Thank you for very informative answers. This is great help. Peter, thanks
for correcting the model. That was exactly what I meant - apologies for the

I was able to run the analysis on some simulated data and the subset of data
that I had posted earlier. However, when I apply the analysis to full
dataset, I usually get the following errors-

fm2 <- nls(y ~ b + a * (exp(m1 * -x) + exp(m2 * -x)), start = list(a = 1, b
= 0, m1 = 0.1, m2 = 0.5), trace = TRUE)
84.42045 :  1.0 0.0 0.1 0.5
0.1593364 :   0.072399953 -0.000226868  0.101135423  0.571436093
0.09032837 :  7.897930e-02 7.905359e-06 1.271435e-01 1.872206e+00
0.06834495 :  0.0808842841 0.0005815865 0.1725302473 4.9048478439
Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env) :
  Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model


Error in nls(y ~ b + a * (exp(m1 * -x) + exp(m2 * -x)), start = list(a = 1,
  number of iterations exceeded maximum of 50

Is there a way to optimize the start values? I was unable to try the RStudio
solution as RStudio keeps crashing on my computer.

Also is there any way to set the start value in NLS - I mean if I want to
fit the model to only a subset of data starting at x = 10, how can I specify


On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Dennis Murphy <> wrote:

> Hi:
> If you use RStudio, then you can use its manipulate package to figure
> out starting values for the model visually through sliders. Walmes
> Zeviani posted the template of how to do this last week; I've just
> adapted it for the models under consideration. It's interesting to
> play with this because it shows how strongly some of the parameters
> are correlated with one another...and it's fun :) Thanks to Walmes for
> the excellent tutorial example.
> Firstly, x and y (or the inputs in general) need to be in the global
> environment as vectors of the same length.
> [RStudio is a GUI, so I'm assuming that you run things from its
> command line.] Load the manipulate package (which comes with RStudio)
> and use the manipulate() function to create a plot of the data and fit
> a curve to it. The sliders adjust the parameter values and you play
> with them until the curve fits closely to the data. The range of the
> sliders should match the range of plausible values you think they
> might take. The output of the manipulate() function is a vector of
> starting values that you can pass into nls(), which is done by closing
> the window containing the sliders.
> # Model 1:
> x <- c(1 ,10,  20,  30,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80,  90, 100)
> y <- c(0.033823,  0.014779,  0.004698,  0.001584, -0.002017, -0.003436,
>      -0.000006, -0.004626, -0.004626, -0.004626, -0.004626)
> plot(x, y)          # Initial plot of the data
> start <- list()     # Initialize an empty list for the starting values
> library(manipulate)
> manipulate(
>          {
>            plot(x, y)
>            k <- kk; b0 <- b00; b1 <- b10
>            curve(k*exp(-b1*x) + b0, add=TRUE)
>            start <<- list(k=k, b0=b0, b1=b1)
>          },
>          kk=slider(0.01, 0.2, step = 0.01,  initial = 0.1),
>          b10=slider(0.01, 0.4, step = 0.01, initial = 0.3),
>          b00=slider(-0.01, -0.001, step=0.001,initial= -0.005))
> # When done, start() is a list of named parameters in
> # the global environment
> # Model fit:
> fit1 <- nls(y ~ k*exp(-b1*x) + b0, start = start)
> summary(fit1)
> ### Model 2: [following Peter Dalgaard's suggested model]
> ### Use the estimates from fit1 and shrink b1 to anticipate
> ### potential effect of b2; the initial estimate in the slider for
> ### b1 will be too big, so it needs to be shrunk (a lot :)
> start <- list()
> manipulate(
>          {
>            plot(x, y)
>            k <- kk; b0 <- b00; b1 <- b10; b2 <- b20
>            curve(k*(exp(-b1*x) + exp(-b2*x)) + b0, add=TRUE)
>            start <<- list(k=k, b0=b0, b1=b1, b2 = b2)
>          },
>          kk=slider(0.01, 0.1, step = 0.01,  initial = 0.04),
>          b10=slider(0.01, 0.4, step = 0.01, initial = 0.3),
>          b20 = slider(0.01, 0.1, step = 0.005, initial = 0.05),
>          b00=slider(-0.01, -0.001, step=0.001,initial= -0.004))
> fit2 <- nls(y ~ k*(exp(-b1*x) + exp(-b2*x)) + b0, start = start)
> summary(fit2)
> anova(fit1, fit2)
> HTH,
> Dennis
> On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Diviya Smith <>
> wrote:
> > Hello there,
> >
> > I am trying to fit an exponential fit using Least squares to some data.
> >
> > #data
> > x <- c(1 ,10,  20,  30,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80,  90, 100)
> > y <- c(0.033823,  0.014779,  0.004698,  0.001584, -0.002017, -0.003436,
> > -0.000006, -0.004626, -0.004626, -0.004626, -0.004626)
> >
> > sub <- data.frame(x,y)
> >
> > #If model is y = a*exp(-x) + b then
> > fit <- nls(y ~ a*exp(-x) + b, data = sub, start = list(a = 0, b = 0),
> trace
> > = TRUE)
> >
> > This works well. However, if I want to fit the model : y = a*exp(-mx)+c
> then
> > I try -
> > fit <- nls(y ~ a*exp(-m*x) + b, data = sub, start = list(a = 0, b = 0, m=
> > 0), trace = TRUE)
> >
> > It fails and I get the following error -
> > Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) :
> >  singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates
> >
> > Any suggestions how I can fix this? Also next I want to try to fit a sum
> of
> > 2 exponentials to this data. So the new model would be  y = a*exp[(-m1+
> > m2)*x]+c . Any suggestion how I can do this... Any help would be most
> > appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Diviya
> >
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