ancova in HH is a wrapper for aov
that displays a set of lattice plots.

the problem you are seeing is probably that glht ignores covariates (with an 
appropriate message) unless you specify an optional argument.
I will reply in more detail when i am at
my computer.

in the meantime, look at ?glht in the multcomp package and at
?mmc in the HH package for examples.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2012, at 13:28, peter dalgaard <> wrote:

> Inline below
> On Feb 12, 2012, at 13:39 , Evagelopoulos Thanasis wrote:
> [...]
>> Because there exist significantly different regression slopes, I did a post 
>> hoc test with glht() to find out between which samplings:
>>> summary(glht(mod, linfct=mcp(sampling="Tukey")))
> I believe this compares the intercepts, not slopes. Slope differences are in 
> the sampling:dist interaction terms.
>> The results seem to say that there are no significantly different slopes for 
>> any of the pair-wise comparisons of factor levels:
>> Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
>> Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
>> Fit: aov(formula = h ~ sampling * dist, data = data)
>> Linear Hypotheses:
>>            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
>> sp - au == 0  0.06696    0.04562   1.468    0.457
>> su - au == 0 -0.02238    0.04562  -0.491    0.961
>> wi - au == 0  0.01203    0.04562   0.264    0.994
>> su - sp == 0 -0.08934    0.04562  -1.958    0.204
>> wi - sp == 0 -0.05493    0.04562  -1.204    0.624
>> wi - su == 0  0.03441    0.04562   0.754    0.875
>> (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
> We don't have coefficients for your model, so it is a bit hard to tell what 
> the parameter functions are, but I would expect those NOT to be the slope 
> differences.
>> Warning message:
>> In mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
>> covariate interactions found -- default contrast might be inappropriate
>> My questions are:
>> - Did I make a mistake somewhere? (I probably did!)
> You need to figure out how to get glht to look at the appropriate linear 
> hypothesis (and mcp(sampling=...) is not right). I'd do a straight lm() 
> analysis so that I'd know exactly what the parameters mean -- aov() can be a 
> little too good at hiding technical details from the user! 
>> - Could I do pairwise ANCOVAs and thus have just two factor levels (=two 
>> regression slopes) to compare each time?
> Possibly, but you'd lose the multiple comparison features of glht.
>> What does the warning message "covariate interactions found -- default 
>> contrast might be inappropriate" mean?
> That you likely don't want to look at intercepts (or whatever the "sampling" 
> parameters represent --- I'm not familiar with that ancova() function) in the 
> presence of interactions... 
>> Thank you!
>> Athanasios Evagelopoulos
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