Greetings R Community, One of my favorite packages won't load and I'm not sure why. It loaded earlier today. The problem appears with the snow package, which doBy requires. I tried reinstalling both packages again ,shutting [R] down, reinstalling [R] in the workspace (shortcut). Here's the weird thing. The same exact library loads in another workspace using the same version of [R] with no problem. OS: Windows 7 R version 2.14 (in development) > library(doBy) Loading required package: survival Loading required package: splines Loading required package: R2HTML Loading required package: multcomp Loading required package: mvtnorm Loading required package: lme4 Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: lattice Attaching package: Matrix The following object(s) are masked from package:base: det
Attaching package: lme4 The following object(s) are masked from package:stats: AIC, BIC Loading required package: snow Error in as.character(t) : 't' is missing Error: package snow could not be loaded > recodeVar Error: object 'recodeVar' not found Thank you in advance, Tyler [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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