statquant2 wrote on 09/28/2011 10:01:30 AM:
> Hello I am trying to write a function that would plot timeseries 
> I aim at plotting two time-series on 2 different y axis sharing the same
> x-axis
> I succeded in doing so: 
> plotTimeSerie(x,y,y2,[a lot of other args]){
> ...
> plot()
> axis.POSIXct(side=1) #here I build the x-axis 
> points() #here I plot the first time serie related to y-axis
> ...
> axis(side=2,[some args])
> text(side=2,text="",[some args]) #here I build the y-left axis and 
> with text
> ...
> points() #here I plot the first time serie related to y-right axis
> axis(side=4,[some args])
> text(side=2,text="",[some args]) #here I build the y-right axis and 
> with text
> }
> My problem is that I would like the user to be able to specify any
> parameters he wishes for the axis/points functions.
> How can I make plotTimeSerie handling any parameters and pass them into 
> specified functions (points,axis...)?

You'll have to create argument names that specify which function they are 
to be passed to.  For example:

myplot <- function(x, y, pt.col="black", ax1.col="black", ax2.col="black") 
        plot(x, y, type="n", axes=F)
        points(x, y, col=pt.col)
        axis(1, col=ax1.col)
        axis(2, col=ax2.col)
myplot(1:10, 1:10, pt.col="red", ax1.col="blue", ax2.col="orange")

If there was one function that you thought would need the most 
specifications, you could use ellipses (...) to allow for inclusion of any 
arguments.  For example:

myplot <- function(x, y, ax1.col="black", ax2.col="black", ...) {
        plot(x, y, type="n", axes=F)
        points(x, y, ...)
        axis(1, col=ax1.col)
        axis(2, col=ax2.col)
myplot(1:10, 1:10, ax1.col="blue", ax2.col="orange", pch=16, col="red", 

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