Thanks, Mark. These pages are kind of outdated. I guess I should be
able to make the materials in these blog posts into LyX 2.0.3. If
anybody is interested in testing, please contact me offline.

Yihui Xie <>
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web:
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Mark Lamias <> wrote:
> I use pgfSweave so that I can embed R code and output in LaTeX;
> pgfSweave depends on the formatR package to format the code, and the highlight
> package to highlight R code; graphics are based on tikzDevice, which has 
> better quality than R's PDF or postscript output, in my opinion.
> Check out the developer's page here:  
> abd
> ________________________________
>  From: Giovanni Azua <>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 9:33 AM
> Subject: [R] R-latex syntax highlighting?
> Hello,
> Can anyone provide or point me to a good setup for the listings latex package 
> that would produce nice R-syntax highlighting?
> I am using an example I found in internet for setting up listings like this:
> \lstset{
> language=R,
> basicstyle=\scriptsize\ttfamily,
> commentstyle=\ttfamily\color{gray},
> numbers=left,
> numberstyle=\ttfamily\color{red}\footnotesize,
> stepnumber=1,
> numbersep=5pt,
> backgroundcolor=\color{white},
> showspaces=false,
> showstringspaces=false,
> showtabs=false,
> frame=single,
> tabsize=2,
> captionpos=b,
> breaklines=true,
> breakatwhitespace=false,
> title=\lstname,
> escapeinside={},
> keywordstyle={},
> morekeywords={}
> }
> But I know that using the color latex package it can look a lot nicer and I 
> guess some people might have configured that before and are willing to share 
> it?
> I'm also interested in the a similar problem best way to put R code with 
> syntax highlighting into a presentation. I use Apple's Keynote.
> Many thanks in advance,
> Best regards,
> Giovanni
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