It isn't clear to me what output you would like to have by your 

However, there certainly is a clearer way of getting there than your 
functions.  If you better define what output you'd like to have (i.e., 
what your table should look like), I may be able to offer some suggestions.

You may want to look at ?prop.table to see if it helps you though.

Erik Iverson

rmail ye wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am confused about fucntion call. After defining a function, I called it
> within another function.
> dt<-cars;          #a copy of R internal dataset "cars" created;
> dt$cat1<-ifelse(dt$speed<20,0,1);
> dt$ind<-ifelse(dt$speed<15,1,2);  #group variable;
> freqtot <- function(data,var){
>   attach(data,warn.conflicts=FALSE)
>   x1 <- data.frame(table(var))
>   names(x1) <- c("Group","cnt")
>   x1$pct<-round(x1$cnt/nrow(data)*100,1)
>   return(x1)
> }
> freqgrp <- function(dt,var,grp,grpcnt){
>   xx<-freqtot(dt,var)
>   for(i in 1:grpcnt) {
>     assign(paste("x",i,sep=""),subset(dt,grp==i))
>     df<-eval(parse(text=paste("x",i,sep="")))
>     yy <- freqtot(df,cat1);
> names(yy)<-c("Group",paste("grp_",i,"_cnt",sep=""),paste("grp_",i,"_pct",sep=""))
>     xx<-merge(xx,yy,by.x="Group",all=TRUE)
>   }
>   print(xx)
> }
> The output is
>> xyz <- freqgrp(dt,cat1,ind,2)
>   Group cnt pct grp_1_cnt grp_1_pct grp_2_cnt grp_2_pct
> 1     0  38  76        23       100        15      55.6
> 2     1  12  24        NA        NA        12      44.4
> But if I substitue the variable "cat1" in line {yy <- freqtot(df,cat1)}, it
> doesn't output the correct results.
> The motivation to write the 2 functions is putting the count and percentage
> for overall & each individual group together, and write the data frame into
> a .csv file.
> Thanks,
> Sean
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