On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 4:57 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsem...@comcast.net>wrote:

> On Aug 22, 2011, at 4:34 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
>> On Aug 22, 2011, at 3:50 PM, R. Michael Weylandt wrote:
>>  Yes. The xCDF/yCDF objects that are returned by the ecdf function can be
>>> called like functions.
>> Because they _are_ functions.
>> > "function" %in% class(xCDF)
>> [1] TRUE
>> > is.function(xCDF)
>> [1] TRUE
>> You know, I spent a good 30 seconds trying to figure out how to put that,
knowing that whatever I said someone would pounce on, yes it is a function
on one hand, but it's not only a function on the other...the dangerous world
of being the small fish in the semi-anonymous list serve pool...point
definitely taken though. What's the official way to say it? "xCDF has a
function class"?

>>> For example:
>>> x = rnrom(50); xCDF = ecdf(x); xCDF(0.3)
>>> # This value tells you what fraction of x is less than 0.3
>>> You can also assign this behavior to a function:
>>> F <- function(z) { xCDF(z) }
>>> F does not inherit xCDF directly though and looses the step-function-ness
>>> of
>>> the xCDF object. (Compare plots of F and xCDF to see one consequence)
>> Not correct. Steps are still there in the same locations.
Yes, but

> "stepfun" %in% class(xCDF)

> "stepfun" %in% class(F)

is what I meant. plot.stepfun() gives those nice little dots at the jumps
that plot.function() doesn't -- hence my reference to the graph. It is an
admittedly minor difference though.

>>> So yes, you can do subtraction on this basis
>>> x = rnrom(50); Fx = ecdf(x); Fx <- function(z) { xCDF(z) }
>> You are adding an unnecessary function "layer". Try (after correcting the
>> misspelling):
>> xCDF(seq(-2,2,by=0.02)) == Fx(seq(-2,2,by=0.02)) # => creating Fx is
>> superfluous
>> x <- function(x){function(x) x}  <==> x <- function(x){ x}
>> "Turtles all the way down."
Just a stupid typo: meant to define xCDF = ecdf(x) as before: I know the
extra function term is silly.  I do like turtles though...preferably in
chocolate than soup

>>  y = rnrom(50); yCDF = ecdf(x); Fy <- function(z) { yCDF(z) }
>>> F <- function(z) {Fx(z) - Fy(z)}
>>> # F <- function(z) {xCDF(z)-yCDF(z)} # Another way to do the same thing
>> As this would have this:
>> F = function(z) xCDF(z)-yCDF(z)
>> plot(seq(-2,2,by=0.02), F(seq(-2,2,by=0.02)) ,type="l")
>> Interesting plot by the way. Unit steps at Gaussian random intervals. I'm
>> not sure my intuition would have gotten there all on its own. I guess that
>> arises from the discreteness of the sampling. I wasn't think that ecdf was
>> the inverse function but seem to remember someone (some bloke named
>> Weylandt, now that I check)  saying as much earlier in the day.
> I take it back. Not necessarily unit jumps, Quantized, yes, but the sample
> I'm looking at has jumps of 0,1,2, and 3  * 0.02 units.  Poisson?  (Probably
> a homework problem in Feller.)

That is a fun little puzzle: now I have something to ponder on the train

And don't listen to that Weylandt bloke, I have it on quite good authority
he doesn't actually know what he's doing.

(By the way, is this a reference to the question about qexp() earlier today?
I hope I said that was the inverse CDF, not the CDF itself: if so, I owe
someone quite an apology...)

>  --
>> David.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Michael
>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Jim Silverton <jim.silver...@gmail.com>
>>> **wrote:
>>>  WHat about if you have two cdfs and you want to subtract them? Like G(x)
>>>> -
>>>> H(x)? Can ecdf do this?
>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:24 PM, R. Michael Weylandt <
>>>> michael.weyla...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  Number 1 can be done as follows:
>>>>> x = rnorm(50); y = rnorm(50)
>>>>> xCDF = ecdf(x); yCDF = ecdf(y)
>>>>> plot(xCDF)
>>>>> lines(yCDF,col=2)
>>>>> For the other ones, you are going to have to be a little more specific
>>>>> as
>>>>> to how you want to do the approximation...but ?density might be a place
>>>>> to
>>>>> start for #4, assuming you meant density of the PDF. If you meant CDF,
>>>>> it I
>>>>> think that's implicit in number 2.
>>>>> Michael Weylandt
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Jim Silverton <
>>>>> jim.silver...@gmail.com>**wrote:
>>>>>  Hello all,
>>>>>> I have two columns of numbers. I would like to do the following:
>>>>>> (1) Plot both cdfs, F1 and F2 on the same graph.
>>>>>> (2) Find smoothed approximations of F1 and F2 lets call them F1hat and
>>>>>> F2hat
>>>>>> (3) Find values for F1hat when we substitue a value of x in it.
>>>>>> (4) Find the corresponding densities of the cdfs.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Jim.
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>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jim.
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>> David Winsemius, MD
>> West Hartford, CT
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> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT

(who has learned not to tempt the gods with imprecise references to R's
class functionality :-) )

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