Huh, not sure I understand your feedback.  There is only 1 file that is 1
large dataframe.  I want to execute the commands on each subject in the
dataframe and ouput their respective files with the subject # and file type
appended (10_green.txt).

How would I do this loop index?
- Show quoted text -

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 1:27 PM, David Winsemius <>wrote:

> On Jun 28, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Edward Patzelt wrote:
>  R help -
>> I am attempting to write a script that has multiple subjects in 1 data
>> file.
>> Each subject has multiple rows with columns as variables.  Here is my
>> code,
>> I am having problem executing it on each unique subject id (dat$Subject).
> One problem that I see is that you are calling all of your files the same
> thing (i.e. overwriting earlier results. Why aren't you using the loop index
> in the naming process?
> (And aeppnd is a logical argument in write.table.)
> ?write.table
> --
> David.
>>  getwd()
>> setwd("/Users/edwardpatzelt/**Desktop/Neuroimaging/MERIT/**SRRT/merge")
>> dat <- read.table("test2.txt", header = TRUE, na.strings = NA,
>> stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "\t")
>> for(i in 1:length(dat))
>> {
>> for (i in 1:)dat[(unique(dat$Subject)),)**]
>> {
>>   colg <- dat[grep("Green", dat$CueProbe),]
>>  colg <- data.frame(colg$SRRTCue.**OnsetTime/1000,
>> (colg$SRRTFix2.OnsetTime-
>> colg$SRRTCue.OnsetTime)/1000, (ifelse((colg$SRRTProbe.ACC == 1 |
>> colg$Probe==
>> "+"), 1, 0)))
>>  colr <- dat[grep("Red", dat$CueProbe),]
>>  colr <- data.frame(colr$SRRTCue.**OnsetTime/1000,
>> (colr$SRRTFix2.OnsetTime-
>> colr$SRRTCue.OnsetTime)/1000, (ifelse((colr$SRRTProbe.ACC == 1 |
>> colr$Probe==
>> "+"), 1, 0)))
>>    write.table(colg, file  = paste(dat$Subject[[1]], sep = "\t", append =
>> "green.txt"), col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
>>  write.table(colr, file  = paste(dat$Subject[[1]], sep = "\t", append =
>> "red.txt"), col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
>>    }
>>  }
>> --
>> Edward H. Patzelt
>> Research Assistant – TRiCAM Lab
>> University of Minnesota – Psychology/Psychiatry
>> VA Medical Center
>> Office: S355 Elliot Hall - Twin Cities Campus
>> Phone: 612-626-0072  Email:
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> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT

Edward H. Patzelt
Research Assistant – TRiCAM Lab
University of Minnesota – Psychology/Psychiatry
VA Medical Center
Office: S355 Elliot Hall - Twin Cities Campus
Phone: 612-626-0072  Email:

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