Hi Martin,

Thanks! You were right.  Quotes seemed to work, except I kept running into
a problem on the following line:

time <- "GSE19829-GPL570_eset$days_to_death" / 365

The error is that R atomic vector operator invalid.  It's actually much
easier if I could use quotes rather than re-name-- so is there any way to
put quotes around the columns in "GSE19829-GPL570_eset" such that it does
what i want it to?

In the above "time" example, I just want to take the values in the column
and divide by 365, but the quotes are messing it up. Any clarification
would be really greatly appreciated!



On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Martin Morgan <mtmor...@fhcrc.org> wrote:

> On 02/15/2012 12:18 PM, Ben Ganzfried wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I keep getting the following warning:
>>  data(GSE19829-GPL570_eset)
>> Warning in data(GSE19829 - GPL570_eset) :
>>   data set ‘GSE19829 - GPL570_eset’ not found
>>> ## maybe str(GSE19829-GPL570_eset) ; plot(GSE19829-GPL570_eset) ...
> Hi Ben --
> '-' is being parsed as a minus sign;  you could (I think) quote it
>  `GSE19829-GPL570_eset`
> or better come up with a legal name.
> Martin
>>> if(require(affy)){
>> +   summary(GSE19829-GPL570_eset$**vital_status)
>> +  }
>> Error in summary(GSE19829 - GPL570_eset$vital_status) :
>>   object 'GSE19829' not found
>> Execution halted
>> This error does not happen on other of my other .Rd files.  None of the
>> other .Rd files have a "-" character in their title.  for example, the
>> other files have the following:
>>> data(GSE1234)
>> OR
>>> data(GSE5678)
>> I think the issue is the "-" character, but I'm not sure.  Does anyone
>> know
>> if this is the case?  And if so, how do I fix it?  If not, any other
>> suggestions?
>> Much thanks!
>> Ben
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