Dear all, I'm trying to replicate the panel function behaviour that Deepayan and others discuss here:
and Oscar Lamigueiro refers to here and provides sample code for: where a polygon is generated around lines on panels to display the confidence interval bounds for that line as a polygon around the line. My data consists of counts by ageband and confidence intervals around those counts. I cannot seem to get the prepanel function that the above threads describe to function with my data - I get a message that "Argument is not interpretable as logical". I am clearly doing something wrong, but I can't work out where. Here is some sample code and pseudo-data that shows the problem, which is somewhere in the panel.superpose call or the my.panel.bands function as I have defined it. Any guidance much appreciated! Martin Ralphs Methodology Directorate Office for National Statistics UK # Setup package libraries... library(lattice) # Setup sample dataset... area <- c(rep("A1",7),rep("A2",7),rep("A3",7),rep("A4",7)) areanm <- c(rep("ZONE1",7),rep("ZONE2",7),rep("ZONE3",7),rep("ZONE4",7)) ageband <- c("25-29","30-34","35-39","40-44","45-49","50-54","55-59") ageband <- rep(ageband,4) est <- c(1153,917,691,337,53,144,108,8454,6912,5423,7158,5728,4500,3565,17427,13753, 14466,14464,10303,9231,9248,7807,7814,9259,9492,8568,7339,5939) lci <- c(521,380,119,0,0,0,0,6693,5271,4046,5536,4220,3185,2340,14907,11497, 12140,12140,8401,7409,7320,6069,6157,7320,7499,6693,5714,4481) uci <- c(1879,1620,1080,639,296,477,296,10307,8528,6954,8863,7180,5815,4660,20093, 16102,16860,16860,12399,11190,11080,9531,9642,11080,11300,10307,9086,7518) data1 <-,areanm,ageband),stringsAsFactors=TRUE) data2 <- cbind(est,lci,uci) data <- cbind(data1,data2) # Setup colour palette (blue, red, green) pallc1 <- c("#2F54CB","#BE2C2C","#326C39") # Divide populations by 1000 data$est <- data$est / 1000 data$lci <- data$lci / 1000 data$uci <- data$uci / 1000 my.panel.bands <- function(x,y,upper,lower,subscripts, ...,font,fontface) { upper <- upper[subscripts] lower <- lower[subscripts] panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),col=fill,border=FALSE,...) } ptitle <- paste("Test Plot\n","Estimate vs Other Sources in Region",sep="") lp1 <- xyplot(data$ageband ~ data$est | data$areanm, main=list(label=ptitle,cex=1), layout=c(2,2), panel=function(x,y,...){ panel.superpose(x,y,upper=data$uci,lower=data$lci, panel.groups='my.panel.bands',type="l",col='gray',...) panel.xyplot(x,y,...,col=pallc1,type="l",lty=1,lwd=2) }, as.table=TRUE, grid="h", key=list( text=list(c("Estimate")), space="right", between=0.5, size=2, fontface="plain", cex=0.7, lines=list(col=pallc1,lty=1,lwd=2) ), aspect=565/800, ylab="Age Band", xlab="Count (Thousands)", scales=list( y=list(fontface="plain",cex=0.6), x=list(fontface="plain",relation="free",cex=0.6)), strip=strip.custom(bg="#FFFFFF",par.strip.text=list(fontface="plain",cex=0.55))) plot(lp1) For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at ********************************************************************************* Please Note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic communications ********************************************************************************* Legal Disclaimer : Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Office for National Statistics ********************************************************************************* The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Cable&Wireless Worldwide in partnership with MessageLabs. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) On leaving the GSi this email was certified virus free. Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes. ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.