboratory analytical data and I often have
>> inconsistent names of files and variables within those files so I wrote
>> this sourcearg function to facilitate handling file and variable names
>> as both character and R names. The source of the function is given below
>> sourcearg=function(arg){
>> su=sprintf("%s\n",arg)
>> sink("TMPTMPRarg")
>> printf("%s\n",arg) # printf = cat(sprintf(....))
>> sink()
>> source("TMPTMPRarg")
>> return(su)
>> }
>> A trival invocation is given below but the next time I get data the
>> names of assays might be Mg,MN,and Fe
>> asyl=c("MG","MN")
>> for(asy in asyl){
>> j=read.csv(sprintf("%sDUPS.csv",asy),head=T)
>> attach(j)
>> printf("plot(%s,DUP%s,log=\"xy\")",asy,asy)
>> sourcearg(sprintf("plot(%s+0.01,DUP%s+0.01,log=\"xy\",main=\"Redacted
>> %s\nOrg Log+0.01 vs Dup Log+0.01 Plot\" )",asy,asy,asy))
>> print(names(j))
>> ipsend()
>> detach(j)
>> }
>> A more typical invocation would use tapply to get the names of all the
>> variables in the CSV file into asyl and then do the for loop.
>> sourcearg works fine for my purposes but my question is:  is there a
>> better way to do this in R that is already built-in?
>> Thanx
>> Robert (Bob) L. Sandefur PE
>> Senior Geostatistician / Reserve Analyst
>> CAM
>>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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> --
> Jim Holtman
> Data Munger Guru
> What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
> Tell me what you want to do, not how you want to do it.
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics

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