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Neotropical bat risk assessments <> wrote:

>Issue with PLYR.
>Now using R 2.14 and this data and plyr command line worked with 2.13
>I am also loading the same saved data that worked previously, but now 
>some issue.
> > library(plyr)
> > UNESCO <- dget('C:/Carbon-GJ/BZE_ecosys.robj')
> > df2 <- ddply(df, "UNESCO", summarise, total_ha = sum(Ha))
>*Error in if (empty(.data)) return(.data) :
>   missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed*
>Ideas suggestions?
>Some change in PLYR?
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  • [R] New PLYR issue Neotropical bat risk assessments
    • Re: [R] New PLYR issue Jeff Newmiller

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