Thank you.  This is a nice trick, and it works fine for my needs.

It's surprising that there isn't a simple way to get to the drive name.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 10:41 PM, Joshua Wiley <>wrote:

> Hi,
> This comes with absolutely no guarantees (and a good recommendation to
> be cautious), but you could try it:
> myset <- function(name = "", path = "") {
>  res <- vector("character", length(LETTERS))
>  for(i in LETTERS) {
>    res[i] <- shell(shQuote(paste("VOL ", i, ":", sep = '')), intern =
> TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)[1L]
>  }
>  tmp <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", grep(name, res, = TRUE,
> value = TRUE))
>  if (!nzchar(tmp)) stop("No volume with ", name, "label name could be
> found")
>  vol <- strsplit(tmp, "drive|is")[[1L]][2L]
>  fullpath <- paste(vol, ":/", path, sep = '')
>  cat("Setting WD to ", fullpath, fill = TRUE)
>  setwd(fullpath)
> }
> #### Example usage ####
> ## set WD to root of volume with label "FLASH_NAME"
> myset("FLASH_NAME")
> ## set WD so some subdirectory
> myset("FLASH_NAME", "path/to/something")
> At least on my system, this takes awhile to run.  It iterates through
> all the volumes [A-Z], and there will probably be quite a few warnings
> unless all volumes are mounted, but the warnings (at least about not
> finding drives/bad exit status) should be ignorable.
> Cheers,
> Josh
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 2:56 PM, Gene Leynes <> wrote:
> > On the Mac it's pretty easy to get to a USB drive by name.  For example
> the
> > following command works if you have a USB drive named "MYUSB"
> > setwd('/Volumes/MYUSB')
> >
> > Is there a way to do the same thing in Windows (without knowing the drive
> > letter)?
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
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> --
> Joshua Wiley
> Ph.D. Student, Health Psychology
> Programmer Analyst II, ATS Statistical Consulting Group
> University of California, Los Angeles

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