Excellent! Thank you!


On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 11-10-08 11:04 AM, Ben qant wrote:
>> Thank you!
>> Sorry, I have a couple more questions:
>> 1) How to I turn off the box shading completely? I figured out how to
>> lighten it up to a grey color with col=c("white"...  . I looked in the
>> package pdf, but I didn't see anything.
>> 2) I read about the zunit in the package pdf, but no matter what I change
>> it
>> to it doesn't seem to change anything.
>> Here is where I am at right now:
>> x<- 1:10
>> y<- 1:10
>> z<- matrix(outer(x-5,y-5) + rnorm(100), 10, 10)
>> open3d()
>> persp3d(x, y, z, col="red",
>> alpha=0.7,aspect=c(1,1,1),**xlab='',ylab='',zlab='z', axes=F)
>> bbox3d(xat=c(5, 6), xlab=c("a", "b"), yat=c(2,4,6), zunit=10,
>> col=c("white","black"))
> You need to play with the "material properties" of the bounding box.  I
> think this gives what you want:
> bbox3d(xat=c(5, 6), xlab=c("a", "b"), yat=c(2,4,6), zunit=10,
>  col="black", front="line", back="line", lit=FALSE)
> I see different axes for zunit=5, zunit=10, zunit=20.  Not sure why you
> don't.
> Duncan
>  Thank you for your help!
>> Ben
>> On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 5:09 AM, Duncan 
>> Murdoch<murdoch.duncan@gmail.**com<murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>
>> >wrote:
>>  On 11-10-07 2:32 PM, Ben qant wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm using the rgl package and plotting a plot with it. I'd like to have
>>> all
>>>> the axes values auto-hide, but I want to plot a series of characters
>>> instead
>>>> of the values of the measurement for 2 of the axes. So in the end I will
>>>> have one axis (z actually) behave per normal (auto-hide) and I'd like
>>>> the
>>>> other two axes to be custom character vectors that auto-hide.
>>> The axes in rgl are a little messy.  It's been on my todo list for a long
>>> time to fix them, but there are a lot of details to handle, and only so
>>> much
>>> time.
>>> Essentially there are two separate systems for axes:  the "bbox3d"
>>> system,
>>> and the "axis3d" system.  The former is the ones that appear and
>>> disappear,
>>> the latter is really just lines and text added to the plot.
>>>> Example:
>>>> x<- 1:10
>>>> y<- 1:10
>>>> z<- matrix(outer(x-5,y-5) + rnorm(100), 10, 10)
>>>> open3d()
>>>> persp3d(x, y, z, col="red", alpha=0.7,
>>>> aspect=c(1,1,0.5),xlab='',****ylab='',zlab='', axes=F)
>>>> For the above, axes=F for demonstration purposes only. Now when I call:
>>>> axes3d()
>>>> ...the axis values hide/behave the way I want, but I want my own
>>> characters
>>>> in there instead of the values that default.
>>> You want to use the bbox3d() call.  For example,
>>> bbox3d(xat=c(5, 10), xlab=c("V", "X"), yat=c(2,4,6), zunit=10)
>>> for three different types of labels on the three axes.  It would be nice
>>> if
>>> axis3d had the same options as bbox3d, but so far it doesn't.
>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>> Trying again:
>>>> open3d()
>>>> persp3d(x, y, z, col="red", alpha=0.7,
>>>> aspect=c(1,1,0.5),xlab='',****ylab='',zlab='', axes=F)
>>>> axis3d('x',labels='test')
>>>> ...puts in a custom character label 'test', but I loose the
>>> behavior/hiding.
>>>> Also, then how do I get the values for the z axis to populate with the
>>>> default values and auto-hide with the other two custom string axes
>>>> auto-hiding?
>>>> I'm pretty sure I need to use bbox3d(), but I'm not having any luck.
>>>> I'm new'ish to R and very new to the rgl package. Hopefully that makes
>>>> sense.
>>>> Thanks for your help!
>>>> ben
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