Thanks! However, I added the line of code and receive an error during the
optim() procedure:

rror in fn(par, ...) : could not find function "kf"

The update code is here:

tmp <- ts(read.table("";,
header=T), start=c(1978,1), frequency=12) * 100
y <- tmp[,1:4] - tmp[,"RKFREE"]
colnames(y) <- colnames(tmp)[1:4]
market <- tmp[,"MARKET"] - tmp[,"RKFREE"]
m <- NCOL(y)
k <- m * (m+1) / 2

# 'k' is the number of independent parameters in an m-by-m covariance
# matrix, and two such matrices are estimated (Ht and Qt, both time
# invariant). Hence the unknown parameter theta has length 2k.

Zt <- sapply(seq_along(market), function(i) market[i] %x% diag(m))
dim(Zt) <- c(m, m, length(market))
Rt <- diag(nr = m)
logLik <- function(theta) {
   a <- diag(exp(0.5 * theta[1:m]), nr = m)
   a[upper.tri(a)] <- theta[(m + 1):k]
   Ht <- crossprod(a)
   a <- diag(exp(0.5 * theta[1:m + k]), nr = m)
   a[upper.tri(a)] <- theta[-(1:(k + m))]
   Qt <- crossprod(a)
   lik <- kf(yt = t(y), Zt = Zt, Tt = diag(nr = m), Rt = Rt, Ht = Ht,
   Qt = Qt, a1 = rep(0, m), P1 = matrix(0, m, m),
   P1inf = diag(rep(1, m)), optcal = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))

fit <- optim(par = rep(0, 2 * k), fn = logLik, method = "BFGS",
control = list(maxit = 500))

# With the MLEs of the unknown parameters one can compute the
smoothing estimates of the
# betas (Figure 11), as the following code illustrates

theta <- fit$par
a <- diag(exp(0.5 * theta[1:m]), nr = m)
a[upper.tri(a)] <- theta[(m+1):k]
Ht <- crossprod(a)
a <- diag(exp(0.5 * theta[1:m + k]), nr = m)
a[upper.tri(a)] <- theta[-(1:(k + m))]
Qt <- crossprod(a)
smoothCAPM <- ks(kf(yt = t(y), Zt = Zt, Tt = diag(nr = m), Rt = Rt,
Ht = Ht, Qt = Qt, a1 = rep(0, m), P1 = matrix(0, m, m),
P1inf = diag(rep(1, m))))
betas <- ts(t(smoothCAPM$ahat), start = start(market),
freq = frequency(market))

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Giovanni Petris [via R] <> wrote:

> Oops..
> You need to add the following line, right after the "m <- NCOL(y)"
> statement:
> k <- m * (m+1) / 2
> 'k' is the number of independent parameters in an m-by-m covariance
> matrix, and two such matrices are estimated (Ht and Qt, both time
> invariant). Hence the unknown parameter theta has length 2k.
> Hope this clarifies the issue.
> Best,
> Giovanni Petris
> On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 19:30 -0700, quantguy wrote:
> > I get the identical error even when applying the sample code from the dlm
> > vignette on state space models:
> >
> > The sample code is here:
> >
> > tmp <- ts(read.table("";, header=T),
> > start=c(1978,1), frequency=12) * 100
> > y <- tmp[,1:4] - tmp[,"RKFREE"]
> > colnames(y) <- colnames(tmp)[1:4]
> > market <- tmp[,"MARKET"] - tmp[,"RKFREE"]
> > rm("tmp")
> > m <- NCOL(y)
> >
> >
> > Zt <- sapply(seq_along(market), function(i) market[i] %x% diag(m))
> > dim(Zt) <- c(m, m, length(market))
> > Rt <- diag(nr = m)
> > logLik <- function(theta) {
> >    a <- diag(exp(0.5 * theta[1:m]), nr = m)
> >    a[upper.tri(a)] <- theta[(m + 1):k]
> >    Ht <- crossprod(a)
> >    a <- diag(exp(0.5 * theta[1:m + k]), nr = m)
> >    a[upper.tri(a)] <- theta[-(1:(k + m))]
> >    Qt <- crossprod(a)
> >    lik <- kf(yt = t(y), Zt = Zt, Tt = diag(nr = m), Rt = Rt, Ht = Ht,
> >    Qt = Qt, a1 = rep(0, m), P1 = matrix(0, m, m),
> >    P1inf = diag(rep(1, m)), optcal = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
> >    return(-lik$lik)
> >   }
> >
> > fit <- optim(par = rep(0, 2 * k), fn = logLik, method = "BFGS", control =
> > list(maxit = 500))
> > fit$conv
> >
> > The parameter K is not defined. If I select an arbitrary value of K
> (looks
> > like it is just a parameter to initialize optimization) I get a separate
> > error.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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