Dear Baptiste,

great, many thanks!
One last thing: Do you know why the gpar(cex=0.1) argument is ignored?




## function for correct digit alignment
align.digits <- function(l){
    sp <- strsplit(as.character(l), "\\.")
    chars <- sapply(sp, function(x) nchar(x)[1])
    n <- max(chars)-chars
    l0 <- sapply(n, function(x) paste(rep("0", x), collapse=""))
    labels <- sapply(seq_along(sp), function(i){
        point <- if([[i]][2])) NULL else quote(.)
        as.expression(bquote(phantom(.(l0[i])) * .(sp[[i]][1]) * .(point) * 
.(sp[[i]][2]) ))})

## splom with customized lower.panel
## x: data
## arr: array of containing expressions which are plotted in a grid table in 
##      lower panel (i,j)]
splom2 <- function(x, arr, nr){
    ## function for creating table <- function(vec){ # vector containing lines for table for *one* 
        grid.table(matrix(vec, nrow=nr, byrow=TRUE),
                   parse=TRUE, # parse labels as expressions
                   gpar.coretext=gpar(cex=0.1), # text size
                   gpar.corefill=gpar(fill=NA, col=NA), # make bg transparent
                   core.just="left", padding.h=unit(0,"mm")) # justification of 
    ## splom
    splom(x, varname.cex=1.2,
          superpanel=function(z, ...){
              panel.pairs(z, upper.panel=panel.splom, lower.panel=function(i,j){
              }, ...)

## create data and array of expressions
d <- 4
x <- matrix(runif(d*1000), ncol=d) # data to be plotted with splom
nr <- 3 # number of rows for the panel entries
nc <- 3 # number of cols for the panel entries
arr <- array(list(rep(NA,nr*nc)), dim=c(d,d,nr*nc), dimnames=c("i","j","val")) 
# array containing the table entries per panel
f <- function(i,j) (i+j)*10 # dummy function
eq <- "phantom()==phantom()"
for(i in 1:d){
    for(j in 1:d){
        numbers <- align.digits(c(round(pi,4), round(pi, 6), f(i,j)))
        arr[i,j,] <- c("alpha", eq, numbers[1],
                       "italic(bbb)", eq, numbers[2],
                       "gamma", eq, numbers[3])

## plot
splom2(x, arr, nr=3)

On 2011-04-20, at 22:38 , baptiste auguie wrote:

> Try this,
> align.digits = function(l)
> {
> sp <- strsplit(as.character(l), "\\.")
> chars <- sapply(sp, function(x) nchar(x)[1])
> n = max(chars) - chars
> l0 = sapply(n, function(x) paste(rep("0", x), collapse=""))
> labels = sapply(seq_along(sp), function(i) {
>  point <- if([[i]][2])) NULL else quote(.)
>  as.expression(bquote(phantom(.(l0[i])) * .(sp[[i]][1])*
> .(point)*.(sp[[i]][2]) ))})
> return(labels)
> }
> library(gridExtra)
> d <- align.digits(l = c(125.3, 1.23444444, 12))
> grid.newpage()
> grid.table(d, parse=T, core.just="left", gpar.coretext=gpar(cex=0.5))
> HTH,
> baptiste
> On 21 April 2011 03:07, Marius Hofert <> wrote:
>> Dear Baptiste,
>> very nice, indeed!
>> Two minor issues that remain, are:
>> (1) I tried to omit the decimal dot for those numbers that do not have digits
>>    after the decimal dot. But somehow it does not work...
>> (2) Do you know how one can decrease the text size for the text appearing in 
>> the
>>    lower panel? I tried to work with "cex=0.5"... but it was ignored all the 
>> time.
>> Cheers,
>> Marius
>> library(lattice)
>> library(grid)
>> library(gridExtra)
>> ## function for correct digit alignment
>> align.digits <- function(l){
>>    sp <- strsplit(as.character(l), "\\.")
>>    chars <- sapply(sp, function(x) nchar(x)[1])
>>    n <- max(chars)-chars
>>    l0 <- sapply(n, function(x) paste(rep("0", x), collapse=""))
>>    sapply(seq_along(sp), function(i){
>>        if(length(sp[[1]])==1){
>>            as.expression(bquote(phantom(.(l0[i])) * .(sp[[i]][1])))
>>        }else{
>>            as.expression(bquote(phantom(.(l0[i])) * 
>> .(sp[[i]][1])*.*.(sp[[i]][2])))
>>        }
>>    })
>> }
>> ## splom with customized lower.panel
>> ## x: data
>> ## arr: array of containing expressions which are plotted in a grid table in 
>> the
>> ##      lower panel (i,j)]
>> splom2 <- function(x, arr, nr){
>>    ## function for creating table
>> <- function(vec){ # vector containing lines for table for *one* 
>> panel
>>        grid.table(matrix(vec, nrow=nr, byrow=TRUE),
>>                   parse=TRUE, # parse labels as expressions
>>                   theme=theme.list(
>>                   gpar.corefill=gpar(fill=NA, col=NA), # make bg transparent
>>                   core.just="left", padding.h=unit(0,"mm")) # justification 
>> of labels
>>                   )
>>    }
>>    ## splom
>>    splom(x, varname.cex=1.2,
>>          superpanel=function(z, ...){
>>              panel.pairs(z, upper.panel=panel.splom, 
>> lower.panel=function(i,j){
>>        [i,j,])
>>              }, ...)
>>          })
>> }
>> ## create data and array of expressions
>> d <- 4
>> x <- matrix(runif(d*1000), ncol=d) # data to be plotted with splom
>> nr <- 3 # number of rows for the panel entries
>> nc <- 3 # number of cols for the panel entries
>> arr <- array(list(rep(NA,nr*nc)), dim=c(d,d,nr*nc), 
>> dimnames=c("i","j","val")) # array containing the table entries per panel
>> f <- function(i,j) (i+j)*10 # dummy function
>> eq <- "phantom()==phantom()"
>> for(i in 1:d){
>>    for(j in 1:d){
>>        numbers <- align.digits(c(round(pi,4), round(pi, 6), f(i,j)))
>>        arr[i,j,] <- c("alpha", eq, numbers[1],
>>                       "italic(bbb)", eq, numbers[2],
>>                       "gamma", eq, numbers[3])
>>    }
>> }
>> ## plot
>> splom2(x, arr, nr=3)
>> On 2011-04-20, at 11:56 , baptiste auguie wrote:
>>> On 20 April 2011 21:16, Marius Hofert <> wrote:
>>>> Dear expeRts,
>>>> is there a way to get the entries in each panel correctly aligned 
>>>> according to the
>>>> equality signs?
>>>> Here is the "wish-list":
>>>> (1) the equality signs in each panel should be vertically aligned
>>> You can put the equal signs in their own column,
>>> library(gridExtra)
>>> d = matrix(c("italic(a)", "phantom()==phantom()", round(pi,4),
>>> "italic(b)", "phantom()==phantom()", round(pi,6)), ncol=3, byrow=T)
>>> grid.table(d, parse=T,theme=theme.list(core.just="left"))
>>>> (2) the numbers should be aligned on the decimal point
>>> You could place some phantom()s to do this,
>>> align.digits = function(l)
>>> {
>>> sp <- strsplit(as.character(l), "\\.")
>>> chars <- sapply(sp, function(x) nchar(x)[1])
>>> n = max(chars) - chars
>>> l0 = sapply(n, function(x) paste(rep("0", x), collapse=""))
>>> labels = sapply(seq_along(sp), function(i) {
>>>  as.expression(bquote(phantom(.(l0[i])) * .(sp[[i]][1])*.*.(sp[[i]][2])))})
>>> return(labels)
>>> }
>>> library(gridExtra)
>>> d <- align.digits(l = c(125.3, 1.23444444))
>>> grid.table(d, parse=T,core.just="left")
>>> HTH,
>>> baptiste
>>>> One could adjust the phantom()-arguments by hand to achieve (1), but is 
>>>> there a
>>>> simpler solution? For (2) I have no idea.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Marius
>>>> library(lattice)
>>>> library(grid)
>>>> library(gridExtra)
>>>> ## splom with customized lower.panel
>>>> ## x: data
>>>> ## arr: array of containing expressions which are plotted in a grid table 
>>>> in the
>>>> ##      lower panel (i,j)]
>>>> splom2 <- function(x, arr){
>>>>    ## function for creating table
>>>> <- function(vec){ # vector containing lines for table for 
>>>> *one* panel
>>>>        grid.table(matrix(vec, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE),
>>>>                   parse=TRUE, # parse labels as expressions
>>>>                   theme=theme.list(
>>>>                   gpar.corefill=gpar(fill=NA, col=NA), # make bg 
>>>> transparent
>>>>                   core.just="left", padding.h=unit(0,"mm")) # 
>>>> justification of labels
>>>>                   )
>>>>    }
>>>>    ## splom
>>>>    splom(x, varname.cex=1.4,
>>>>          superpanel=function(z, ...){
>>>>              panel.pairs(z, upper.panel=panel.splom, 
>>>> lower.panel=function(i,j){
>>>>        [i,j,])
>>>>              }, ...)
>>>>          })
>>>> }
>>>> ## create data and array of expressions
>>>> d <- 4
>>>> x <- matrix(runif(d*1000), ncol=d) # data to be plotted with splom
>>>> arr <- array(list(rep(NA, 3*2)), dim=c(d,d,3*2), 
>>>> dimnames=c("i","j","val")) # array containing the table entries per panel
>>>> f <- function(i,j) (i+j)*10+0.1 # dummy function
>>>> for(i in 1:d){
>>>>    for(j in 1:d){
>>>>        arr[i,j,] <- c("alpha==phantom()", round(pi,4),
>>>>                       "italic(bbb)==phantom()", round(pi,6),
>>>>                       "gamma==phantom()", f(i,j))
>>>>    }
>>>> }
>>>> ## plot
>>>> splom2(x, arr)
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