
I have looked at SWord before, but to my knowledge it does not deal directly 
with the tabular objects created by the tables package (please correct me if I 
am wrong).  These objects do have a matrix as the main data, but the attributes 
are different from the usual dimnames.   There are functions in tables that 
will then take this structure and print it out in a nice way with the headers, 
or work with the latex function to create a nice table for LaTeX, but there are 
not (yet) tools for doing this in MS products.  SWord and R2wd (and other 
tools) could transfer the data just fine, but then the column and row 
names/headers would still need to be put in by hand, which negates the whole 
convenience of using these tools.  One option would be to have a function in 
tables that converted to a regular matrix with some form of meaningful dimnames 
that could then be used with R2wd or SWord or odfWeave or other tools (that was 
one of my suggestions).

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

From: Richard M. Heiberger []
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 11:20 AM
To: Greg Snow
Cc: Duncan Murdoch; Tal Galili; r-help
Subject: Re: [R] nice report generator?


Please look at the SWord package.  This package integrates MS Word with R
in a manner similar to the SWeave integration of LaTeX with R.
Download SWord from<>
If you have a recent download of RExcel from the RAndFriends installer, then
you will already have SWord on your machine.


On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Greg Snow 
<<>> wrote:

If you are taking suggestions for expanding the tables package (looks great) 
then I would suggest some way to get the tables into MS products.  If I create 
a full output/report myself then I am happy to work in LaTeX, but much of what 
I do is to produce tables and graphs to clients that don't know LaTeX and just 
want something that they can copy and paste into powerpoint or word.  For this 
I have been using the R2wd package (and the wdTable function for the tables).  
I would love to have some toolset that I could use your tables package to 
create the main table, then transfer it fairly simply to word or excel.  I 
don't care much about the fluff of how the table looks (coloring rows or 
columns, line widths, etc.) just getting it into a table (not just the text 

One possibility is just an as.matrix method that would produce something that I 
could feed to wdTable.  Or just a textual representation of the table with 
columns separated by tabs so that it could be copied to the clipboard then 
pasted into excel or word (I would then let the client deal with all the tweaks 
on the appearance).


-----Original Message-----
[<>] On 
Behalf Of Duncan Murdoch
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 4:52 PM
To: Tal Galili
Cc: r-help
Subject: Re: [R] nice report generator?

On 11-12-08 1:37 PM, Tal Galili wrote:
> Helloe dear Duncan, Gabor, Michael and others,
> Do you think it could be (reasonably) possible to create a bridge between a
> "cast_df" object from the {reshape} package into a table in Duncan's new
> {tables} package?

I'm not that familiar with the reshape package (and neither it nor
reshape2 appears to have a vignette to give me an overview), so I don't
have any idea if that makes sense.  The table package is made to work on
dataframes, and only dataframes.  It converts them into matrices with
lots of attributes, so that the print methods can put nice labels on.
But it's strictly rectangular to rectangular in the kinds of conversions
it does, and from the little I know about reshape, it works on more
general arrays, converting them to and from dataframes.

> That would allow one to do pivot-table like operations on an object using
> {reshape}, and then display it (as it would have been in excel - or better)
> using the {tables} package.

You'll have to give an example of what you want to do.

Duncan Murdoch

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> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 5:24 PM, 
> Michael<<>>  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> In addition to Excel style tables, it would be great to have Excel 2010
>> Pivot Table in R...
>> Any thoughts?
>> Thanks a lot!
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 4:49 AM, Tal 
>> Galili<<>>  wrote:
>>> I think it would be *great *if an extension of Duncan's new "tables"
>>> package could include themes and switches as are seen in the video Gabor
>>> just linked to.
>>> Tal
>>>   On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Gabor Grothendieck<
>>><>>  wrote:
>>>>   On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 11:42 PM, 
>>>> Michael<<>>  wrote:
>>>>> Do you have an example...? Thanks a lot!
>>>> See this video:
>>>> --
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